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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. I love the big kitties! They are very useful for letting a bunch of sub-optimal combat things strike all before the enemy. They're great as allies for Beasts of Chaos too. I always forget about the extra Monster VP thing, that will affect things with this Despoilers list I recently used vs a Living City with Dwarves, a Hurricanum, and all 3 types of big Treelords for a victory in Feral Foray: 3 Khorne DPs (general had Paragon of Ruin and Armor of Tortured Souls, and I advanced two kitties and a Fomoroid 5" before the game, another had Doombringer Blade) Chaos Lord on foot 4 single Chaos Chariots 2 Fomoroid Crushers 2 Mindstealer Cats 1 Soul Grinder allied Bloodsecrator and a Cockatrice all Marks of Khorne where applicable. The flock of Daemon Princes hitting on 2s/rerolling 1s when charging and wounding on 2s from the aura of the general AND all striking first AND all having a chance to heal in the hero phase is amazing, and the bunched up chariots going fast and charging things en masse are pretty good at softening things up if not outright smashing them when lucky, and the other monsters do their monstery tricks (Fomoroids can cause a surprising amount of MW with the terrain thing, including to our own army!). Soul Grinder kinda sucks actually but meh, I have one. Might switch that out for 10 Chaos Warriors, or a Gaunt Summoner on disc to summon Bloodletters (cuz Khorne), or maybe 2 allied Plague Priests? Not Khorne but cheap Priests and decent prayers, though a Slaugherpriest is also good. Feel like I need something to dispel pesky endless spells, eg: if the Scuttletide or Everblaze Comet gets cast on me, that's a problem. Now that I look at this army, it offers up 9 extra VPs if all my stuff dies. That's almost as much extra as my 4 megagargant army! Hmmmm, risky business. I must have long-Covid brainfog.
  2. I've tried foot Orruk armies and Boarboy armies, and I always always always miss the speed of the Boars. Plus I just don't have another cavalry army so they fill the need for speed! (and I don't want to make another Tzeentch army, just loaded with Screamers and Burning Chariots this time...I mean that will probably not happen, probably).
  3. Is this list just garbage? Kinda seems like it, not sure I even want to spend time proxy battling with it. But it would LOOK cool. -Steam Tank Commander (hawkeyed, not sure about relic) -2 Runelords -Gotrek -1x20 Irondrakes -2 single Gyrocopters -3 Steamtanks for battleline
  4. Greywater certainly has its appeal but I lack the speed to get anywhere. That's why I rather prefer Living City for the option to outflank some slower unit, plus move 1 after shooting if applicable. I hope the new GHB lowers our points some, they really are a bit overcosted. Probably won't happen. I used Living City with Dwarves (and a Hurricanum, Durthu, Treelord Ancient, and Treelord) this weekend vs a very weird Slaves to Darkness army (3 Khorne Princes, 4 Chariots, 2 Fomoroids, 2 Mindstealer Cats, Soul Grinder, Cockatrice, Bloodsecrator)....Feral Foray mission. I found the Hurricanum to not be super effective, though to be fair, when 3 Daemon Princes hit your lines and all strike first, hard to even get to the point of hitting much less enjoying +1 to hit. I think with more shooty armies it's probably better at saving CPs. Maybe with more Irondrakes it would be worth it? I outflanked the Irondrakes, which is totally NOT what to do with them. They could have Unleashed Hell on a Daemon Prince and erased it probably. Gyrocopters were highly effective at sneaking around to get Savage Spearhead and then Conquer in the enemy zone. They caused 0 damage to anything, and didn't even bother as they used their speed with run to get places. I'm thinking this is the best use of them...and if there is a pesky horde, then they can participate more close up. Problem with taking Hammerers and Irondrakes as battleline is having a Dispossessed general, which means the Warden King, and he's just not very durable but needs to be central for his great effects. So that means pretty much always taking Ironbreakers and/or Longbeards, rather than just Irondrakes as battleline. Hmmm. Hammerers killed a Cockatrice very handily but that's all. Kinda wish there was a Steam Tank Transport; It could be like a Land Raider in 40k! It was a close game though until Turn 5, ended up at 20-15 I think, with Chaos only winning bottom of turn 5 from being able to get their own Savage Spearhead and getting the final objective points. City only had 1 Gyrocopter left.
