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Everything posted by angrycontra

  1. No it wasn't. It was within 8" before, not 18". Plus I would hardly call rerolls to save change nerf, since it is one of many tools to stack save bonuses on units and there are other sources for rerolls of 1 to save (which are better now thanks to save stacking).
  2. The way I see it, Dok have two primary issues: 1) Witchbrew. Bshock immunity and full wound rerolls and no roll needed? Sure the range is bad but the issue is simply this: dok players can just spam the ability as long as they need until they charge out of reach (if they charge out of reach that is) and by that point the damage is already done. And you know what's the worst of it? If turn roll comes and you (non-dok player) win the roll, you have to make choice between letting dok player have another turn and attacking you but losing their buffs, or you take the turn but dok player keeps all buffs, including bshock immunity. There's no winning in that scenario. People say that haq queen on foot is underpriced (which she is) but that is imo ignoring the big issue of witchbrew being too strong buff in the first place (and too easy to use). I feel that either removing the bshock immunity aspect or making it once per battle would instantly solve the issue. 2) Haggnar 5++ fnp. Dok are not supposed to be tough to kill army. Giving one army speed, power and survivability at the same time is ridiculous. What's even worse is that you get full hit rerolls from same temple making it easily the best choice. Some point cost adjustments should be made for dok (both nerfs and buffs) but the 2 abilities I mentioned above are big issues that points can't fix. Same with gristlegore, you can't fix that with points. Faq or flat ghb rule change is needed.
  3. Yes it can be used on multiple units on same turn.
  4. Well against fec fyreslayers are quite strong imo. You can stack saves with various mechanics (battlesmith, prayer of ash, forge brethren, runesmiter magmadroth and couple artifacts/traits) and the non-monster fec troops will just fail to do anything. Against gristlegore you got multiple tools: - auric hearthguard deal 2 damage with their shooting attack against monsters. If you are using lofnir lodge you can even boost their killing power with lodge command ability. You can pop these guys anywhere on the map with runesmiter. - hg berzerkers are so tough, that you can ideally tank gristlegore general's double pile in and then proceed to whack the thing out with what's left. Hermdar lodge command allows you to even attack before gristlegore general attacks (only in your turn however). - vulkites (in your turn) can charge gristlegore general, activate their berserker fury ability, use hermdar lodge ability to pile in first, and then when they die, they pile in again. LoN is a bit more difficult. If you know you're facing LoN, I highly recommend aurics because it is imperative that you delete their heroes asap. The problem with LoN is that your guys can't grind through their forces fast enough (minus lotl battalion hgb) to not allow any models from ressing back to that unit.
  5. I'm personally not gonna bother going with any magic defence options unless I really don't have any plans for any other cool artifact combos. As said above, fyreslayers have strong prayers that opponent can't do nothing against them, fyrewall can block any visibility based magic easily, plus these guys are tough to kill outside magic/mortals. Also as I said earlier in this thread, I've already lost game because I took knight incantor instead of 10 extra vulkites. Knight incantor barely managed to unbind or cast anything while those 10 extra vulkites would've helped me cap one objective and win the game for me. The nulsidian icon on same match managed to save single hgb from dying to endless spell, whoopdedoo, I had like 11 of them alive at the end of game anyway (I still think nulsidian icon is great artifact but I wouldn't call it mandatory).
  6. I got to say that masque is seriously terrible hero. 120p for unique hero who has mediocre damage, ok-ish survivability and 0 utility. Like who designed that warscroll? If it was non-unique non-leader maybe then with some nice artifact but now... simply useless (nice looking model though).
  7. Only stupid question is the question that was never asked. Anyway, yes you can do everything. The typical limitations will obviously still apply (book prayers can only be attempted once each no matter how many priests have the same prayer chosen, only one magmic invocation per priest can be attempted, warscroll prayers have no limitations). You can even get 4 prayers/invocations in turn with your general if you have runemaster/smiter as your general and you take that command trait that allows picking 2 book prayers instead of one. Edit. Too slow
  8. I would drop warrior kinband if I were you. It doesn't provide any real benefit to this army and you could use the extra points for 10 vulkites or something like that.
  9. It sounds like translation error. That 4+ prayer feels to me that it was made like that by design (since it's best prayer in the book)
  10. Well unlike dispossessed, fyreslayers have fast units in magmadroths plus runesmiter deepstriking. Furthermore once per game +2 to move from allegiance power plus run and charge mechanics from vostarg lodge and/or prayers give them extra edge. They're still not that great with objectives but better than dispossessed for sure.
