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Everything posted by Kamose

  1. Its also good to remember that Sigmar's goal was the recapture the main realmgates in each realm. Here's a summary of how that went: Azyr: Homebase. WOOT! 🎉 Fire: Captured by Sigmar! WOOT! 🎉 Life: Captured by Alarielle; eh, close enough. 🎉 Metal: Held by Chaos 😭 Death: Held by Chaos 😭 Light: Unknown 🤷‍♂️ Shadow: Unknown 🤷‍♀️ Beasts: Retaken by Shai Hulud, the mighty sandworm of Ghur (who builds a realmgate in a giant worm's belly?) 🐛 So, all in all, Sigmar is currently winning??? Kinda... If you squint hard and turn your head... 🤷‍♂️
  2. They certainly did not win all of their battles. If anything, the authors in the Realmgate Wars made Stormcast far more human (and, I think, more interesting) than Space Marines. Don't forget: 1. Tarsus Bullheart and the Hallowed Knights failed in their quest to bring Nagash into Sigmar's new alliance. He failed so badly his soul was consumed by Nagash and lost forever. 2. Upon arriving in Ghyran, the Hallowed knights are so mentally assaulted by the Beastmen's Dirgehorn that some of them literally walk out into the swamp and commit suicide by drowning rather than complete their quest. (This is one of my favorite parts of the Realmgate Wars and one of the main reasons why Stormcast are more interesting than Space Marine, in my opinion). 3. Lord Celestant Jactos Goldenmane was seemingly killed by Korghus Khul's Reality Splitting Axe during the initial assault on the Brimstone Pennisula, the opening battle of the Realmgate Wars. I say "seemingly" because Khul killed him but Jactos' head did not return to Azyr after he died. Instead Khul intended to place his skull on top of his skull pyramid in order to ascend to daemonhood. 4. Thostos Bladestorm's fight against Archaon at the Mercurial Gate ended with the Stormcast's soul devoured and destroyed by Dorghar. 5. Archaon's first appearance in the Realmgate Wars was at the Battle of Mount Kronus where he faced Vandus Hammerhead and the Hammers of Sigmar and summarily whooped all their butts in short order. No contest. And those are just examples from the Realmgate Wars! There are plenty of ways to permanently kill Stormcast in the lore. Combined with the fact that people with the will power to become Stormcast are very rare, I wouldn't worry about Stormcast overpopulation just yet, Malthus.
  3. I'm ready to go for the next month. My goal is Grashrak and his Despoilers. I also have 14 Bestigors to finish up.
  4. Humans (and horses!!) aren't going anywhere in AoS. Like others have said, in order for a world to relevant, most people need characters that look, think, and act like they do. A completely alien world becomes frustrating and unpleasant for most people to have to constantly struggle to understand and that's not conducive to an enjoyable game or engaging lore. Speaking of lore, Stormcast Eternals are derived from humans and there's no evidence that Sigmar's done making more of them. In fact, there's ample evidence that, as the reforging process is repeated, 'the flaw' in the process slowly destroys the Stormcast sometimes making them completely insane, violent, and unstable lightning gheists (I think that's what they're called). Even if only a small percentage of Stormcast degrade this way after each reforging...well, no humans means eventual extinction for the Stormcast. As others have also said, no humans means there's nothing for the Stormcast to fight for and protect. It becomes an endless, pointless war of attrition, fighting and dying for nothing in a battle they will never win. Its very grimdark, I know, but also its not very deep or interesting. Making new models takes time and the Cities of Sigmar book has 50+ warscrolls in it, each requiring its own model. Some of the current models are fine (Demigryphs, Steam Tanks) and some really need a refresh (Freeguild Guard, Crossbowmen). Making those new kits takes time, money and effort. My money's on a slow refresh/retirement of models as the Cities book is updated and changed in the future. GW might simply not have the time or incentive to update the human ranges just yet. Which brings me to my last point... Prior to the release of AoS and the change in GW's corporate mindset, accessible data concerning of sales numbers, the actual purchase of individual model lines, and the breakdown of each army's relative popularity was almost nonexistent. Any claims from back then to know which armies were 'the most popular' are essentially baseless and anecdotal. What I'm trying to say is... 'grabbing anti-troll shield' 😰 ...maybe the Empire and Bretonnia... 'backing away slowly' 😨 ...just weren't as popular as people want to believe! 'runrunrunrun' 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
  5. Woot! I've been hoping for this for a while! I can finally make my Beasts and Seraphon warbands. 😁
  6. I wasn't going to mention which ones I have but I will say I've got at least one of each. I just wanna see which one the community prefers! 👍
  7. I've nearly finished up my Seraphon! It's about 6000pts of scaly goodness! I now have room for one more monster and want to know which dino you all would choose. Feel free to expound upon your choice! 😎
  8. It's a momentous day! I just finished my Skink Starseer, Xua'da Munatla. With this little guy finished I will have completed my Seraphon; every model painted! Moreover I will have painted at least one of every model in the Seraphon line! Edit: The tiny frog just behind crystal ball is Amphibius Bile or Billy to his friends. 🐸
  9. I've been sitting on these guys for week. The day I went to post these pics, the whole forum vanished! Oh well, here's my Beasts submission for June. My Beastlord, Tami Stronach. Some gors, including Fabio , the most beautiful gor. The "1000 Beasts" gor herd. Not sure what's next...
