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Everything posted by Skyeline

  1. Apologies for not being clear @PJetski, I meant that I've made use of Bag of Tricks in my games as Zarbag's, not against them. It feels to me like it could potentially be viable on Thorns, but I'm not truly sure since I've barely put any games into them. Though I'm confused though as to why Keep Them Guessing would work against Bag of Tricks. Activating BoT is still a unique action and would therefore count towards KTG going off in the event that you have both at the same time. An aggressive mulligan can in theory get the job done, but I think BoT is more about having a layer of safety to draw what you need without having to throw out a quarter (give or take depending on deck size) of your power deck. This is very fair. After looking at your gambits again I can see why there's not really much in the way of critical draws that you'll need to reach. I was often using my BoT to secure Transfixing Stare or Frozen In Time to lock down key threats. Alternatively it was used to secure Supremacy/OOWO through drawing cards like Faneway Crystal, Hidden Paths, Quick Advance, etc. in the face of high aggro teams that push deep into my side of the board early on. That all being said, I can see where giving up a gear slot for it in your deck in particular is painful. You're still looking to get in there and fight with several of your specific fighters, whereas with Zarbag I'm generally pretty fight-averse given the poor combat stats across a lot of the team and running objectives that don't require me to actually kill something.
  2. Great deck @Requizen. Countercharge and Mirror Move are both clever tech cards for the Thorns. I like the idea of snagging free inspirations prior to going into some attack or charge activations. Also glad to see the hold any three objective cards in it. Have you messed around with Bag of Tricks at all? I've found it to be a gamechanger in a lot of my Zarbag's games. Thorns feels like it has the bodies to make use of it. Also curious about what matchups you find toughest for this deck. Flex thorns has always struck me as strong enough to handle anything that another deck can throw at it.
  3. Random suggestions I can think of that I've kicked around for building decks for this warband: Run Rebound and Last Chance. I dislike dice roll cards generally but in a post restricted Sudden Growth / Deathly Fortitude world stacking on wounds is not likely to keep your barbarians alive. Use Spoils of Battle. This is basically inspiration strikes for this team. Pile on the ploys and upgrades that add extra attack dice. In all of my games so far against this team it's pretty typical that a model that charges is dead. You need those charges to hit so you aren't ineffectually bleeding out glory. I know this has been discussed but it bears emphasis: Oath of Conquest is amazing. I don't see any reason not to have it in every Godsworn deck.
  4. Can you link where you're seeing the reference to being on guard? I recall this being true when the last round of FAQs was released, but then being very quickly changed to reflect that their inspired state is not actually "on guard" This is the only text I can find left in the Designer's Commentary that references Ammis' and Rastus' inspired defense: STORMSIRE’S CURSEBREAKERS – FIGHTERS Q: How does Cleave work against Ammis and Rastus from Stormsire’s Cursebreakers when they are Inspired? A: When an Attack action has Cleave, the target cannot count Block symbols as successes in their defence roll. This means that Ammis and Rastus, once Inspired can use Dodge and Crit symbols (and any relevant support symbols) but not Block symbols as successes when they are the target of an Attack action with Cleave.
  5. Almost all of them. Mollog's mob does not feature any spellcasting, which leads me to strongly believe that the KO team will not have any spellcasting either.
  6. Feels like I missed some rumors out there somewhere. Have there been substantial rumors that a new battletome is eminent for KO? I'll admit that I'd be surprised if we got one before factions with even older battletomes such as Sylvaneth, Seraphon, Fyreslayers, and Ironjawz. Our battletome (despite it's unfortunate state) isn't quite even 2 years old yet. It doesn't really feel like the Underworlds KO warband is any indication of something to come since the treatment of it has felt very standard when it comes to teasing/revealing Underworlds teams. Nightvault has been quite consistent so far with Reveal Models -> Reveal some cards -> Release. I haven't seen any indication that marks them as heralding something bigger.
