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Everything posted by Rivener

  1. I suppose there is some gamesmanship that can be done with it. Once you receive and survive a charge you can move the soulstealer behind the enemy unit. Then when you fight first, they can then either remove their models from the front ranks and thus potentially skip out on attacks, or they remove from the rear and suffer mortal wounds.
  2. It’s one of the endless spells, often touted as our best.
  3. But then what’s the purpose of the soul thief? It doesn’t help when your own guys die, and it causes your caster to be at -1 to cast.
  4. Anybody else think the Soulthief and Gothizzar need to have their wording changed? Right now they only care when a model is slain within X inches. Won’t any opponent with a brain just remove models from outside that radius in 90% of situations? Oh sure it’s valuable if you are fighting someone with a crazy small model count and you can miraculously get everybody you’re about to kill exactly inside that range, but that seems contrary to the purpose of the models.
  5. How are they pooping out mortal wounds? Best Flamespyre can do is 5 a turn, but then they can’t fight. Or if they do fight then they aren’t doing their mortals anymore.
  6. Thanks for this- I had been looking for precisely this clarification for CoS spells too! The Wrath of Gork/balewind is a powerhouse then, though you’ll want to run the +1 to cast artifact and command traits to pull it off reliably, and run MSU. Or perhaps go Big Waagh and burn points for the casting bonuses...hmm..
  7. I’m not sure how the Balewind Vortex affects the spell. Does “spell range” mean every time a distance is measured by the spell? If so, yeah, that’s shockingly lethal. It also paints a gigantic bullseye on the caster, who is an immobile 4+ 6 wound model that everybody now has LOS to. That’s at least somewhat relevant.
  8. You can also grumble irondrakes to let them reroll wound rolls of 1.
  9. He’s almost certainly the deadliest model in the game, so that’s something. Run him Reapers, keep him in range of a Bloodsecrator and Wrathmongers and just watch the magic. Be warned that he is fragile though, so don’t get him engaged in round 1, and completely surround him with friendlies. Sending him away from protective chaff is a death sentence, and a waste of his potential.
  10. Brand new book. The point costs were almost certainly established when the new GH was already being tested or finalized.
  11. We won’t see any point reductions. I would love to see: Blood Warriors 80/420 Bloodreavers 60/220 Bloodsecrator 120 Skullcrushers 160 Bloodcrushers 120 Skull Cannon 120 Half a dozen hero and battalion changes too. But again, we won’t get any.
  12. Is there any special tech for the Bloodmaster and The Blood Must Flow? If I give him the 4+ that let’s him fight before anybody is chosen to fight, does that mean that if it goes off a unit of Bloodletters gets to fight “out of order” too?
  13. Magnetize him! That’s what i’m doing right now. In terms of gameplay IR hits the hardest if you buff him properly. UF has the neat trick with the running daemons that can then pile in to combat at 6”, and WoK has a killer command ability that you could pair with the Crimson Crown for maximum rerolls for free. WoK also goes great with the Reapers of Vengeance command trait for double boosted unbinds.
  14. What’s the consensus on BoC endless spells? They all seem VERY good...
  15. That’s what I’m referring to. You could always give him the Mark of the Slayer if you prefer Mortals and Monsters, though.
  16. He’s a natural force multiplier for Daemons and doesn’t degrade like Bloodthirsters. He also hits pretty darn hard with the Ghyrstrike, especially when you use the Reapers of Vengeance command ability. I plan on using him as a flanker who fights first and unloads a lot of damage with a small footprint to mitigate retaliation. He can also Fly, which means you can find really opportune places for him to end up piling in from.
  17. How did you get 4 shots per skullcannon before Combat? I can see 2 shots each with the Wrathmongers.
  18. By bringing the battalion you get a CP (worth 50 points), plus a relic. Given how awesome our relics are now, that seems worth quite a bit. If you’re already bringing a Slaughterpriest and the Bloodstoker the Dark Feast can easily be VERY worth its points even if you don’t get optimal use out of the Reavers.
  19. I could see some value in slinging units of Bloodmad Bloodreavers across the board solely to tie up ranged units, though. If you Bloodstoke them you’ve got an effective threat range of 27” on the charge on average. Probably not efficient per se, but kind of funny. Plus if/when they die you get a blood tithe!
  20. We’re definitely operating on the same wavelength! I think dual-Battalion is a legitimate prospect in this book, and the Warshrine seems like a must have in any list featuring the endless axe. Bloodforged may end up being the real sleeper in this book, especially if you’re facing an enemy with no shooting.
  21. I’ve begun considering some sort of Death Star for Khorne. The Wrathstar: a 15+ man Bloodforged unit of Wrathmongers. A Warshrine with Killing Frenzy, the standard Bloodsecrator, and add Skarr Bloodwrath. Plenty of rerollable 3+ to-hit, and you MIGHT be able to fit them in next to a Bloodstoker. Fight twice, then fight again when they die, then explode for MWs. Battleshock can be mitigated by being Bravery 9 (Skullgrinder 8 +1 for being 10 models) Thoughts?
  22. Yeah, it’s too much. The Bloodstoker just flat out cannot whip certain units, and that doesn’t feel intentional. I’m going to shoot GW an email asking to modify the ranges so they’re 1) all the same and 2) bigger. Its just bizarre to me that I need to memorize the 8” bloodstoker, 8” wrathmonger, 18” bloodsecrator, 12” aspiring deathbringer, 12” daemon locus, 16” greater daemon locus, etc.
  23. Yep, my original calculation was off by a substantial degree. It’s what I get for talking without my spreadsheet in front of me! I’ve edited it accordingly. They definitely are usable, and I love them, but they’re not Bestigors. Not that anybody is...
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