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Everything posted by RuneBrush

  1. I heard yesterday from a friend that his local GW store manager had said that we might expect an update version of the AoS main rules next year. I'm taking this with a large pinch of salt as I've not heard anything from other sources, but would be very interesting if that's the case and could explain why we've been light on releases for the main AoS game (but OK on expansions). I'm thinking we'd find out at the AoS Open Day in March if this is the case.
  2. Very nicely done and a great example of using an airbrush with traditional painting to achieve a really good result
  3. Just realised that nobody has posted up the rumour picture! I'm thinking 40k Aledari - but could be Aelvish too (or provide basis for conversion).
  4. I think we're going to see a proper campaign launch next March which is the most likely candidate for the AoS Open Day.
  5. There are quite a lot of rumours, but nothing substantiated yet as far as I'm aware. Death, Aelves, Slaanesh and Nurgle have all been mentioned in the past (though the Nurgle rumour may well have been done in Blightwars). We also have a few random rumours of pirate goblins!
  6. If somebody twisted my arm, I'd say Goblin Pirates as it's been mentioned in a number of places - I think some of the original AoS books had it in too? However that's nothing more than guesswork on my part Battletome Multi-legged Mushroom Eating Nutters is likely (or perhaps a more generic Grot style Battletome), but I wouldn't be putting money on new models quite yet.
  7. You're right - I got the maw bit right Think the middle one may have an off-hand Gorefist? Good shout on saying it's a hand, I thought it was a weird back pole!
  8. Also - Fleshhound? Could we finally see a plastic one other than Dreadmaw?
  9. Think you're right on that, Imperium related in some form. Part of me wants to say Custodes but didn't think we were getting any more plastics of them
  10. I think we need to wait until we have the book in our hand as we're not entirely sure if there are any extra rules that come with the Firestorm allegiances Really looking forward to it! Love a good map campaign
  11. Shyish too Think I'm coming from the same angle. I'm really looking forward to the map campaign element, but less fussed about additional layers of rules.
  12. Not entirely sure why anyone is getting het up about seeing more Stormcast/Bloodbound? It's a handful of models for a game that's standalone from the main AoS one! Khorne hasn't actually had a model release for months either. I think Shadespire looks really interesting as a concept - I'm looking forward to seeing what price entry point we could expect for the warbands? My gut feeling is it'll be one or maybe two sprues containing the entire warband in the smallest box GW use (similar size to the new Skulls box), so could be around £15/20. But only a month to wait from the looks of it If the pricing is right we could see a "got to get them all" attitude - and lots and lots of conversion potential for our main armies!
  13. It doesn't surprise me to not see any Nurgle daemons or pestigor in the Death Guard book because the Death Guard have historically not really used daemons/mortals in the same way as the Thousand Sons. I think we're going to get a wave of AoS Nurgle releases (Great Unclean One, Beasts, etc) which will integrate with 40k. We know that all new models are going to contain a Dataslate so you can use them in 40k, so there isn't even any need to release a Codex for them, plus it will allow GW to prove releasing new models with rules works
  14. Probably because GW like to play their cards close to their chest so that new releases are really exciting rather than a "we knew that was coming six weeks ago".
  15. Without getting too distracted (this is the rumour thread), it's possible we may see some of the named Shadespire characters being able to be included as a non-leader, so you'd not be limited in matched play. Either that or 3 count as 1 leader slot or similar (though I think that's less likely)
  16. nah, it was only the other day... wasn't it? Really looking forward to the event - sounds like it may be like Seeds of Hope and culminate in a mini tournament tagged onto the AoS Open Day
  17. Ace I was about to say you'd recognise me as the chap with a beard and not much hair, but that's not that descriptive anymore in our hobby
  18. Wouldn't put money on that. Blades of Khorne was the latest Battletome and that didn't have any new models. I actually don't think there's a hard and fast rule on new model releases any more. The only thing we can be certain of is we won't see a new Battletome (or Codex) with rules for models that don't exist in some format.
  19. Cheers! I may have scouted the bar out last month after I went to the Dr Who Experience
  20. Probably going to have to skip Skirmish as not entirely sure what time we'll be arriving in Cardiff - trains have yet to be booked! Should be making an appearance early evening. Out of curiosity, if me and my brother were wanting to sneak a quick AoS game in Friday evening would we need to book btw? Never played at Firestorm
  21. GW have just said on Twitch that they're releasing the Compedium points PDF on Saturday along with the Generals Handbook 2017. Not sure if this changes your decision or not (doesn't make any odds to me )
  22. Twitch has just confirmed that a new compendium points PDF will be released on Saturday along with the release of the new Generals Handbook 2017
  23. Completely agree - it's damned if you do, damned if you don't for you because of the timing of the handbook! Last year was end of July time so hopefully they've now fixed this time of year for the handbook update
  24. I think these particular boxes are very much in keeping as a representation of defenders of Sigmar's cities (they're old school faction plus stormcast rather than the other way round). I can see what you're saying, but would guess that as they're being brought in for what appears to be a narrative expansion it's not necessarily going to be the "norm" - though time will answer that one.
  25. Quickly transcribed the audio from the video. I'm not 100% on the name though, could have been Forticulous or something else entirely!
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