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Everything posted by RuneBrush

  1. I think I'm in a similar boat to most people. I'd like to see downloadable warscrolls staying in some format that isn't within an app (the apps historically haven't got a good record for being kept up to date). There's a whole level of convenience when having them easily available on the website, from allies to new armies, new players etc. More than once I've been looking at the warscroll for a unit that a friend is wanting an opinion on. I'm not advocating that entire battletomes should be free - GW employs a substantial team of game devs, artists, authors and photographers to produce very high production quality battletomes. What I will say is that every person on here needs to feed their views onto to the aosfaq@gwplc.com email address - don't be nasty or rude, remember that the person reading the email won't have been the person who made this decision. Hopefully if enough people provide feedback with some decent reasons on why it's beneficial to stay, that feedback will make its way back to the people who do make the decisions. One last comment that probably requires a mod hat marker. Please bear in mind that we have a zero tolerance policy on piracy on TGA. This isn't open for discussion, because piracy at it's most basic is illegal. Please double check your post to make sure you're not advocating piracy before you hit that "Submit Reply" button as the mods don't want to be knocking at your door 😉
  2. Or 6's to wound increase the rend of the attack by X. No more book keeping than those attacks converting into MWs and still allows a save.
  3. I find many adults I work with have act like a small child 🤣 In all seriousness I don't envy any parents juggling a job, family and hobby!
  4. Far too high - it's why I take forever to finish anything 🤣 In truth, I don't actually have a specific level I aim for, my Legion of Grief/Nighthaunt army I painted up using primarily using contrast and took me around 15 weeks, but is technically the least accomplished army I own with not much in the way of highlights. My Khorne army was probably 8 months in total using the WHTV guides - everything has at least one highlight. Imperial Knights were about 3 years on and off. Nowadays I tend to try and aim to complete a unit within a specific timeframe based on how busy I am with an overarching timescale for the whole army. I'm looking at completing my Gravelords army by the end of the year all being well, so that'll be around about the 6 month mark, aiming for a minimum of 10 hours a week - ideally 20 if time permits. One thing I do is to split my time into assembly, conversion & painting. It gives me enough variety that I don't get bored but does mean that sometimes things appear to take longer than they actually do!
  5. For me this subject is very much a "different strokes for different folks". I've been in the hobby long enough that I remember when unpainted armies were much more common than they are now and seeing an army in white or yellow was as rare as hen's teeth. I've certainly played with unpainted models in the past, but since I've started gaming with a more regular group of friends that's become less common. My own bug bear is when the reason for not painting is because the person couldn't be bothered. I've much less of an issue when the reason is lack of time or not enjoying that part of the hobby. From an aesthetic perspective I think we all agree that a painted army looks better than an unpainted one. What I'll throw into the conversation is that the colour you paint your models actually has an impact from a gaming perspective too - the champion in a unit is infinitely more identifiable, two identical units with different cloth colours are recognisable as two independent units, etc. I'm now going to be controversial 😉 It has never been easier to put paint onto a miniature. We have a range of coloured spray paints, washes, contrast and paints that cover in one coat, combined with a plethora of tutorials and videos. That's not to belittle the amount of time or effort it takes, both things that people have in varying amounts. Where I do think people go wrong though is purchasing whole 2k armies in one hit and being defeated with the scale of the task before even picking up a brush. Some of the best advice I've ever been given (and subsequently given out) wasn't on painting techniques or schemes, but instead was on how to plan painting an army, breaking it down into manageable chunks and putting unpainted models out of sight. The other piece of advice is to remember that army painting is a completely different discipline to display/competition painting. Most people only ever see armies from 3 feet away, so there's no need to paint eyeballs or tiny details that would be invisible at that distance - also don't forget that the people who paint the display miniatures we see on the boxes clock in at least 1800 hours of painting a year (often double that) and have been painting for 5+ years!
  6. I could see some changes but I think it'd be a real shame to see the true children of Chaos lose their chaos allegiance.
  7. Filofax armies 😲 You buy a generals handbook folder that contains all the battleplans for that year and realm rules etc and then the warscroll cards for an army has the allegiance abilities and warscrolls with holes in!