  5. Congrats! That's a mighty victory for the Bonesplitterz. Think it would work as well with all Boars instead of foot Orruks?
  6. While Grungni would be god-tier, I don't think he is a god in the sense that Khorne is a god. I mean, Teclis and Nagash are gods now right? Sigmar is a god, but also a real boy.
  7. I wonder if we'll ever see events requiring movement trays for deployment to save time for units of 10 or more models? I played a Skaven player once in early 2.0, or maybe late 1.0, and it took him literally a half hour just to put all his ratmen on the table. It was worth it to see what Doomwheels could do to me...and to themselves
  8. Ooh that would be a really cool idea! At the very least I will have all my Duardin painted by next Adepticon, AND I'll have sooooo much practice with them that I'll dominate, and skew the meta so Dispossessed are HOT!
  9. The Dispossessed need to reintegrate all the other Duardin under the banner of Grungni....didn't he show up at the end of Broken Realms? Or I guess that could have been some other white dwarf. Either way, with the relaunch of Squats in 40k, it would highly appropriate and symmetrical to reflect new short-folk in the Mortal Realms.
  10. Yes, thankfully the Stormdrake warsroll is balanced and doesn't permit retreating and shooting/charging 🙄
  11. Hmmm, I wonder if it's theoretically possible to still lose despite the OPs tabling in turn 2? If there are no enemies to kill then some of the Battle Tactics cannot be scored. Though in 3 turns I presume it would be enough time to get enough objective points in most missions or win in the sudden death missions. The tabled player wouldn't get any Grand Strategies I don't think though (aren't they all keep something alive?) but perhaps could have prevented the living player's Grand Strategy somehow. Intriguing!
  12. Pretty sure you can't take Kragnos in a 1K game as no unit can exceed 1/2 your points. I'll try to find the rule but that was a rule.
  13. Hmmm, that actually makes sense. The Horned Rat has too many 'aspects'. Really shouldn't just be an amalgam of rat-viewed Chaos gods as it seems to be now. But I don't see them getting rid of the kits that all got repackaged for AoS thus far (I think the Clan Skryre and Pestilens ones are the only Start Collecting kits...those and the Verminlords are the only ones I can think of that have proper boxes with their own pictures on them, but not quite sure.) Have to agree however assassin rats are so integral with the Skaven lore that Clan Eshin needs some love! They do have 4 units however with the Deathmaster but they're all old and crappy aside from the Verminlord who just doesn't kill well enough for the masterist assassin of them all. All the Skryre weapons teams need a new kit, and it should be all coming in units of 3 and built with the same kit. Doomflayer perhaps nixed but the Doomwheel kit is super amazing and I don't think I'd change a darn thing on that one. As for rules, their battleline situation is dum. Change it to be whatever special units are battleline IF general has that Clan keyword. Period. AND they should permit battleline units for Skaven to be reinforced once without spending reinforcement points AND Acolytes/Gutter Runners should be min unit 10 so every Clan have a proper horde. Keep their horde rules too, those are good, just hard to use them now with reinforcement point limits. Giant rats and rat swarms should be like Nurglings and come out of terrain, or just out of gnawholes on a 4+ add D3 to the swarm if it's in range.
  14. Looking at 2 or 3 old cheap Slann Starmasters and a metal Lord Kroak.....is a Starborne floating magic space-frog heavy army viable? Cuz it sure seems pretty darn cool! Not really sure what else I would need in a Seraphon army starting with those pieces. Do they still summon stuff these days? I also have the 2 different start collecting kits a guy might trade to me for random stuff I have. That's got Terradons, Skinks, Bastiladon, then a Carnosaurus, Saurus Warriors and Knights I think. Is that a full army there?
