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Liberator (1/10)



  1. Eternal Guard should be getting their buffs on a turn in which they're charged, as Form Forest of Boughs and Forest of Boughs state "in the same turn". Your opponent's turn is a separate turn to your own! With that in mind, situations in which you lose the bonuses are functionally: 1) If you move (including retreats) in your movement, 2) if you charge in your turn, 3) if you make a pile in move in ANY turn.
  2. The Living City might also be a solid option, if you're looking at monsters and Chariots. The Board Edge Ambush gives you some solid options for getting them into place more easily, and healing a Wound on your Hero Phase helps keep everything around longer.
  3. That's cool! I had a spare Nomad Prince shield from a conversion I did a while back, so that was an easy add. It's funny, I've bought two of that model, but neither managed to get built as what it's meant to!
  4. I've used the same Glade Lord as my Nomad Prince, too! I put the Hawk on the same base, though. She's a gorgeous model, and I'm glad to see her still around :D
  5. Loose Until The Last!!, you get to reroll the 1s, because rerolls happen before modifiers. So you'd roll your dice, reroll any 1s, then apply modifiers.
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