  11. Well for one, those are old points. After quick calculation you can have everything you have there except for battalion. Your army is exactly 1000p without battalion so if you really want that battalion you need to drop 140p of something from your list. Needless to say, you don't have any wiggle room in that list for magmic invocations or command points.
  12. Well can't say there are too many. Vulkites are better in smaller units than they used to be, but I'm not really sure if they give any major value for dispossessed. Hg berz. need fyreslayer hero which limits their use as allies (you can basically only take 10 man unit, which with hero costs about 400p). Aurics are useful as allies. If you take 10 aurics, they cost 40p more than 10 irondrakes but you get double the wounds and double damage against monsters. Put hero like runesmiter there and they can be deepstriked and aurics will even protect runesmiter if you wish. Grimwraths are pretty solid allies (especially since they lack leader role, this means you could add 4 of them without ruining your army). Magmadroths are not that great as allies. Loss of artifacts, magma traits and any helpful save stacking makes them not so strong as allies.
  13. Even though I don't collect slaanesh, I am rather disappointed with the lack of mortals. Honestly all gw really needed to do was to release 1 mortal unit, maybe something akin to blight kings. It could've been dual kit even, giving slaanesh 2 mortal options. That wouldn't have made pure mortal armies work but it would allow people to make more mortal focused armies (mix of demons and mortals).
  14. First of all, all your examples have 1 wound (with phoenix guard being technically exception). Vulkites have literally double their survivability. Secondly, fyreslayers get easy access to save stacking so that can make vulkites even more durable. Thirdly, phoenix guard are pretty strong yes, but that is also the reason why phoenix temple based order lists have done well in tournaments. They're too good for their points. And even there... Even there the difference is only 20p and vulkites have ability to pile in after death (not to mention allegiance advantages) which should count for something. Also vulkites get full rerolls with axes. As for the dispossessed example, well getting 20 guys in melee is lot harder than getting 10 in melee (despite smaller bases) and once again, allegiance advantages for fyreslayers are the reason why they're better army than dispossessed (for now). But seriously, do you really have nothing else to contribute to this thread (or any other thread for that matter) than constant whining and crying? Every time I see overly negative comment in this forum, I don't even need to look at the name to know it's you. It's just a game. If vulkites are bit meh, they get point cuts in the future. Same with everything else. Besides, at this point it's too early to tell and each army has it's own strenghts and weaknesses, you can't always tell straight away whether unit x is better than y.
  15. Had my first fyreslayer game yesterday. 2000p against legions of nagash (not nighthaunt focused). Here's a quick version of my list: Hermdar lodge Runefather on magma (general) Runesmiter on magma Runemaster Battlesmith Knight incantor 3x10 vulkites 15 hg berzerkers (poleaxes) Molten infernoth Lords of the lodge ------------------------------- I did lose the game but it was very close one plus (literally something like 1-2 objective points difference) my slayers performed much better against death than they have in the past (fyreslayers have always struggled at wiping death units due to resurrect mechanics). Anyway here's some observations: 1. Knight incantor was worthless. Some could have seen it coming but I wanted some magic power in my army. This guy barely managed to unbind anything and completely failed at damage too. I would have probably won the game if I had replaced him with extra 10 vulkites (had 30p left over) because then I could've captured one of the objectives and outlived a unit of chainrasps. 2. Hg berzerkers are pretty amazing but I don't see multiple units of them being a good idea. These guys managed to kill stuff probably twice their points worth but... they were stuck in one place for the entire game. They're good at surviving and killing, but they're still too slow at killing stuff fast enough. Taking multiple units of these guys means less bodies on board which in turn means less ground to cover (not to mention their hero dependancy). Further more, they do have somewhat swingy damage, especially with poleaxes. Sometimes they do great, sometimes not so great. 3. Magmadroths were quite tanky but not too impressive on damage department. I'm actually thinking of running both of my magmies as one "unit", with runesmiter giving claw hit rerolls from that artifact and save rerolls from magmatrait (not to mention wound rerolls from prayers) while runefather takes the ignore 1 rend trait plus the lodge artifact plus lodge c. Trait (-1 to enemy wound rolls around 12"). I can see these two running around fast killing stuff. 4. Prayers were really cool and fun to use. Generally I really like most of the fyreslayer prayers and I have really tough time choosing what I want to give my priests (other than that 1 mandatory +1 to sv rolls prayer). Molten infernoth was pretty cool too, it did reasonably good job at softening multiple targets (and was very easy to resummon whenever it disappeared.) The only problem was that the rest of my army couldn't finish the job on that side of board (if only I had taken those 10 extra vulkites). All in all, it was a fun first game for fyreslayers and I still have plenty of lists to test. As a side note, not sure how many people have noticed this but all the reroll hits/wounds/etc. Do NOT have the word "failed" in them. This means that regardless of modifiers, you can reroll everything (even successful ones if you're crazy enough to do that) which is great.