  15. Excellent points. I do like having a +1 to hit prayer so I can save the CP for the Irondrakes, and use it for an All Out Defense or 6" run roll, etc. Guess if they really need to shred something, and I need the 2 Runelords to do their native prayers I could use the All Out Attack for shooting. But gotta agree, the Hawkeyed CT in Tempests Eye is super good. Think I'll get the other steam tank if I can and have an armored company....it'll be like when I had Imperial Guard with Squats way back in 40k
  16. I think the Fyreslayers play about the same as they used to, but with augmented Runes and Magmadroth performance. Wonder how they did?!?!
  17. Thinking about some Greywater Fastness as an option for the Duardin now (mainly because I got a Steam Tank, and have my eye on another). It's good for Gyrocopters and Irondrakes and gives Runelords another useful prayer. Steam Tank Commander (general, Ghoul-mere Ranger, Steampiston Plate Mail) Ancestral Runicanum (Ash Cloud spell) Warden King Runelord Runelord 2x10 Ironbreakers 1x20 Irondrakes 1x10 Hammerers 1x10 Longbeards w great weapons 1x2 Gyrocopters Steam Tank Easy to swap out the Commander with a Dwarf. Yeah humans make stuff but not as high quality as we bearded folk. Running and shooting near the general kinda helps mitigate their slowness, being able to trot up behind and at least fire some shots. Reasonably tough units in there too. Focus fire to eliminate entire enemy units would be key but the Irondrakes with rend-2 shooting twice, and hopefully with Curse gone off, is pretty spicy. Steam Tanks should be hitting pretty well together with the Runicanum (my Dwarvish Celestial Hurricanum in case you couldn't tell). Bodies for objectives, Gyros for fast bombs and horde softening or far objective stealing, at least 1 turn of it. I'll have fun practicing this vs my Bonesplitterz or Beasts of Chaos (whoever wins the match between those 2 in my mini-self-tournament...this is how I decide what to paint next).
  18. Oh like the Icon and Instruments? I think that's a yes for the Boarboys and Boarboy Maniaks, but the Savage Orruks, Arrowboys, and Morboys are 1 Icon and Instrument per every 10 models (cuz that's the minimum unit size). I had a battle vs the IDK Morphann subfaction. I had Drakkfoot/4 Wurgoggs (Master of Magic and Glowin Tatooz on the general)/2x10 Stikkaboys/1x10 Morboys/3x4 Big Stabbas/Rogue Idol. I just took 2x Power of the Wereboar and 2 Gorkamorka's Warcry for my spells. He had one of each Eidolon, some tiny foot general and the foot guy with the big hook, 10 and 20 Thralls, 2x10 shooty Reavers?, and allied 2x20 Dark Elf Corsairs. Mission Veins of Ghur so no objectives to start with. I went first and Ferocious Advanced up and pretty much had a castle on the center. He moved up did some shooting and took out some Stikkas and Big Stabbas. I went first round 2 and charged some Corsairs and Monstrous Tookover the randomly appeared objective on my right, and killed a bunch of Corsairs with the Rogue Idol. Wurgogg cast Fists of Gork on 20 Thralls and killed 13 of them with a casting roll of 11 so that was good. And my other Stabbas, charged into the back Corsairs but stabbed over them to cut 8 wounds of the Aspect of the Sea wizard Eidolon. Aelves then shot off more dudes and failed to take back the central objective, they achieved Broken Ranks easily though fishing off the Morboys....and flew over with his Stormy Eidolon and killed the Were-boar Wurgogg easily (that guy can retreat and charge I think, something to be wary of for sure). I got priority turn 3 again and tried to get Broken Ranks but my Rogue Idol was striking last this turn cuz of their High Tide rule and I was not in range or sight to use the Wurgogg Mask on the little Reavers unit, nor even GorkaMorka's Warcry. But Idol did kill all but 1 (he got a wound roll of 1 on one of the Fist attacks, DRATS!). Earlier one of my Wurgoggs exploded himself trying to Mask the Stormy Eidolon but the