  8. I've said for some time that I'd love to see the basic "concept" of battletomes and codexes change. Rather than a solid hardback book that contains everything, split it into two. A lavish hardback coffee table style book that contains lore, background, artwork, painted miniatures, stories, painting guides etc and then a booklet that contains the allegiance abilities, unit rules etc - basically everything you require to play a game. That booklet could then be made available in digital & warscroll formats to satisfy how different people like to consume that content. I personally dislike using apps in physical games - part of the appeal for me is that playing a game is tactile, I can pass over a warscroll card to my opponent to read, I'll make my own quick reference cards for spells etc. That's entirely my own view - partly stemming from somebody who uses public transport to travel to events a lot (the last thing you need is your mobile phone running out of juice when you need to find out if the train is running on time 😉) If it follows the same format as 40k has (and it's suggestive it is), each battletome will have a code in the back that will unlock the allegiance rules within the app (i.e. abilities and enhancements). Having a subscription would only enable the army building part of the app (and warscroll builder is currently free and remains one of the better ways to create a list). I'd agree that it is a little clunky, I think some of the reason they've gone this route is related to piracy where pretty much every full digital publication they've released has ended up being pilfered within hours of it being released. What we don't currently know about though is if warscrolls are going to remain available to download for all, or if they're going to be locked away behind a purchase of some kind. I expect we'll know a bit more in a couple of weeks on that front though.
  9. Cheers 😁 Cloak current is super simple and just Daemonette Hide with Magos Purple contrast over the top so far! Couple of edge highlights helps to make it pop a bit more. The contrast is a lot more pronounced in the picture than it is in the flesh - potato cam strikes again! I've also matt varnished it to remove some of the sheen that contrast always leaves behind. Look forward to seeing some pics of your models soon!
  10. Time for an update! Progress isn't quite as fast as I'd have liked as real life has been fairly busy. All ten skeletons now have their base coats on and I've started the process of highlighting Apologies on the quality of this photo*, but the "cheeky bonus Watch Captain" has had his metallics and bone highlighted. Two highlights are sadly needed on the metallics which will slow progress down a bit. I have also worked out how I'm highlighting the purple, though I've taken the decision to replace one of the pots of paint as it's an old one and the consistency isn't great (GW reformulated all their paints in the latter part of 2018 and this one is prior to that). * I've no idea why, but my phone has really struggled to take a decent photo of the skeletons so far. Will try again over the weekend as this picture isn't doing the model justice at all! I'm still waiting for the bitz I ordered the other week for the Zombie Dragon, apparently there was a problem and the mail bag didn't get picked up 🤷‍♂️ The terrorgheist has now been based and undercoated though! This means that once I get the skeletons finished I'm ready to crack into that model (a few airbrush sessions are on the cards) - I probably need to work out I'm painting it at some point as I don't even know the colours I'm going to use 🤔 I'm going to give @Overread a gentle nudge now!
  11. Lol, through work I've read loads of books on things like the Chimp Paradox which covers lots of subjects like this 😉
  12. My experience is that "This makes me so mad!" tends to be followed by some arbitrary angry dig about GW being unable to write writes or only doing something for money, or how somebody else's opinion isn't right. If that person steps back and calms down a bit, they'll generally be able to form a significantly more reasonable point without that barbed dig at the end. It's not about justifying why you're angry (which is normally subjective e.g. I don't enjoy that) but explaining what caused that anger (e.g. I don't understand why this has changed).
  13. I'm not saying you do - but I've yet to meet anyone who can acurately convey what they're angry about whilst they're still angry. I think a lot of people don't realise there is a complaints mechanism and many people would rather rant on social media for that endorphin kick when somebody clicks "like". Sorry to be mean about it, I think social media is a really powerful tool at times, but people turn to it far too quickly (I'll now get off my soap box 😉) Just to reinforce this, within the AoS studio, I know two of the team well enough to have a conversation with, having gamed with them and chatted at open days. Would more than happily have a drink with them any day of the week, but I've not got their mobile number on my phone or have them as a friend on Facebook because I don't know them well enough. Holding my hands up, I'm fortunate in that I've played a game on GW's Twitch channel and was given some models to paint up for WD (this was for winning a prize in a painting competition and was offered to all winners). This hasn't given me a direct line into GW (nor should it), but did highlight that the GW staff I encountered are as passionate about the hobby as the rest of us.
