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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. Ugh, if Gutter Runners get nixed then I don't have an army! I do NOT think they will be nixed however, I think they WILL get a new kit. We got a new proper Deathmaster AND Slynk & Co. And Eshin is involved in so many lore plots, plus the Verminlord kit builds a Deceiver, and that kit is staying (still holds up with any modern kit in terms of pose and detail quality). Night Runners might be rolled into Gutter Runners, or be a dual kit somehow. I could see Clan Rats being built as Night Runners or Plague Monks frankly. They're mostly just different arms and heads.
  2. Oh yeah, I use my jeweler's saw with skip-a-tooth blades. They cut through plastic very nicely, then trim and shape as needed with the X-acto blades or files. I'll post progress pics somewhere for sure!
  3. It's on like Donkey Kong then. Friday I'm trading my pair of Stormdrakes and some bits and a Lord Ordinator for 6 built but not painted Theridons. I'll add shields and make them with single handed axes; then....Jugger-bodies. Phase 3): Profit.
  4. If the Gitz get a new subfaction, then Ogors need a Sun-Eater subfaction with Firebellies leading the way, burning their way to paradise!
  5. Maybe that's why old Astragoth needed the machine-legs? I have decided to make some right-proper Bull-Centaurs, led by my metal Hthark from Bloodbowl as the Tauruk, and a Forgeworld Shartor. I was thinking plastic Juggernaut bodies and Ogor torsos/arms. Guess for the heads Ogor heads with added horns and maybe beards? Then should do single-handed weapons and shields or should I do great weapons? Gonna base them on rectangular stone plinthes of appropriate size for Old World too, then magnetize those for oval bases when friendly gamers are alright with Legends.
  6. Command Corps should NEVER have been able to target the same unit 3 times with healing based on the language as written. But GW FAQd it in the Core Rules to be the opposite of how it's written. So that change is totally warranted and appropriate. The one time per turn CP shutdown I think is also fair though unfortunate for Cities players. Steam Tanks should not be touched. The LVO winner had zero Steam Tanks didn't he? They really don't do that much damage either, and only count for 2 models on objectives. I think that's pretty balanced. The Warforger igniting weapons should be just nominating a single unit, not a bubble, or at least a smaller bubble similar to Advance In Formation. Probably same with his Save buff.
  7. I guess Morghur could be the very 'winds' of Chaos, whereas the other gods are aspects and crystallizations of Chaos. And every unit could have random stats for all Chaos all the time! It'd be like having an army of Hoarfrost rolls. And bring back the Gigantic Spawn!
  8. I see them going Option 3 actually. They're too popular to Squat, and given that Morghurite Spawn are a thing in the new book I very much expect and HOPE that Morghur resurfaces to mutate everything and anyone! I sold all my Beasts a while back, but will certainly be happy to get back on board if I can make an army with the Master of Skulls and tons of mutated weirdos clomping around. I mean I could kinda do that now. I almost think they'll get new models for some of the monsters too. Thought for sure the Cockatrice and Jabberslythe were going away. However I also forsee some Pestigors and Khorngors coming along someday as well.
  9. I am keen to try out 4 Gatebreakers vs Steam Tanks. I think the Gatebreakers would still whoop the crud out of the tanks. Either rend-3 pushing through damage in addition to MW on the charge.....or Pulverizing Strikes actually happen and 4D6 MW per gargant with those.
  10. I am wondering how did those 2 Cities players get to the top table at the Las Vegas Open if they can't beat Brodd's Stomp? That's a popular competitive army and out their 10 collective games they must have played them once. I'd be interested to know their battle matchups and reports. I found this link.... LVO 2024 Age of Sigmar Results - (frontlinegaming.org) looks like at least in the last 2 rounds before the Cities vs Cities final, they played Blades of Khorne, Kruleboyz, KO, and Soulblight Vyrkos Dynasty with the most zombies I've ever seen. No gargants in those rounds but they don't have the first two games for these guys. It's weird because I see there the Beastclaw Raiders guy lost to KO like I did at my last tournament with Beastclaw monsters, but then the KO lost to Cities.....except I tabled the Cities player with my Beastclaw monsters! Matchups really can make a difference, assuming equivalent General-ship, which in the top 8 of LVO I would expect everyone to be very very skilled.
  11. Oh right, forgot about that terrain throwing thing! That's a tough pickle.
  12. For fighting the gargants, especially megagargants, I think speed and magic are your best assets. Mystifying Miasma can subtract from their charge rolls, Pall of Doom (or Geminids) could shut down commands, and Pha's Protection could make one of your units ignore modifiers to their saves (of course best on a Steam Tank). Purple Sun too can help by just lowering their saves, and if you can get the charge with a Cavalier Marshal plus Cavaliers (even better a countercharge!) with the Sun nearby, that would just go right through them. Also, not sure if you have them but some Dark Aelves with the Strike First Order and Tenebrael Shards would also cut one down pretty darn quickly. Now all that is if you have to fight them. If they're standing still on objectives just beckoning you to come at them, see what you can do by evading them and scoring battle tactics and any other objectives you could reach (Advance in Formation and/or Misthaven comes to mind, or Living City for outlflanking could help, or allied Tree Revenants/Knight Zephyros for teleporting). You should be able to easily score Magical Dominance and Surround & Destroy, then Intimidate the Invaders, and then a sacrifical Led into the Maelstrom on them. Megagargants can only move 10" max. Mancrushers it's 8" plus say an auto 6" run. So if you put a screen unit in front of your important units, I think you'll be fine, just keep the front of the screen 3.1" in front and they won't be able to reach you. And when you remove models from the screen unit, remove them out of coherency so they can't pile in around the edges. Yeah you'll lose more in battleshock IF they survive, but probably they wouldn't live vs a megagargant anyways. Brodd's Stomp does get that one fly-over monstrous action IF they charge, but give them no space to land, and scour some allies for debuff spells/abilities to maybe reduce their movement/charge distance, # of attacks, or hit rolls, etc. Gotta be something good I can't think of for that in Order. (I know Soulblight would whoop them good.)
