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Everything posted by Charles

  1. They were also displayed at the AoS Open Day at Warhammer World. The terrain team said they would be released soon. . . So it shouldn’t be too much longer.
  2. I am painting one at the moment, not sure if I will ever use him in my army though, it just feels wrong.
  3. BloodReavers are certainly the most detailed models to paint that are worth the least points in the whole game!
  4. I think that would be a good idea, as most of the models really don’t fit the AoS aesthetic. However I do have a soft spot the Wanderers their models do go well with the free cities, or if they had a beautiful reunion with the Sylvaneth to boost that faction.
  5. That Occulum required so much green stuff it’s crazy!
  6. How did you make the prismatic palisade so magical? Any tips you can share?
  7. Yay, I’ve just finished building and painting the old ones. I used them in an AoS game yesterday and they did well. I will wait for the plastic to get some more though
  8. Hey Bloodwarriors, I am currently writing my list for Throne of Skulls tomorrow. I was just reading through our battalions to see if I could get a command point but the only three I have the models for are Gore Pilgrims, Dark Feast & Blood Hunt. I know Gore Pilgrims is the only good one, but I don’t want to be too gamey this is supposed to be a more casual event. I think I will just stay 50 points under for the Command Point. Would that also get me a triumph? ps. It’s so hard to build and army with the models I like without running out of hero slots ?
  9. Sorry @ledha my question was for @Mikeboll I didn’t spot your post in between. Read your battle report to though, thanks for sharing.
  10. I would also like to understand how you could finish a Nurgle army in turn 2? Seems like that would be tough with low rend and their multiple saves.
  11. Nope they just suck. I use them in a squad of 6 to try and do slightly more damage on the charge. Their best trait is they look cool and if you play against someone new they might think they are dangerous and waste their focus on them.
  12. I think this is a result of them putting 0 time or thought into Khorne in AoS 2. When they get round it they will change for us too.
  13. I use Steel Legion Drab. it matches the base coat of my realm of battle board so it blends in and doesn’t detract from the models and scenery I’m playing with.
  14. But of news for you all, the two story Azryite ruins will be available for order within a month.
  15. Can anyone else read the Khorne Erata on their phones? When I select it the text is all blurry like a bad scan. I don’t have the problem with the other files. Anyone else experienced this?
  16. I literally just finished basing Skarbrand. I will not be rebasing him, it would be a little unreasonable for GW to tell me I can’t use the base they sold me with him 4 months ago.
  17. Can’t believe she is only 60% of Skarbrands cost.
  18. Just watched the 12 episode of Stormcast, I think I confirmed the afterthought theory several of us have been discussing. When the play tester what would be good for Khorne, he couldn’t think of anything and then said the basic command ability to reroll charges . . . Martin also said Khorne would do really well by using 70 point Reaver units with the axe. I think he is getting mixed up Reavers don’t get Goreglaves
  19. The stripy lines do look fitting for Necromunda
  20. Well done, they look amazing! Can’t wait to see them at 2000 ? Do you plan on painting any more, I’d love to see your version of a Stardrake of Lord Celestant
  21. That sounds like a good range, but I really hope the Balewind is not accurate. If there was one warscroll that did not need a reduction in AoS 1 it’s the Balewind
  22. Seriously as soon as this army is big enough it needs to be featured in White Dwarf!
  23. That’s great, I may have to switch to digital purchases if this becomes a trend. Even though I love having the books on the shelf.
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