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Everything posted by Nuriel

  1. In article they are writing that "distinctly Chaos-flavoured mischief is on the horizon". Mischief doesn't sound much Khorne-y to me.
  2. Dissapoinment. For real though, Fyreslayer and Idoneth Battletomes, small snippet of Nighthaunt.
  3. But this is just unfair. Bretonnia and Tomb Kings are slightly different kind of beast here, because GW were clear from the start that they will squat those armies. However this isn't the case with High Elves and Greenskinz, because they were part of box sets, for Sigmar sake! When you bought Spire of Dawn or Start Collecting Greenskinz you have every reason to believe that you could legally play High Elves or generic Orruks in the years to come! It was pretty safe to assume that those armies won't be supported as much as "proper" AoS orcs and elves, but. Still. Will. Be. Playable. I mean, c'mon soup Greenskinz, Gitmob and FW Destruction into one poor-man Legends-like Battletome, call High Elves "Astraneth" (stars theme is fitting for Azyr) or something like that, make Tomb Kings Order undead faction, merge Brettonia with leftovers from Empire Knights and make clear that they will not get any models in the future. But give them proper rules, allegiance abilities, crusade bonuses, spell list, artefacts and mount traits and update them once for edition. Why? Because your damned customers have paid you big money to use those minis. How can I buy now old stormcast box not knowing if they won't be replaced by Thunderstrike altogether? Or Greywater Fastness or Anvilgard box? They phased out one box, they can easily squat the other ones as well.
  4. Orruk Warclans then. So, bye bye new units for Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz I'm wondering if Big Waagh will be still usable in 3rd edition. I have wanted to start a project with Greenskins army for four systems (The 9th Age, Kings of War, Old World and Age of Sigmar) using generic Mantic miniatures and Ironjawz...
  5. Maybe it's tied to the upcoming Warhammer+ ? Yeah, obviously you can have digital battletome. In fact you can have ALL battletomes and animations. For a price of course... [insert just-as-planned meme here] 😉
  6. Orruk Warclans, not Kruleboyz, huh? Interesting...
  7. I'm still sad about it. Just call all leftovers from High Elves "Astraneth" or something and made them faction within CoS or merge them with Collegiate Arcane and Order of Azyr into well, Azyrheim battletome.
  8. I think we should seperate two kind of dishes: a) all-duradin soup and b) soup where Kharadron Overlords / Fyreslayers are combined with other (non-dwarven) armies. I don't like first solution. It seriously dilutes what make those dwarves unique from each other and the all other fantasy settings. What is the gain here? Combined dwars army? Play Lethisian Defenders from Forbidden Power for that. The second one it's better in my opinion. GW can combine Fyreslayers with Phoenix Temple and Legion of Azgorh emphasising Aqshy and religious cultists themes.
  9. I like soup armies because that's a way to preserve old armies from WHFB, but I'm not a fan for a combined Kharadons, Dispossesed and Fyreslayers dwarven army. As many says before me, the only thing they have in common, is belonging to the same race. There is no common aesthetic or lore. There is much more sense in combining Fyreslayers with Phoenix Temple (both fire themed) or Legion of Azgarh (Aqshy religious dwarfs) than Khardron Overlords.
  10. - AoS 3.0 or Old World - Horus Heresy Starter Set - Animation news
  11. *Cough* Grand Alliance Destruction *Cough* 😉
  12. Sorry if this was disscussed here before... Any ideas for unified color scheme for multi-god Legion of Chaos Ascendant?
  13. AoS: Deadwalkers. There are too many mentions in newer battletoms of zombies alongside Nightgaunt in the context of Necroquake. I don't think it is a coincidence.
  14. Hello fellow Legionnaires! I'm going to attend in small tournament (600 pt) this Saturday, and I'm looking for small advice for a list. I've own 30 bloodletters, 20 daemonettes, 10 horrors, 1 skulltaker, 6 flamers, 3 screamers and 1 soul grinder (unfortunately unusable because it costs more than 200pt). Can you build something semi-competitively from this rag-tag collection? Cheers!
  15. In the immortal words of Claptrap from Borderlands series: "It's happening! It's happening"!
  16. I know this isn't strictly AoS rumour, but in march White Dwarf there will be mini codex for Officio Assasinorum, so there is a chance that in April (or June, August etc.) we'll see mini battletomes for "outdated" factions. P.S. this is my first post on this forum, so hi to everyone!
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