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Everything posted by TheNotebookGM

  1. I feel like we are in stasis until we see those points, my fellow duardin.
  2. I like Fyreslayers because I feel like it is my own poor choices that cause me major missteps, otherwise (since I dont run LoL) they are a satisfying to play midlevel army that isn't in danger of getting wiped too fast.
  3. Speaking of the hooks being in, anyone hearing rumbles about when the next set of points drop before I perish?
  4. Yeah Aurics were a shoe-in. People are buying blobs of them.
  5. First contrast boy painted, feel free to dispense some tips and tricks!
  6. I posted some stuff about it over in the Fyreslayers thread in the Order forum
  7. I wouldn't say speed is essential in all of them, I play Fyreslayers and went 2 and 1 in a 3 game event Sunday. Started winning games when I realized that slow armies just have to adjust playstyle. ME isn't a pure objective game like 2k is. For Fyreslayers, at least in the 3 scenarios we played, it seemed like my best strategy was to focus on holding my objectives and winning on kills, and by that token when I minored Nurgle it was only a minor because he had the presence of mind to minimize engagement and not let me get into combats when he knew he wasn't going be able to kill more than me. The split deployments are what caused the most trouble for me since Fyreslayers depend so much on bubbles. I disagree that this playstyle de-emphasizes the list building stage, I'd argue that it makes it even more important since you have to account for the split deployments and whatnot.
  8. Took fourth of eight in a 3 game Meeting Engagement event today. Minor 1st round loss against Darkling Covens, literally came down to the battleshock. Executioners hurt alot, and my Shardfist Pelt doesn't work on hero phase charges. Minor victory against Nurgle round 2, Nurgle just doesn't hit hard enough to crack the egg and I was able to sneak away with the points. Major victory against Shootcast round 3. Managed to get the Magmadroth to 2+ rerolling 1's and the Shardfist Pelt corked off on his calvarybois and Grimwrath came in for the lay up, or some other since sports reference. Conclusions: *Losing the fifth battleround hurts, even small boards are long on 4" moves. *Triage your bubbles, you can't have all the synergies all the time. *5 is a big victory point difference, and your units are hearty, try to run up the score on kills and consider forgetting their back objective unless your magmadroth/s can sneak back there or you have an enterprising unit of Skywardens.
  9. I'd also check out the Faction Reaction they do with Tom Lyons, Honest Wargamer, that is.
  10. I cannot afford a splitterz release. I want nothing more than a board of naked dwarves battling naked orks.
  11. What do you all think about running without a lodge at 1k? The only reason I'm taking greyfyrd is for ash-cloud rune, but then I have to take battlescarred veteran which is basically useless on my runemaster, whereas some of the generic fyrelsayers command traits are good.
  12. When you need them Auric Hearthguard by Sunday but their sprue-brothers are the new hotness.
  13. What would a new book look like for Bonesplitterz? I'm almost done with my Fyreslayers and I really want to join the Waagh once they're all painted up.
  14. Yeah I was going to get a forge and won't now as it already doesn't really seem like a must-have and it gets places after everyone else, making deploying for it a huge pain.
  15. I'd love a Greyfyrd episode of the special Fyreslayers Rules Show. Speaking of greyfyrd, I'm at a crossroads. I have my first 1k event in a week and I can't decide what to bring. Grimwrath Gang Or Runedaddy on Magmadroth
  16. Got some used heroes today so I did some converting.
  17. It is important to note but from the chart omitted (it says it in the paragraph above) that you are required to deploy one unit in each deployment. Still, very few armies play at 1k without at least 4 drops, and most only do by making large units.
  18. First one vs. A fellow Carcosan and his Sylvaneth in Total Commitment. I was running a Magfather, Battlesmith, Runesmiter, 2x10 pick and shield vulkites and 3 skywardens with guns and no grapnels. He was running 20 dryads, a branchwraith, a treelord ancient, and 2x5 tree revenants (or spite?). We left a pretty open board and said Carcosan really took off with the Wyldwoods. I made a mistake not taking my own objective right off the bat because I was worried about getting my skywardens teleported on, that one point ends up being my own end as I trail by 1.point for the rest of the battle. I take his (my) left objective early starring an amazing first turn charge by Magdaddy Amur Mauritus. We both fought fiercely but at the end of the day my stunty legs were no match for the tricksy Sylvaneth or the 6x4 board. Game two was against a different Carcosan and bloodthirsty Khorne Mortals. We collabed on terrain to make something fun out of local heartthrob Dan K (of Triumph top ten) hard work on terrain the last few weeks. The piece fell a couple.inches from either of our Knife to the Heart objectives. I switched out my skywardens for 5 Hearthguard Bezerkers and dropped the unbind artifact since Khornites aren't known for their bookishness. I popped my Smiter and 10 Vulkites on a flank since at 1k having Smitty underground hurts my hero phase. I made some charges against Khorgoraths, and we started a battle to please the blood god. Crunchy dwarves ground down the Khornate maniacs to 3 heroes but they provided turn 3 threat and defense with some clutch demon summoning. A few lucky dice rolls later the Gyrforge Buzzards controlled both objectives, driving the Khornate menace off and claiming first salvage rights of the Stormvault.
  19. My 1k is pretty much the same as above. Magdad, smith, smiter 2x10 vulkites 1x3 skywardens (no aurics yet). My higher point lists mostly just double up on those things (and i'll switch out the wardens for Aurics eventually to keep my grimwraths alive, i run 2-4). My plan is to run 10 HGB to have them around without cheesing. Edit: I don't double up the Magdad.
  20. I've been doodling something like this, I think without changing your list too much I'd drop Forge Brethren for a Battlesmith since he does a bubble that'll cover your squads of Grimwraths.
  21. Any of you Lords of the American Lodges have Auric Hearthguard or Magmapike bits? I've got some Battlesmiths and Grimwrath Bezerkers over here trying to recruit posse members.
  22. I know all you cats and kittens are awash in Auric Hearthguard bits since Hearthguard Berserkers are the new hotness but I'm playing Greyfyrd and need then gunner boys. Have money and Isle of Blood Aelf pieces to trade.
  23. If I cut anything from that list it'd be the runeson, the smiter is a great piece, can tend your forge, deepstrike, and the prayers are worth having at least one priest, for me at least. Then you could get a unit of HGB and another foot hero. Or two Grimwraths and the Fire Wall.
  24. Looks like Hermdar or Vorstag to me!
  25. So I changed my plans slightly and am going to PaxU instead of Da Boyz since the former will have more activites for my partner to do whilst I do battle. Still have a few boxes to buy before I can get it on the table but I am pretty sure this is what i'll end up bringing. Doubling up on smiths, grimwraths, and casters lets me run either one blob of doom or two smaller squads of Greyfyrd Devastation while a unit of vulkites and the Runefather provide my first-strike capability. TheBuzzardsofGyrforge.pdf
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