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Everything posted by MarkK

  1. After a long break mainly due to work, I've finished a Plague Shaman from Rotten Factory.
  2. Same as that, hoping more for a mix of older warbands, but I was intending on getting the Rivals of Harrowdeep box anyway, so only a little extra to get the Nethermaze box too is nice enough
  3. So these aren't the same Chaos warriors and Knights from the old start collecting box with an extra sprue for halberds and command options? They are a completely new kit with less head options, is that correct?
  4. I've ordered the Underworlds box, will post the contents when it arrives. Ordered from Ireland, box is being posted from Lyon. Also apparently weighs 2kg, so I'm expecting books to be included
  5. Great thread, my favourite AoS models for 2022 was this converted Lord of Plagues and a Chaos Sorceress. Special mention for most fun project goes to the Stargrave crew, really enjoyed painting them up not having to be tied into an army scheme.
  6. First finished mini in awhile (new job taking up my hobby time), a colour scheme test on a Dominion Stormcast. Pretty happy with how it turned out, airbrush definitely sped up the process. Not sure on the red shoulder pads though, any suggestions?
  7. Nice, very interested in the Kruleboyz or Stormcast boxes, builds well with the Dominion set
  8. As a fan of Warcry, it was the terrain that put me off the new box, not a fan of the aesthetic and it looks a bit sparse on the table, especially compared to the first box or red harvest. Hopefully the next box has more Seraphon ruins.
  9. Excellent looking combat patrol box, hopefully there will be a Nurgle version soon
  10. Underworlds Slaves to Darkness Sorceress done. Painted over the weekend, I don't normally get something finished that quickly! Pretty happy with the result, some rough spots left though, the back of the cape would really need some more smoothing out the blends, but it'll do for now!
  11. I normally used shades to tint a surface or thinned to use as a glaze, rather than as a wash, with oils used for panel lining, so I'd like to try these out first before judging, but they may not suit how I used the previous shade range.
  12. Lord of Plagues completed! The basing came out pretty good I think, maybe needs another tuft or 2, but it's a good practice run before I base Orghotts.
  13. Lord of Plagues now done! Pretty happy with the painting and basing for the time spent on it.
  14. Making good progress with the painting, long way to go though
  15. Working on a converted Lord of Plagues, making good progress with the painting too Trying out a new method for basing instead of the usual PVA and sand approach I normally do. Vince Ventrellas video on forest bases helped with the techniques used.
  16. Made some slight conversions to a Lord of Plagues, currently on the painting table
  17. Looks like a Warcry Warband, they're all on the same page together
  18. Looks like it'll be about 170 euro online for 40 marines, 10 terminators, 2 characters, a dreadnought and a land raider Half tempted to do a post-heresy successor chapter, maybe Crimson Fists 🤔
  19. Yeah, I sometimes forget how much of the Nurgle stuff is around from Fantasy. If I had to choose a AoS model based on looks alone, it would be the new Slaanesh Daemons for me For battle line units, I like the Kruleboyz Gutrippaz, a choice of weapons and character options to separate units visually
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