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Everything posted by fredster4050

  1. Well after being a Chaos Marauder doubter, I'm fully converted after 1 game!! Archaon 660 The Glottkin 420 Lord of Blights 140 Harbinger of Decay 160 40 Chaos Marauders 200 10 Chaos Warrios 180 5 Putrid Blightkings 160 Pallisade 30 Total 1950 Versus 2k of Nighthaunts, although it was his first game using the new army so he missed stuffed despite having unlimited take-backs. The Marauders (Axes + Shield) buffed by the Command Abilities of the Lord of Blights, Harbinger, Glottkin plus Mystic Shield and Fleshy Abundance were off the scale mental! +5 Armour save re-rolling 1's/+1 A/-2 -1 to hit/ +5 Disgusting Resilience/+1 W plus all the other marauder buffs. They held up 4 of his units for 3 turns, amazing!
  2. Not necessarily, Nurgle's resilience can keep them in play and wait to stack CPs for a couple of rounds before counter-punching really hard.
  3. Have to disagree, PBKs are just as deadly now, if not more so. The force multiplier that is stacked CP's just makes units them absolute lawnmowers. In a Glottkin/Sorcerer lord list, PBKs go off the scale in terms of providing hits, plus Daemonic power buffs their resilience. Plaguebearers may have greater staying power but they cannot demolish the enemy in one turn like PBKs can, and that gives you much better board control. You want to dominate position, not merely hang on and deny the enemy.
  4. In 1.0 I played him like that, but 2.0 lets you stack CP's therefore in later rounds with multiple +1A and Daemonic Power from the Sorcerer Lord, he becomes much more useful in combat.
  5. I just played in opening weekend 1250 Vanguard round robin using: GUO - Endless Gift Chaos Sorcerer Lord 10 PBKs 10 Plaguebearers 3 Drones Shackles + Cogs Played Deepkin first - got the drop on the charge with +2 Movement, PBKs buffed with Daemonic Power and a useful tree. PBKs and Drones wrecked face and my opponent conceded after turn 2. SCE next, much tougher fight - had to go hard after all his heroes, PBKS with Daemonic Power are resilient and hit really hard, it was tarpit on tarpit really. Then I buffed the GUO after stacking some extra CPs for 2 extra attacks and some extra spells from the realm and away he went clearing them out. Still went 5 turns and I won by 1 VP. Lastly Seraphon with Kroak, again another tough fight and his bloody 3 times MW spell thing was awful but the GUO just won't die! Cleared out everything and the PBks settled the score with Kroak! Result 3 for 3 - As a Khorne and Nurgle player, Nurgle just have everything in spades and make Khorne look like the waterboy!! Good - Movement with Cogs, Cycle of Contagion and trees is just stupid good! Extra spell from Cogs make the GUO even more useful (!) and stacking CPs can turn him into a combat monster! PBKs - just so good, can't believe we got away with them not getting up-pointed! OK - Plague Drones in 3's are more easily dealt with and unless you are going to CP them for extra attacks from the GUO, they'tr better targetted at lighter stuff. However in 2k with 6 Drones, a Daemon Prince and stacked CP attacks they'd be absolutely merciless. Meh -Plaguebearers in 10s don't work, can't hit for sh*t, can take a punch-ish. Grab objectives only. Never used the shackles but the spell list wa huge as we played using the Realm rules. Magic is definitely Might Stacked CPs are truly horrendous. There's a monstrous list out there with Archaon, The Glottkin and GUO and multiple CPs causing some truly world ending damage...
  6. I bet they are, look like absolute rubbish since they lost the 4+ to all wounds - glad I bought the cheap ones not the FW ones!
  7. Highly costed, really! Blightkings have remained at 160 points for 5, that is an absolute steal!! The fact that none of the points went up in GHB18 is amazing, given how lethal Nurgle are, my win rate is 24 for 3 and I wouldn't consider myself a great player nor my opponents slouches. Given what's happened to Khorne points I think Nurgle have been completely overlooked in terms of points re-balance. I was expecting 180 or even 200 for the PBK. A little sad that Toads are nowhere near as resilient as before, but that just makes multiple PBK's an auto-include. Not just that but multiple big heroes units could offer some nasty combos - Archaon, Rotigus/GUO and Glottkin plus Harbinger will be horrendous and all for a mere 1560 points. throw in some cheap battleline and Endless Spells and its going to get really tasty!
