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Everything posted by CanHammer-darren

  1. No explaining. 3 very hard to kill monsters. All wizards. Arkhan cursing people and being a pain. And summons 12 crypt horrors/flayers. Pretty neat
  2. So this just came in 3rd at Nova GK in TG x3 arkhan some ghouls discuss?
  3. If your gonna run nagash AND morghasts you might as well run first battallion and make nagash that much harder to kill
  4. Yea man. I’m just thinking this thing that can fly and retreat and charge and heals when it does this and does 3 damage. Man. And your surrounded by 12-18 eels.
  5. Is there a storm vs sea thread? Trying to decide. In the setting of an eel combat army
  6. the deepkin that won CCBB had an eidolon of storm....didnt die a single time during tournament 6 rounds....was pretty beefy
  7. Deepkin just won our 39 man tournament. Beating first cohort for the win. Will be covered on our next poscast
  8. ans You can only do it once in small min sized units. Unlike some armies...
  9. played a game last night using grimghast reapers, unit of 30. They absorbed a whole ironjaqz army worth of close combat. thats 20 brutes, and a megaboss, and a megaboss on foot, all with 2 extra attacks and all the usual buffs. Whole army killed that unit, then i ressed the unit next turn haha...was kinda of gross.. oh and then hand of dusted the full wounds mawkrusha....
  10. It was FAQd. You can have 100 ghouls in a ghoul patrol if you own that many lol
  11. So if I got it right it’s just summoning 2 units of flayers/horrors (assuming majestic horror on the GKonTG) and some more ghoul kings who in turn summon small ghoul units?
  12. Too many points paying for battalions. 180 for ghoul patrol is pretty steap already
  13. New list GK on TG GK on ZD ghast courtier 40/20/10 ghouls ghoul patrol 3 horrors cogs first turn big unit and ghost drop in. Summon a vargulf with them. 6 more horrors. Rerollavle 7” charges all around.
  14. I’ll have a couple of battle reports up on our channel next week featuring my new FEC list
  15. To be honest GW missed this opportunity which hopefully they will correct. I love the little cards for the warscroll but then why does 40k get psychic power cards and none for AoS? Mystifies the mind sometimes
  16. Vordrai also gives nagash hits and wounds on 2s....
  17. tbh if nef dies then your just back to what you had before. Only issue is whether or not morghasts tax and battallion tax is worth it. And yes you literally won’t win objective game. So your trying for tablings basically. nagash with nef is pretty hard to kill already. I just wonder if first cohort is too much. Effectively first cohort gives nagash another 12-18 wounds itself so maybe you don’t need nef then and run more skellies
  18. Don’t know man. 320 points in battalions seem excessive. And summoning 10 ghouls just seems crappy.
  19. Unit of 9 would be very hard to kill. Doesn’t matter that you can’t attack one thing with all 9. Just attack multiple things.
  20. If your vargulf silk have to be within 10” to restore models and they have to start within 6” of an edge? Presuming your horrors are not chilling at edge
  21. Does royal family ability cost you a CP? It’s not specifically labeled a command ability but replaces the command ability
  22. Bit confused by royal family. So your GKonTG in your royal family can summon a ghoul king instead of horrors/flayers. Still costs you a CP from what I can see? And then GK can only summon ghouls. The courtier models can only heal not summon. Vargulf doesn’t summon. So how does royal family actually add horrors/flayers?
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