  7. Denying Gloryseeker is a very strong point, that's angle I hadn't considered. Advancing Strike fell of the face of the earth in my area once the BAR list hit, so really It'd be more aimed at stopping Measured Strike from Stormsire's for me (and inexplicably there are almost no Stormsire players in my area). In a post Sudden/Deathly restricted world I may give it a run over Great Fortitude / Tome of Vitality since it effectively serves the same purpose. The only cases where that isn't true involve those where you're going to die from a string of 1 damage hits (i.e. range attack + damage ploys), which is pretty rare these days.
  8. Indeed! Though not a card I'm personally sold on either. 😅
  9. I would recommend dropping Determined Effort and replacing it with Fueled by Fury. I can go dig up the math if necessary, but even in a vacuum on a 2 dice attack they're comparable. Fueled by Fury takes off by miles if you ever combine it with Potion of Rage. I'd also strongly recommend putting Aggressive Defence in there somewhere. The card feels borderline tailor made for Mollog. Hidden reserves would be my target for removal to make some space for it. Regarding the conversation above about Potion of Constitution.. This isn't true if I'm not mistaken. The card functions as a reaction, which means you can choose when to trigger it. Since it triggers during the attack action or gambit, you can simply hold onto it when you know your opponent is throwing small damage at you (i.e. a Boltstorm Pistol shot from a farstrider, a 1 damage ploy such as Encroaching Shadows, etc.)
  10. Seconding what @Kirjava13 covered in his post. I'm a huge fan of Skryre, so anything that helps alleviate the rough state of acolytes and just general lack of technological heads (without zealously prowling bits sites for Warp Lightning/Doomwheel crew heads) would be amazing. I've been using bits from the Skitarii range to try and solve for lacking certain bits, but sculpts more purpose made for Skaven would be phenomenal.
  11. Looks like Mollog just snagged a little bit of extra functionality thanks to the Errata released today: Mollog Inspired Add the following sentence to the beginning of this fighter’s ability: ‘When this fighter has a single Charge token, it can still be activated.’
  12. Those are indeed the easy to builds that have been snuck into Underworlds. Quite an odd reveal, can't say I expected anything like this. Looking forward to more details.
  13. I... yes..? No..?.... 🤔 Hmmm... time to consult Sourtongue's essay of a card, Mirror Move, and the rulebook again. So. Sourtongue's card seems to make the case that it's possible based on the wording of this part: So... yes? I guess you can play mirror move off of that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The part of this that hurts my brain is how Mirror Move could then interact with a model being driven back as part of an attack action. Per the rulebook on Driven Back: I guess Mirror Move works on driven back then, too. You learn something new everyday. Maybe we'll see an FAQ about this in the future.
  14. I don't disagree. Even when using Sourtongue myself it often feels like multiple one hex pushes when I roll a really disjointed scatter and try to figure out the best way to maneuver it. Ultimately though it's just a rather convoluted 3 hex push going by wording we have available to us. Really it's just the scatter part in particular that makes it feel so much unlike a single push.
  15. I don't believe you'd be able to use Mirror Move to get out of Sourtongue's way. (So, option C from your list above) Mirror Move explicitly uses the word "after" in its reaction condition which makes it clear that you must wait until a push is completed before being able to use it. Sourtongue's push on the other hand while feeling like multiple 1 hex pushes is in fact a single 3 hex push, as defined on the action itself (Scatter 4 > Push 3, rather than Scatter 4 > Push 1 x 3 times). Another way to look at it is to compare Mirror Move to any other 3 hex push that doesn't happen to be tied to Zarbag's favorite twirling loon. If an opponent used Treasure Lust for example, you wouldn't use Mirror Move before they've completed the full 3 pushes (or less if they decided they didn't need to go a full 3 hexes).
  16. Vines-for-legs is a little bit odd to me. But overall I think they look great (and I don't even really like tree revenants!). Excited for another warband falling into the 3-4 model range. Feels like we're overdue for a low model count team with a more evenly distributed stat curve (Though Shadespire did feature quite a lot of that to be fair).