  8. Oh man, we got hit right in the dangly bits with the points! They'll be blood on the streets for sure...well slightly less of it now!
  9. Good man! 'Come on chums, lets not be glum; all this sadness makes me ill, when there's so many foes to kill! AoS will be so dull, if we're not out there claiming skulls...' Blood for the Blood God, crisps for the Throne of Khorne.........oh wait...
  10. All, I've started a narrative thread so we can track the battles and stories of our armies, ideally they'll be written as stories not batreps:
  11. Not that I care anymore about the red fellas you understand.....
  12. "De-Khorned!! What is this blasphemy you speak!"
  13. Once I have the first 500 points painted (agreed by all participants to be the end of April) I'm going to start a narrative log of the army build and the games played. The story will revolve around Wilf Dedengon, Barak Zilfin's infamously incapable Admiral featuring stories of his exploits in the search for elusive Aether-gold and the hapless crew he commands..... Coming soon : 'Heart of Daftness'
  14. Pictures from the shipyard... (Apologies for the poor light) Base colours started on the Arkanauts...
  15. Great progress all! Well done Mr B on getting that done so quickly. Dave O, I'm not sure any of us are qualified to give you suggestion on painting techniques, however I really like the deep pink/purple as so many Horrors are vivid pink. Mark - yes likewise with Kharadron's I'm into the realm of sub assemblies and sub-sub assemblies..sigh!!
  16. They did and competitive play was ranked 3rd in the book behind open and narrative, plus on arrival there wasn't even a points system, just wounds, it was refreshing and different. Malign Portents, is all about narrative play, so whilst GW are profit minded they have released a whole product line encouraging narrative play which would seem mildly contradictory if they are now going to turn matched play to 11? I just don't want them to create generic game systems and play to the loudest crowd, difference is good, I hope they keep it that way...
  17. Absolutely, but the core mechanics have remained the same. Are they saying they'll split it into 2 different rules sets; matched vs narrative/open?
  18. Heaps of salt!! Doing away with those core mechanics makes for a generic operating system (iWarhammer anyone?) which may please the more competitive minded but does away with the uniqueness of the game. The double turn ability makes for some slightly asymmetrical warfare and is great for storytelling and for uncertainty in planning making for a more interesting game. Some players dislike the rule but it is not universally hated, by Khorne's Fiery Breath I hope this is just rumour nonsense! Alternate combat regardless of charging prevents alpha strike shenanigans and that is a HUGE plus to this game!!
  19. Well done both, they look great. Scott, can you send through some more Warshrine pics?
  20. @CyderPirate There you go Scott, should be there now! I don't know what fleet I'm going to paint them yet as I need the book to have a look at the options. However if someone in 'The Tale of...' collected the Sea Elves, sorry Idoneth Deepkin , then Ruben and I could do the hunting of the Snark/Moby ****** type scenario!
  21. I'll kick us off... I'm Fred and I've been collecting AoS for the past 2-3 years although I was into WFB starting way, way back in the late 1980's (which I think makes me a veteran, although Tim will say I'm just old..), where I played Skaven, Chaos and Empire Armies (War Wagon anyone). I have a decent sized Khorne Daemon and Bloodbound force, probably 80% painted which I played for 2 years but who have taken a back seat to my recent purchase of a Maggotkin army. I have been playing them for the passed 4-5 months starting in the months before the book came out, they are again about 80% painted. Therefore I'm switching tack completely and going with an Order army, the Kharadron Overlords. I've never collected Dwarves before however the imagery of the Kharadron's was really appealing, especially the artwork showing the Bloodthirster attacking their ship. As a Khorne player it looked fantastic, but I really liked the look of the Kharadron, as much as the sight of a Bloodthirster about to set about their ship! We've been quite flexible with our approach to 'A Tale of...' as we recognize not everyone in our community wants to invest in a new army, or may have existing armies they want to upgrade/just get painted, so we're letting all players in as long as they make an effort to get stuff painted and get involved in the games. Our only rule is that only painted miniatures can be played... I'll be starting with the Kharadron Battleforce which will be arriving just before Easter. I'll post pictures as soon as I get started...
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