General Wurgogg finished the job. My backfield dudes ran over to get that objective so I scored a good 8 points that turn. He answered with Assassins of the High Tide to kill my general and 3 Stikkaboys left in the middle. Turn 4 was key, and had I gotten Priority I could have used my Rogue Idol to reclaim the right objective and kill bunches of Thralls.....alas the TIDES turned and he got priority and rolled my Idol with Thralls and FLOODED that objective. He also got Bring It Down and no stinkin' avalanche at all, which was very lame and disappointing. I tried to get Slay the Warlord with my last Wurgogg and he killed himself on the first 3 tries doing no MW whatsoever to the little fish-aelf general. I definitely found myself missing the extra MW in combat more than enjoying the ignoring MW effect of Drakkfoot. Just to situational and isn't always 'turned on', as most armies don't have enough ward saves to warrant it. The one or two times someone might face Nurgle it would be super awesome but overall I have to agree Icebone is the way. And with Boars as battleline we enjoy the speed too. Not sure 4 Wurgoggs is super necessary but 2 spell wizards with the Mask possibility is too good to pass up Big Stabbas are always good, Rogue Idol is pretty good but pricy. Hmmmm. Gonna just paint my Boars and wait for the GHB to decide what I'd bring to my big summer event.
  19. If only Legion of Azgorh were still around to add to the diversity.....
  20. Sure would be nice to see subfactions too, and then most common units. Isn't there easy to use software for this kinda thing? I mean, we're all nerds, must be some computer brains in the crowd. 1/3 of the armies are 4 Battletomes. Interestingly only 7 Sons of Behemat. That new VP bonus really hosed them over, which probably why they were not so popular.
  21. I have not even looked at what the Big Waaagh does. Don't have the other Orruks. But maybe someday.
  22. Well looks like the Deepkin do have some ward save action....I smell some Drakkfeet! Gonna bring my mostly painted models thus far. The sacrifice of Drakkfoot is we have to take foot dudes for battleline. Gonna miss the boar-speed I think, but worth trying out for sure.
  23. I think GW made them points-costed like that because Bonesplitterz come with a 6++. However I totally agree and am praying to GorkaMorka and Shattatusk that we don't get hosed, and in fact get blessed with the upcoming GHB2022. I also want my Wurgoggs to stay as-is, or get cheaper, nothing else! Saturday I have a game vs the new Idoneth Deepkin scheduled. Anyone play them recently? I've played against them thrice, all in AoS 2.0 (once with Clan Eshin, once with Legion of Azgorh, and lastly with my Sons of Behemat at the end of 2.0). I remember the turtles being tanks, the sharks being surprising damaging, and the eels ignoring rend. But I don't know their new tricks...do they have ward saves? Or should I just go Icebone and load up on attacks? I do want to try my 4 Wurgoggs. Not sure if the Savage Boss 8" pregame move is worth it necessarily with fast incoming aelves. Maniak Weirdknob has a good spell, but means less Wurgogg. Rogue Idol is dead-stompy, but so many points. I think I need the allied Spider Riders for chaffy screens, and possibly shaman with Scuttletide, though he will have wizardry as well. hmmmmm
  24. Ah I see, the overkill. That makes great sense. I ask because Drakkfoot subfaction ignores ward saves. I've played vs the Phoenicium but not since early AoS 2.0 and remember them being tough to eliminate. Seeing that Nurgle won, or got close to winning (sort of a debacle) Adepticon last weekend, thinking something that ignores ward saves might be worth trying. When I run my Cities though, sure do love the Frostheart Phoenix! Not sure all my Dwarves would fill out a Phoenicium real well though would they? Hmmmm Probably need another Phoenix to really max out the benefits.
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