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Everything posted by Sance

  1. Someone gifted me theses exact dwarves models but only 7 of them. I need to find a snow white model to acompany them
  2. As a new player I wanted to build an Aelf army. I used to collect High Elves and Sylvan Elves in Warhammer Fantasy 6th when I was a kid. I play Elves all the time in Total War Warhammer. Getting into AoS i wanted an army with 100% new sculpts. I waited the Lumineth release to pick which one (DoK, Idoneth, Lumineth). I was very impressed by the models, yes including the Cow with hammer dude, the only model i dont like is the stonemage. Tyrion missing was an issue for me, he was my favourite character when i was a kid. But Idoneth have sharks and eels. Sharks > Cows Eels > Horses It was an easy choice, Idoneth are the obvious better looking Aelves army. I'm still gona buy Eltharion and Dawnriders one day just for painting
  3. I'm afraid this will increase the entry fee for new players at AoS. You have to buy the battletome of your army + the appropriate broken realm book + the possible white dwarf magazine. That's still a lot of paper and money just to have the rules to build your army. For me the interest of AoS was the accessibility, the fact of having the warscrolls and the rules of the game for free on the internet. What the heck, the Lumineth battletome came out not long ago. So yeah it's nice to expand the army, having more miniatures and choices is always cool. But hey, if they knew the Air Temple was coming out this year, they should have included it in the book. I think they're shooting themselves in the foot by adding an extra ticket to the game, it makes the game less accessible and in the end it becomes like 40k
  4. I also think we're gonna get either a Warhammer Quest with death and hunters, or a dual box Vampire/zombies versus Order of Azyr for AoS 3.0
  5. Yeah he got the wooden stake, he is defintivly a Vampire hunter !
  6. I'm impressed with everyone paintjob, it's been one year since I started and i feel that i didn't progress much. I'm planning to get better at the hobby in 2021 😅
  7. Finished painting my Silver quest Tower before 2021. Starter somewhere in november, glad it's finished. Some minis where rushed, and i will spend more tome on some of the models that I like. But for now i call it done. And i can start painting things i care more about like my Idoneth army or some of my warcry warbands. Can't wait to play the game, yup i've never played it yet. I wanted to paint the minis before getting into the game
  8. The course of events leads to endtimes, i think people wouldn't mind the alternative timeline
  9. I mean , they can sell square movement tray so you can take your miniatures for AoS or Old World. I think that would be the smartest thing to do. They can sell more accessories, and people jumping from one game system to another (and buy twice the books). Nostalgia is fine and everything, but i hate square base
  10. I remember warmaster miniature when i went to a GW shop when i was a kid. 8mm scale is awful to paint imho. I'm not touching this game if it's less than 28mm in scale (well maybe 15mm is okay ? Joan of Arc is 15mm, it's fine but it's less exciting than 28/32mm like AoS)
  11. Very excited for Bretonnia, it's my favourite faction in Total War Warhammer
  12. I'm one miniature left from finishing painting the Silver Tower box, my next project is to finally play Age of Sigmar (was playing warcry before lockdown) and have an army to play at the end on 2021. 1000 pts of Idoneth to assemble and paint (which i got for christmas): 2 allopexes, 1 akhelian king, 1 tidecaster, 10 namarti thrall and 2 x 3 akhelian guard. I'm still not sure about the paint scheme yet ...
  13. I have a dumb question : I am allowed to bring converted models on tournament event ? Because all i see is a sick mount for my Morsarr guards. I mean it's a sea horse right ?!
  14. Finally got myself my first army (1000pts) for AoS this christmas ! (forgot to put the tidecaster in the pic) I have a lot of painting to do Iguess
  15. Sorry i don't know how to paint Woody ... But i got pretty excited today. I Built my 3 sneaky snuffers from the warcry box and noticed there was an extra bonus sneaky snuffer sprue ! Yesss ! More squig-piggy for the Moon good !
  16. There is no way it's not some kind of witch hunter right ?!
  17. Hello guys, so i've gifted myself for christmas the Idoneth Start collecting, the Bloodsurft Hunt + a box of Akhelian guard. I plan to do a Path of Glory / Escalation campaign with a friend. I Wonder how should i build my Akhelian Guard. I want to have one of each (3x morsarr and 3x edsheeran) to try what's work and what's doesn't. And same with the allopexes, harpoon on one and net on the other. Is that dumb or some options are def better than the others ?
  18. It's a little bit on the nose but it looks like a spider head, and there is big spider fangs. I have a box of goblin riders right next to me. I'm not sure if spiders are bugs tho, but i'm betting on goblin i mean gitz
  19. I really want to throw out my historical minis still on the sprues. And i'm bad at selling stuff (i'm really lazy whit that kind of things). But i'm good on the warhammer stuff, nothing i want to get rid of. If anything maybe the untamed beast and iron golem i want to trade now that they are painted, because i don't play with them. Maybe they can be useful if i want to introduce someone to the game , I dont know. I'm almost done painting the Silver Tower box and only chaotic beasts are left from the Warcry box. I can't wait to finally be able to play a game of Silver Tower, I got the box almost 4 years ago, time flies it's crazy. I've been so lazy with that
  20. The rumour engine is bait, it looks like a rat and you think Skaven of course. But let's be real, it's probably the base of some Space Marine Primaris
  21. It doesn't match the guard boots, but match the Rogue trader yes. Also can be Vampirate for the March underworld warband i guess
  22. Seraphon weapons are very different in design. Looks 40k to me
  23. I doubt it's seraphon but could be for underworld. Looks like some xenos for 40k i'm afraid
  24. Yeah you are right, you have some quests that takes places underground using the catacombs rules
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