  10. I have to agree! Those wings are lovely! I've been holding off on painting my Furies because I'm not sure how I want to do the wings. If you'd care to share your knowledge and techniques, Senpai, it would be greatly appreciated. How'd you do it? 🙏
  11. I like to think that movie secretly an HP Lovecraft/My Little Pony crossover. The Smooze is actually a shoggoth!
  12. I love how your Mutating Gnarlblade Beastlord is using his magic weapon to save Pony Valley from the Smooze! I'm certain that's the reference you were going for, right? 😀 In a distinct difference from the movie though, he doesn't defeat the Smooze with Flutter Ponies but by hitting it until it dies. Fun fact! Danny DeVito voices the Grundle King. Now, that's stuck in your brain forever. Welcome to the club!
  13. Don't do it, Lord Krungharr! Don't give in to temptation! Don't sell out to the "gods" of Chaos! They just want to use you and enslave you for their own purposes! Never forget the brief, pithy Beasts of Chaos motto: "Stick it to the man even if you win and then become the man and then have to stick it to yourself like some kind of sticker!" 'rebellion intensifies'
  14. Board control is what I'm thinking for the Gors; not necessarily holding objectives except opportunistically. Though you have made me consider just how many screening units of Gors I'd realistically need. If they won't live past the turn 2, bringing more than a few units might serve no purpose.
  15. Along I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you though I would like to add something to the discussion. I'm having similar thoughts to you, Popisdead, only about Gors. Now I understand that Gors are not preferred over Ungors, and no one's winning NOVA with a Gor horde. However, I simply prefer the Gor models to Ungors and so I would rather run Gors than Ungors. It seems like Gors should make a fine unit for blocking charges, protecting against teleporting units, and generally messing with board control when run in min-size squads. Neither 10 Gors nor 10 Ungors will even win a fight but that doesn't matter since they're not supposed to. They simply run around outside 3" from something scary and stop its movement for a turn (assuming it can't fly). Again, I'm not trying to win Adepticon here. I'm mostly curious if I've missed something or if you have something to add. So here are the pros and cons as I see them. What do you all think? Pros - Just as a fast as Ungors - Large base size means a longer screen - 4+ save with a shield means they might even survive a round of combat with another skirmish unit. Cons - Gors are 10pts more expensive (very minor but could add up) - Restrictions in Battalions might limit the number of min-size Gor units compared to Ungors (causing problems during deployment) 🐐
  16. Well it took a week, but the rain finally stopped so I could do some priming. So here's my pledge for June! Also, my Beastlord conversion! Good luck, everyone! 🐐
  17. These all look great! For me I'm interested in finishing up my Beasts of Chaos. I have a ton of 🐐 infantry left including Ungors, Bestigors, and Gors plus some heroes. So I'ma start with a Beastlord and 20 Gors for my first month. I'm away from home right now so I'll post some pics on Wednesday.
  18. This sounds like an excellent idea and I'd certainly be interested. As a teacher, school got cancelled for the rest of spring and summer break is starting soon so I have another 3 months free before work starts again. I have plenty of projects started but I'm bad about finishing them and this sounds like fun!
  19. So I recently purchased a Mindstealer Sphiranx (hereafter referred to as Spanx). She seems like a fun little support monster. Spanx also fits in with the intelligent, evil monster theme of the Beasts. I love the idea of Spanx being the true brains behind the horde, manipulating the Beast Lords and Shamans without them even realizing it! I also have a bunch of the Warcry furies and raptoryx. So I was thinking, what other S2D units make good allies for us. They have lots of new toys to pick from! I personally love my Brayherd; fast movement, ambushing, and trickery. Anyone know of some good S2D tools to compliment the goats? 🐐
  20. Tyranids were my first Warhammer army 18 years ago so I've got a bit of a soft spot for them. With Psychic Awakening out now, I'm having more fun with them than ever. The customization you can do with a 'Nids army right now reminds me of 3rd Ed when I started playing. So good! 🐜
  21. 10 Saurus Knights done! I still have 6 😑 left to paint but I think it's time for a break from the dinos. Hoo, boy! Look at 'em go! Golly gee, but them's some ugly models! Really starting to internalize why so many people wanted an updated range! 👍 I'm a little burned out on painting scaly, predatory, humanoid dino-men. So I'ma switch to furry, predatory, humanoid beastmen and see how that goes! 🐐
  22. Its a shame if that's all there is to it. There used to be a convention in 40k that whatever the faction was called in game was usually what they were known as to the Imperium. I can't tell if that's the case in AoS but it seems unlikely. That's the kind of peek into a fictional psychology that I enjoy. Oh well...I'll just keep calling them Dino-Riders. That's something totally new and original, right? 😎
  23. I love the contrast between the pale blues on the cultists and the Autumn colors on the base. Its quite striking!
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