  16. I really love the design of lodges in this army. I can see myself playing all of them. Even lodgeless army can work due to some really potent command traits. Every lodge has at least one or two extremely useful tools at their disposal and they really encourage different army builds. I'd argue that Lofnir is the worst but it is still the best option for magmadroth and auric hearthguard -heavy lists. My personal favorite lodge is Hermdar, that command ability that allows melee activation at the start of combat phase is just awesome plus that -1 to wound command trait is pretty insane too. All in all, this book feels pretty cool option-wise, I think gw really managed to at least encourage (even if they're not all viable) different army builds for fyreslayers. I still kinda feel that they missed real opportunity with molten infernoth. Had gw removed it from the magmic incant. Box, replaced it with some other decent looking spell, and then put it in its own box with 1 extra hand and couple extra head -options, it would've been fantastic new unit for the army ('cause the model looks great).
  17. 120p hearthguard feel bit low. I mean, it is small model count compared to vulkites but still, that's basically 20 wounds with 5 hearthguard berzerkers with better combat stats than vulkites. Vulkites do have better objective game but man 40p is rather big difference (also with no mass discount for vulkites, 30 vulkite units are pretty much dead, so gonna make some extra champions and musicians to reduce those unit sizes). Grimwrath and doomseeker as non-leaders is fantastic. Gonna buy couple extra grimwraths in the future for sure. Endless prayers seem reasonable in their pricing. Runemaster is too expensive (runesmiter just still feels better option) but at least it doesn't ruin your game anymore. Magmadroth seem reasonable, runesmiter magma big point increase is justified imo. All in all, fairly happy with points. But I really think they botched hearthguard berzerker and vulkite points. I think vulkites would be better at 150 (with mass discount) with hearthguard being 140 but we'll see how it goes. My biggest fear is that people are just gonna do hearthguard spam opposed to vulkite spam.
  18. I'm fairly happy with these warscrolls. Most units got some kind of buff and those that got nerfed (battlesmith and runesmiter) the nerfs were expected (wholly within ranges and prayer rolls and runesmiters can't be placed in reserve same time with the deepstrike unit based on wording of that ability) and they got other stuff to compensate for it (battlesmith has better melee and +1 to save is better than rerolls in some cases and there are probably artifact banners in book, while runesmiters get extra prayer from allegiance stuff plus endless prayers). I also like the crazy amount of save stacking these guys can get. I'm especially happy that gw didn't go too wild with these changes, my biggest fear would've been that fyreslayers ended up hitting like a truck while taking blows like iron fortress but they seem reasonably balanced (in aos 2 standards). With that said, points are still concern. Too cheap, and fyreslayers will be broken. Too expensive and fyreslayers will be useless. I'm especially concerned about magmadroths. Gw has a bad track record of buffing unit's stats only to increase their cost too much making the buff near worthless (looking at you beast of nurgle). Based on magmadroth buffs, their cost should remain more or less exactly what it is now (20 points more I could still live with). Lack of unbinds is unfortunate but maybe gw wanted to give fyreslayers this specific weakness (they have strong prayers themselves that can't be unbound after all). And on more positive note, my converted knight-incantor is still useful ally for the army.
  19. First of all, based on rumours, only vulkites lose their beard saves and considering that everyone and their mother were asking for better vulkites at min size units, 2 wounds should deliver that easily. This fact alone will not only save points for fyreslayers (as we will no longer need full units of 30) but it will also allow fyreslayers to spread out their forces more easily (since instead of having 3 big blobs, we can have 3-5 smaller groups, mixed with other fyreslayer units.) Which is good as objective game has always been one of the biggest weaknesses of this army. Secondly, aurics are getting massive buff. 2 wounds for them is quite literally 100% survivability buff for them and that is exactly what they need. Thirdly, how do you even know that we're losing hg berz battalion? Fec has flayers battalion that allows pile in and attack in hero phase, why wouldn't fyreslayers have one? Further more, having 2 attacks (at 2" range) immediately is so much better than having to survive into hero phase and then pile in and attack (plus that requires battalion and only one unit can benefit from it). Finally, if the rumours are true, hg berzerkers have both their slayer saves and their 2 wounds, which is huge boost for their overall survival. And let's not forget that the 2 prayers they have shown are already pretty damn powerful (pile in and attack with hero, +1 save) and god only knows what else is there. Magmadroth traits are interesting plus they haven't even shown hero changes (you know command abilities etc.). Now sure throwing axes got nerfed, whoop-de-doo, they never were that big part of fyreslayer damage to begin with (outside of maybe warrior kinband). I'm expectingvsome point increases too but considering that aurics got 100% survival boost (and most likely 100% dam boost against monsters) while hg berzerkers got 100% damage boost while possibly also getting 100% survival boost, some point increases are more than justified. So yes, based on everything I've seen, and based on other comments, you are probably the only one seeing doom and gloom here. Stop looking into it so negatively. The biggest issue with fyreslayers has always been that they were one trick pony, vulkite spam was the only competetive way to play. It's obvious from these previews alone that that will change.