  14. One of the things I find on social media is that people seem to have lost the ability to communicate their dissatisfaction in a non-offensive manner. As @Overread quite rightly says, if somebody comes up to you shouting and ranting you're a lot less likely to listen to their opinion. It's really hard to form an argument if you're angry too, because you're letting the reactionary part of the brain do the talking and not the rational part. That's fine if somebody if you've narrowly missed being run over, less great when it's about a hobby you supposedly enjoy. It's also important to remember that the many of the people dealing with those really offensive and angry social media messages are regular folk like you and I - no special training. I'd also argue that if you really want to get your point across, use the GW complaints mechanism rather than social media. That's far more likely to be measured than angry social media posts - most companies don't quantify social media posts beyond a "feeling" and there's also a view that all publicity is good publicity (I'm not including class suits like Blizzard are facing) One of the reasons we're able to have some of these fairly deep conversations on TGA is because we have a no excessive negativity policy and don't tolerate members being rude and offensive - that includes to each other and to non-members. By taking this like (and on odd occasions stepping in) we're able to have some really good and healthy discussions - I can't see this thread having been as civil on Twitter or Facebook.
  15. Think the first episode is still scheduled for this coming Wednesday (it's Abaddon) though we're unlikely to get one a week due to Wade being off work. I don't think any of the new bits will be shown on the Sunday reveal though as that pretty much sticks with physical releases.
  16. +++ MOD HAT +++ Please refrain from insulting people
  17. Not in the slightest! Know many people hop into the rumours thread as their first port of call so would have linked the faq's if they'd not spotted anything 😊
  18. +++ MOD HAT +++ Just in case you've not spotted it, but there's a thread specifically for the FAQ now 😊
  19. Would agree with the general consensus, if you're intending to use a unit at an organised event of some kind, you'll likely need to get dispensation/permission from the TO. For friendlies most people won't have too many issues with going up a base size (within reason - nurgling on 160mm might raise an eyebrow).
  20. +++ MOD +++ It was a general comment aimed at everyone 😉
  21. Although I'm of the opinion that a lot of people are using various issues as excuses at the moment, I can 100% confirm that the shipping and logistics problem does exist. It is different from this time last year because a priority was being put on things like PPE and last September a huge amount of the UK was shut down. It is also impossible to plan because companies have absolutely no control over the process between the point it leaves a manufacturer and when it gets delivered.
  22. +++ MOD HAT +++ Just going to ask for people to read their comments before posting - some of them have (likely unintentionally) come across as quite passive aggressive. Also it's perfectly acceptable not to agree with somebody, but please phrase your disagreement in a way that isn't confrontational...
  23. Overhearing the purchase team where I work, the UK have got logistics issues all over the shop. Containers from other countries aren't anywhere near back to normal and there's a lack of drivers within the UK for transporting them when they do eventually arrive. At times it's like the team here are doing the hokey cokey with incoming deliveries 🤣 Wouldn't be surprised if this weren't the culprit of the various delays/shuffling - would still be useful to have an update from GW on WarCom though.
  24. Sorry to point this out, but a some of this isn't fact - it's assumptions. Let's wait until GW actually makes this move before condemning them shall we? I'll also point out that the AoS 3 rules are still available to download - without warscrolls you can't actually use them. Not having the warscroll in the instruction booklet also makes a lot of sense. Firstly I've yet to meet anybody who actually uses them and secondly we're seeing the life expectancy of warscrolls measured in around 3 years - this makes boxes of miniatures out of date pretty quickly. If you take the warscroll out, the boxes are valid for a much longer period of time. Going to disagree with you in return here 😉 I don't think it's reasonable to expect any content to be provided for free. Neither do the dozens of people who run patreons, put adverts into their YouTube videos or have Kofi accounts open for donations.
  25. Where have you read they're axing free warscrolls?
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