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Everything posted by Sheriff

  1. There's a load of unsolved rumour pics going back to march time. Like 6 of them. At least one must be a new aos race.
  2. I just mean it's super misleading to tell people it's simple when it massively not. Sure it's conceptually simple but claiming the rules are simple is pants-on-head mental
  3. dumbest thing i ever heard about this game was that it's simple.
  4. Okay ill look into twitter. I thought twitter was for politics stuff. I've also signed up for an evening game at another local GW store (there's 4 within an hour) and it seems way better. The storekeep seemed genuinely enthused to play my goblins. Maybe he is always this enthused, who knows
  5. Just once I'd like them to do a book that doesn't include stormcast.
  6. Yeah but there's always leaks if so. They only seem to let playtesters test the imminent stuff.
  7. indeed there are few cavalry models that could fit on these tiles. Hoppers would be quite unique for this.
  8. What we need now is a grot warband with nets and traps and poisons. That are buffed when adjacent or outnumbering the enemy.
  9. until

    Oh boy, finally a 1k event nearby. Sign me up!
  10. I see. I don't know stormcast so couldn't spot a fake sorry
  11. Yeah the warscroll for the new liberator is now in the public domain. The new units are basically like regiments of renown in total war. Like regular units but boosted and fewer models. They get buffs based on which named models are alive still.
  12. So its just one warscroll for the new new models, not several. Shame.
  13. This is helpful, thanks. I'm new to the game and so far I have done the following: joined local store-based facebook group to see if folks want to play (only 2 others on it though) kept an eye on national events and tournaments, on this site only - are there other sites I should monitor? (the calendar on this site is not up to date it seems, but the events forum itself is) joined a grot-based facebook group, but this is just for show and tell it seems. coerced 2 friends into playing the game too, but they then chose 40k instead. Is there anything else you recommend? Local pickup games just seem quite difficult, even living 5 minute walk from Element Games store. My next plan is to try and entice opponents by showing pictures of my beautiful army, like a peacock attracting a mate.
  14. Wow thats awesome. They are my favourite non-goblin army in Total War, so pleased to see skellingtons getting some love. Let's hope they don't get bundled into just 1 new unit.
  15. It seems the deathrattle shadespire models will also be used in AOS, so thats about 4 models in total new? The reaper model is the clear favourite on other fora. Imagine the rend on a unit of those! (especially against grass-type enemies)
  16. It feels like a campaign to me. A glorious one. Its basically Total War in cardboard form.
  17. I'm salty about goblins having no battletomes or abilities of their own, but acknowledge that GW have churned out a lot of good content this year (it's the reason I got into this again). And I don't mean just books and models - the online content has been fantastic both in terms of social media comms and video games and Twitch e-sports (I listen to Warhammer TV battle commentary in the car).
  18. The only confirmed thing for story lines as far as I know are the ongoing blightwar, the 'malign portents' event/campaign in 2018 (which seems likely to be Death-related but not for sure). Who knows what else might happen! I like to think we'll get geography-based stuff such as a sky-war between the Scuttlers and the Karadron Overlords. And a subterranean thing between skaven and dwarfs. A sea thing between new aelves and... wraithfleet?
  19. Yeah I'll get round to it after i'm done reading the end times books. (no spoilers pls)
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