  20. The extra wound is great but not as big deal as it may seem, provided that the rumours about fyreslayers losing their slayer saves is true, after all 4++ fnp is basically same as having 2 wounds.
  21. I do hope that salamander ends up being some kind of hybrid between unit and spell. Like it could be a unit that can only be summoned by fyreslayer priests and can disappear/be dispelled like other endless spells. Here's some other wishlisting: - Given that fyreslayers have so few units, I want every single option to be viable and well balanced. I don't want to see vulkite spam, auric spam or any other spam spam spam become de facto way to play fyreslayers. - Non-hero magmadroth option. It could simply be runeson with axe (but not called runeson). It's lazy, but I don't want my magmies take every available hero slots. - Easier to use battalions. I don't want any battalions that require 3 vulkites, aurics or whatever. 2 is fine but 3 takes too much army space (plus I don't want to buy more vulkites). - Speaking of vulkites, they should function better without having to take 30 models. It's frustrating how underpowered they feel in small unit sizes.
  22. I'm rather disappointed with lack of new fyreslayer models but that endless spell(?) Is probably one of the coolest I've seen (almost a waste if it's a endless spell/prayer, I'd almost wish that it would be summoned unit). Also based on description, some kind of non-hero magmadroth army sounds possible which was my bare minimum request. Really cool cover art too.
  23. Now I don't have major playtest data behind me but purely from observation and analysis I can say that most of them are pretty bad. Virulent procession is ****** but it's not meant for 2k points anyway. Congregation of filth is decent but overpriced (should cost no more than 120). Foulrain is probably only battalion in the book I can call actually good. Plaguesmog on the other hand is the biggest joke ever. Verminus one seems good on paper, but +1 attack on wholly within 13" for 1 command point is bleh, made worse by the outrageous 180 point cost (better off just buying 2 extra command points for 100 and using those for the attack boost). Moulder one is decent but again overpriced. Skyre one is horrible trash. It's so overpriced that it's only viable in 3k+ games. Eshin one would be solid but has one problem: night runners. Night runners along with doom flayer weapon team are the worst units in the battletome. 80 for unit that is basically as good as clanrats but doesn't have universal battleline... and to think plague monks are cheaper than them. It's just too heavy tax imo (gutter runners are actually good). Skyre one from carrion empires box is ok but nothing more. Decent if you really need that extra artifact.
  24. Honestly I think pestilens might be the most broken thing in the book. Speaking competetively, I consider pure pestilens to be easily the strongest form of army in this new skaven battletome. Plague monk deal like 4 times the clanrat damage if not more (and this is not a joke), clanrats are tiny bit tougher to kill but not enough to make difference and all this for tiny 40p difference for max size units. Plague monks have currently easily the highest damage output for their points in game (fully buffed unit does something like 90+ wounds on average against 4+ sv in single combat round). Furnace on the other hand, is the single toughest hero for its cost in the game right now, no contest. 180 for 13w with 4+ and 5++ and look-out sir on top of that (both range and melee). The closest thing to it is horticulous slimux and that one still doesn't hold a candle. Then you add easy mortals, prayers and bshock immunity aura and you have the most underpriced hero in the game. Screaming bell too obviously. Mark my words, pestilens is gonna be nerfed in the future. I was shocked to see their points unchanged after the outrageous buffs they received (and it's quite a joke to look at nightrunner warscroll/points and compare it plague monks, what were they thinking). The straw that broke camel's back imo was giving plague monks that horde bonus (+1 to hit/wound) and no point changes and funnily enough they removed that ability from clanrats warscroll, which means clanrats are exactly same as before while plague monks got nothing but buffs.
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