  17. It doesn't specify which type of dice specifically, so it would indeed work for Vortemis' Bolt of Change. Archer's Focus "You can re-roll one dice in the attack roll each time this fighter makes an Attack action with a Range of 3 or more" Other cards with similar effects, such as Awakened weapon will sometimes specify "attack dice" which do not work with spell attack actions. Awakened Weapon "You can re-roll one attack dice each time this fighter makes an Attack action"
  18. Good catch and thank you for pointing that out. That's an unfortunate revelation. As far as your takeaways go, I'm not in much disagreement. It does feel like the team needs to lean on a combination of Inspiration Strikes + Regal Vision + As many accuracy boosting cards as you can reasonably get in a post-BAR world (Fueled by Fury, Potion of Rage, Foul Temper, Brutal Savagery, etc.). I'm beginning to wonder if a deck can be built for this warband that revolves around a more hit and run play style to capitalize on Mollog's unique movement options. Fitting in cards like Illusory Fighter, Invisible Walls, etc. to try and shut down counter charge opportunities. The objective deck is going to be the real chore to build with a playstyle like this in mind, since the Mollog specific objectives are really lacking. I'll have to mess around with it to see if this is more than a nonstarter.
  19. So having gotten three games in against Mollog's Mob as aggro Chosen Axes, I have to say it was the most decisive set of games I've ever played (For both players). In all three games they were effectively over by the first activation of turn 2. The Takeaways: Chosen Axes vs. Mollog's Mob feels an awful lot more like a duel between two titans and some spectators who happened to be on the board (Okay that's a little rude to Tefk). The amount of focus both of us had on our leaders was a little nerve wracking. If your plan is to go full-bore aggro with Mollog, you might as well spend a turn or two drawing cards or simply moving around your other fighters (Start working on setting up that Extreme Flank). Sending him into range of multiple charges by your second activation is asking for him to get piled on and killed. My staple score immediately objectives that rely on killing something felt like frustrating draws when normally I'd be thrilled to see them. I have a feeling this is going to be a consistent annoyance for aggro decks who would otherwise be hoping for the chance to kill something turn 1. I hate you so much stalagsquig. Game 1: Won the board roll off and decided to test out deploying long boards against Mollog to try and limit the number of targets he can reach (really didn't want Tefk or Fjul to take a 1-shot). Stalagsquig was dropped on my front objective to hinder my attempts to get inspirations. Going second, my opponent dropped an inspiration strikes on Mollog immediately and came flying into my side of the board to kill Maegrim on a charge by his second activation. I held Inspiration Strikes in hand until my last activation to inspire Fjul and charge Mollog, who up until this point had been on the receiving end of ineffectual whiffing from Vol. With 4 damage put into Mollog, he didn't draw into any defensive gambits or gears and I won the roll off for turn priority. Going first, Fjul was able to put down the troll which rendered the game a done deal as my opponent conceded. Game 2: Won the board roll off again and decided to deploy long yet again. This time around however when Mollog's first move finished my opponent opted to play Commanding Stride and get him within charge range of my entire team. Realizing that I had no answer to a charge in hand, the panic set in about now. I made some exceedingly poor decisions in attempting to protect Fjul due to completely forgetting about Mollog's 2 range. By the end of turn 1 I was down Maegrim and Fjul, the latter of which ate a 4 damage swing due to Wind Up. Going into turn 2 with my opponent up 6 to 1 and Vol + Tefk uninspired the game was essentially over, but I decided to play it out anyways. With the help of Hidden Paths Tefk got into the backfield of my opponents board on an objective and killed Bat Squig. Regal Vision (where were you earlier!?) then got him inspired. He even took a Mollog club to the chin and kept standing due to Deathly Fortitude. Going into turn 3 Tefk managed to make a play with a combination of a lethal hex, My Turn, and Ready For Action to kill Mollog thanks to Gloryseeker boosted damage. Unfortunately Tefk came off the ultimate high of killing the Nightvault's most terrifying fighter by dying to Spiteshroom packing Fueled by Fury + Potion of Rage to ensure that last 1 life was chipped off my last chosen axe. Game 3: Lost the board roll off this time, which coming off of last game put the fear in me. The 1-shot threat on Fjul was looming again given my opponent wouldn't need a 3-hex push to reach me. The game however ended up going much like game 1 despite the anxiety of wondering if a 1-shot was coming at any moment. With Regal Vision and The Earth Shakes in hand, an eventual countercharge from inspired Fjul combined with Ready For Action was enough to put Mollog down before Turn 1 was even over.
