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Everything posted by Dez

  1. It looks good! Yellow is hard to paint, keep layering.
  2. I'm going to be making a Barak-Mhornar Fleet, and I couldn't be more excited. That's saying something for an excitable gamer! Since we had heard rumors of a Dwarf Blimp back in 8th Edition I'd been saving money to start The Fleet. I've also threatened to sell all my armies if they brought back Squats to 40k, but that may turn out to be an idle threat So I've got the vision for Barak-Mhornar, the Pirate City. My Fleet will be focussed on the art and trade of Brewing, with a secret itinerary: Find the keys to the recipe of the fabled Bugman's Best. Often thought lost to the 8 Winds, they've returned time and again after years of being gone. Always different, always changed...and always with holds full of bewildering riches. One image really struck me when released, the image of the Ships with tentacles coming up from below: So I'll be be doing a bit of sculpting of tentacles and barnacles and other interesting items. I think I'm also going to go a step further and make the ships look really lived in and Piratical, with scary symbols and skulls adapted from real pirate fleets. I'm also going to go really deep and dark with the colors, and use different sources of light (Aethergold and blue/green lenses, purples). I'm also going to try and make some sort of cloud basing, and I've got ideas for that already. So here is my progress so far. I've almost built all of the Arkanaut Company and one Frigate. I've got a lot of basing and sculpting to do. The most fun part, is I'm trying to get it done by May 21st for a doubles tournament! Painted and ready to play. I've found a couple ways to convert Light Skyhooks. You can use the tips of the Skyspikes as well as Skyhooks from the Frigates. I then converted a 'SkyPike' from the bits left over.
  3. Dez


  4. Dez


  5. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/05/03/rumour-engine-may-3rd-2017/ Blood Bowl Goblins?
  6. Repackage? I've got one around here somewhere.
  7. This is how I picture mine, though with a bit more Barak-Zilfin mixed in.
  8. Have you ever waited while someone builds a list that way? I prefer everything on building blocks the way it is now by far.
  9. I was with you all the way until you mentioned porting points per model and upgrades. No thank you
  10. They are in the digital version not the printed version.
  11. Yeah this is the way to get me playing 40k again too Might be me finally pulling the trigger on GSC...
  12. I can see some basic rules revisions...but I'm also thinking it may have been to keep the page count low so they could include painting and tactics. IF that's the case, keep on going with it!
  13. Eshin and Moulder need a complete overhaul off the top
  14. @bottle So one player is ahead of the rest, so the rest are all talking about autoroute to get their gold up. What I mean is setting up for a game, and then one player declares they are routing. You still get gold and xp for the scenario, so they just do this ad naseum until they catch up. Way to kill the spirit of the game. Might be something to think about/faq.
  15. @bottle I had a couple of questions: In the ritual, what happens if the player enacting the ritual has no models? Nothing says (within Hinterlands) the ritual stops. We played it out anyway for fun, like it was an unstoppable force...and my opponent failed to roll a 4+ and I won with no models on the table haha! In the same mission, do you roll a 4+ for each model within 4" or is it just one roll per turn?
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