  13. Really eager/anxious to see if the Battlescroll Update limits our City support choices, or how many Stanks will fit. I'm primed and ready to paint but want to wait and see what really fits after that. GW often kneejerks after big events like the LVO.
  14. Man, that is really lame. Maybe this summer they'll make up for it with many many new plastic sculpts. Though I did just buy a box of the old Night Runners from my FLGS. Hope it comes with 20 of them? I didn't check.
  15. Since we're talkin' CHAOS Dwarves, I think Chaotic mutations would be a must have. So the bull-centaur aspect is almost mandatory, as blessings from Hashut. And perhaps a Possessed unit with bigger badder Chosen types would also be appropriate. K'daai I could see much more as an Invocation....then they could have those instead of Endless Spells. For sure gotta have the shooty troops, but standard combat troops most certainly would be there too. I doubt we'd see hob-grots though BUT I could totall see the Horns of Hashut and Iron Golems as battleline (much as the Claws of Karanak are in Blades of Khorne, are the Cypher Lords/Jade Obelisk battleline in Tzeentch?). I can't fathom a return of Chorfs wouldn't include at the very least a massive Cannon like the Hellcannon with maybe an alternate build as Missile Launcher of some sort. Some other kinda warmachine, maybe even a transport?! Winged monstrosity as a big hero for sure....and dare I say a supermonstrous K'daai Destroyer?! Guess it really depends if they take the reins from Forgeworld and use them as a direct springboard or not. They might as well too, FW did a great job with them, even in the army list and extra rules department for a while.
  16. Hmmm, did this person label their files as Skaven and other GW names? They must have been selling A WHOLE LOT of bits for GW to notice.
  17. I always forget about the Null artefacts, even when I take them. Time for a reminder-sheet.
  18. How many Tempestors? I have 4, but I could easily convert my other 4 Desolators into Tempestors. I do like their pew-pews. I was considering running a Stormkeep for experimental purposes to see how Steam Tanks fare in a non-Cities army. Something like: Hammers of Sigmar Knight Draconis/Knight Zephyros/Lord Ordinator 2 Tempestors/2 Fulminators/5 and 5 Sequitors/ 3 Aetherwings coalition allies: 2 Steam Tanks, Freeguild Command Corps allies: 5 Tree Revenants
  19. I mean, if the Night Runners came preassembled....I might not mind that.
  20. Guess that makes sense, though vs KO it would be very good! Wish my Ogors would have had that a few weekends ago.
  21. I emailed GW about removing Behemoth from the Doomwheel yesterday. I said that Allopexes and Khorgoraths are 8 wounds and not Behemoths, so neither should the Doomwheel be one. Or the other ones should be Behemoths. I also told them I am looking forward to buying 12 more Doomwheels in the summer. Hoping that makes them take my suggestion.
  22. Yeah, I did notice that Sawbones ruling they did. Definitely the way it should have been. Player placed terrain at a tournament is for me a super duper annoying thing. People talk about slowing the game down, and to me that REALLY slows the game down. But a single cheapo model to block movement is great use of them. I like my little Knight Zephyros as an ally for that...he can teleport too. Regarding the OPness of Steam Tanks, they die to MW well enough, and there's plenty of rend stacking around various armies these days to chew through their armor, plus they kinda stink in combat (though admittedly better than they used to be). Surprised the Prismatic Palisade isn't in more armies these days frankly. Also they only count as 2 models on objectives; and I've rolled 5-6 shots on their 3D6 supercharged rend zero Steam Gun plenty in the few games I used them so far, which is terrible. 230 points is fine.
  23. That one guy Gavin Grimgar (I think that's his name?) had a Stank Commander and I think 4 Stanks, 2 Command Corps, Warforger, a couple Cavalier units, I think a Hurricanum Mage, and possibly Zenestra. Saw it somewhere but not finding it, think it was Hallowheart though.
  24. The only thing that should be nerfed is 1) the SawBones should NOT be healing the same unit three times...GWs own Core Rules FAQ apparently permits that despite it making no linguistic sense. 2) Command Corps should be 0-1 per army, plus 1 per Marshal of whatever sort 3) Warforger should not be having bubble effects, for both armor and MW thing should be pick a single unit. Do all that without touching points and they'd be fine, and STILL worth taking. Have no idea what all those witch hunters do. Gonna have to read up. Great players can make a pile of random do great things. But Misthaven is awesome just for all the extra speed, which helps to get objectives and tactics all over the place, and place things for better Orders mechanics (which can be quite tricky to get off in some instances). Really hoping they don't make S'tanks crazy more expensive. That guy lost. Forgot to add that my Beastclaw Raiders tabled a similar Cities army at the last tournament I went to, though he had a giant blob of Cavaliers in Excelsis and didn't play them as well. Would like to see the matchups these Cities champions had. I think that could make a difference as well.
  25. Saw this on my local Discord. I was like WOW. Wish I'd have kept my Skryre megagargant so they could have brawled. Not that I think the One-Eyed Grunnock is good, but still, it shores up a bit of a weakness in our ranks maybe?
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