  20. I personally prefer Master of War over Ploymaster if I'm not going to include both in a deck, but that's a personal choice nitpick. Overall I think your Objectives and Gambits are on point. Longstrider and Get Thee Hence are great for this warband. I'm not as sold on Acrobatic however. Out of all your upgrades this feels like the one which is going to be the toughest to get enough mileage out of. Knowing that Mollog has the potential to be a double charge machine who won't be 1 shotted and wants to stay in his opponents face, I find it unlikely that you'll often want to spend an activation going on guard and sitting with it, particularly since you'll be aiming to score Change of Tactics. It feels like having Great Speed in there somewhere would be very beneficial to help take some of the sting out of Sudden Growth or to just give Mollog more freedom to pick the best position possible when going for the dunk on someone with that tasty 2 range. Blooming Spores might also be worth thinking about. You'll be increasing the odds of pushing Mollog into the terrifying 5 damage range by having two +1 damage cards in the deck and get a little extra flexibility to put that Great Strength onto another fighter if the situation calls for it. It might also increase your odds of closing out a turn 1 Massive Assault if you can bump him up to 4 damage before he inspires.
  21. Oh of course but I figured we were mostly getting into the realm of ideal circumstances anyways. Sometimes its fun to think about the absurdities that can occur with amazing luck and stupid deck building decisions. I don't think Tome of Offerings is busted and definitely wouldn't use my example as a case for that.
  22. Or Mollog using Whirling Club might be an even bigger nightmare. Some of those specific upgrades for him/the mob in particular will make this pretty nasty. Foul Temper allowing a reroll on each attack in an action and Horrific Stench making adjacent fighters have -1 support. Piled up fighters are gonna have a bad time.
  23. I haven't really played much of the warbands that have access to +1 gory on kill upgrades (Magore's, Reavers, and Thorn's if memory serves) but does anyone else think that Tome of Offerings looks really good? It isn't locked to a specific fighter like all of the faction specific versions and it opens up this mechanic to everyone's favorite combat heavy lifters. I'm sure all the Spiteclaw players are weeping at the thought of what they would have gotten to do with this upgrade pre BAR list. I could be misjudging the opportunity cost of including a card with this type of mechanic into a deck, but it looks very promising to me.
  24. Figured it's worth dropping in the screenshots of the Godsworn specific cards that were posted in the news and rumor thread (courtesy of @Reggi). Left out the ones that the warband focus already showed us. Quick things that jump out at me: One more oath in the mix. I'm guessing we'll see one more oath at most. A score immediately card. Confirmation that we aren't going to see full stop oaths. That Jagathra javelin upgrade is phenominal. Gambits: Gear: Objectives:
  25. I'm going to guess all the oath-style objectives are faction specific (as much as I'd love to see some risk/reward objectives in the universal pool). The only reason I'd be disappointed if all of their objectives were oaths was if it came at the expense of any score immediately objectives. Good score immediately cards are such a significant boon in a post BAR world (Looking at you, Stormsire)... I'll take it all back though if they have Oath based score immediately objectives. Make them all oaths in that case! I may also be dying to get a glimpse of the KO. Someone had to be in the last wave, but why must it have been my favorite faction by a mile!
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