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Baron Klatz

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Everything posted by Baron Klatz

  1. Those are our glorious King Brodd’s royal attendants the Creepers. But yeah, I really doubt those rumors. At most I imagine BoC to get a lord, warband and maybe one new unit. Honestly at best those descriptions were probably the native creatures to the Gnarlwoods which don’t belong to the BoC. (Rumor mongers probably just saw these pics and saying they’ll be models with no backing) on Realm fauna, the new Ogor tome mentions the Efreet(fire fish with legs) again that were expanded upon as both dishes and vermin that overrun the Great Parch in Soulbound(can also be made pets) so that’s fun(if prepared wrong and eaten they’ll set you on fire, honestly would love them as a Fyreslayer or future Firebelly Ogor thing. Cooking lads that eat some to set themselves on fire since it won’t affect the Fyreslayer/Ogor but most certainly will roast his enemies)
  2. I could see the Seraphon chameleon treatment, 10 Gors who live in the shifting meat forest supported by three centigors from the plains nearby. They seem like charging (drunk) glass cannons anyway so they’d fit as a fragile lance unit. On the subject of Hedonites, remember the contingent that went to attack Excelsis became a rabble as Sigvald and the Glutton fought eachother so there’s bound to be remnants of those Slaanesh forces wandering around(I still think that’s the upcoming UnderWorlds warband with Malerion’s mask horns as a cruel jest since he’s technically the father of the Slaanesh god-twins)
  3. BoC Warcry warband would be a nice surprise. Either Bloodhunt or Nightmare Quest could fit a bunch of Centigors braving the Gnarlwoods for supplies and trophies.
  4. I’m thinking a Khorne gong for their upcoming tome next year. Destruction loot tends to be more messy and extra bits hammered on. (Khorne has been getting a lot of love lately across the warhammer universes) But anyway, new UnderWorlds fortress cards post and the Rivals card flavor continues to be a blast. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/11/22/the-best-defence-isnt-a-good-offence-its-fearsome-fortress-the-new-rivals-deck-for-warhammer-underworlds/ Fun ideas for how crazy a AoS siege can get with living obstacles and even when first seeing the Loon Knights warband my first thought was how cool they could do a defensive scenario with the squig-a-pult and armored infantry blocking a spikey Gnarlwood choke point so the squig knight can bounce in and pick off attackers.
  5. Yeah, personally I’m weighing on it being the Seraphon refresh instead with all those magi-tech staff & jungle flora pictures floating around in Rumor Engines. What better time for Starlight dinos that have space battles and later the orbital altitude science-fantasy Kharadron to get some tasty big updates than when 40k is getting it’s big moment to shine in a burning galaxy? So I’m expecting CoS to be 2024 with the new edition/Realm Rules.
  6. I hit my upvote limit today but that’s getting one tomorrow. Fits too, Loonboss art likes to make him pretty chonky.
  7. Could be a spider hero. That Gallet incarnate is still scuttling on the rumor horizon and a spider Grot shaman accompanying it with Snarlfang bodyguards it’s venom boosting(like a more effective Gobbopalooza Spiker) would do wonders. 🕷 (perhaps even herald something for a future Warcry band with the Spiderclans so heavy in the central Gnarlwoods.)
  8. Well going by their lore the Snarlfangs should mingle as: Moonclan: fast forward scouts, the Loonking hires them as they worship the Suns of the Realms as an aspect of Mork so operate in the bright light of Ghur & Hysh that the Moonclan can’t until Da Bad Moon intervenes. So some standard buffs the other Grots can’t get until moon-powered would fit. Spiderclan: Snarlfangs are just as venomous and fast as their spider cavalry as they poison prey with toxic fangs then stalk them as they weaken(like Komodo Dragons) so should get their sub-factions venom boosts and where Spiders ignore terrain the Snarlfangs should run faster around. Also will put in my hopes for a new Troggoth. People have been saying that one on the Gallet cover is new so probably that as a Juvenile Rockgut sub-species option that acts as cheaper Troggherd infantry.
  9. Tickets! Get ur tickets! Also great news on next week being orders for Christmas Boxes, Curseling & Enlightener released from their box, Warcry warbands & monsters have finally finished their StD repacks and will be back on the store too. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/11/20/sunday-preview-get-your-fill-of-age-of-sigmar-battleforces-and-the-new-warcry-expansion/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sunday-preview&utm_content=us-open-2022 Also can make a subscription to Black Library for their 12 Christmas Shorts ⛄️ Also if in their area here’s a shout-out to any that want to help this chap build up their community: And lastly as more a “check out this cool person” post, Alfhild Windrunner on Twitter has been doing some amazing AoS cosplays.
  10. Ah dude, AoS is doing amazing. Since 2018 we’ve been consistently in the top 5 best selling miniature game spots duking it out with DND, Marvel & Star Wars. (We’ve never been able to topple 40k from it’s #1 spot but we’re usually in second place in 2018,2019 & 2021) The lowest we’ve been is in 2020 at 5th place thanks to the far between releases but even half-way through this backburner year we’re still between 3rd & 4th place(no doubt when the Winter sales report comes in it’ll be a solid 3rd place with StD, Sons of Behemat & rejuvenated Warcry & UnderWorlds back at the helm. https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/50617/top-5-non-collectible-miniature-lines-fall-2021 https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/51799/miniatures-continue-get-bigger Just remember misery loves company and forums tend to deviate towards that(just go on the Total War forums and take a drink for every “TWW is dying and CA are evil!!” post. You’ll be drunk very soon ) Best example is the Dominion threads. 15 pages of conversation for the one with rumors it flopped vs the little activity on the official report that Dominion blew their expectations out of the water and has been their best selling fantasy product ever. https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/28940-rumours-on-low-dominion-sales-discussion/ https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/30576-gw-half-yearly-report-20212022/ So yeah, AoS is doing great. Keep enjoying what you’re doing and try to go to areas that don’t put a cloud over their heads and say all they can see is gloom. 😎👍 AoS Reddit, Blogs, Twitter, Discords and Battle Reports I would suggest for positivity you need. Like for inspiration Warboss Kurgan just posted a really awesome Warcry narrative report of his pirate orruks raiding an Ogor Man-eater camp as Hysh lowered and caused nightfall. https://warbosskurgan.blogspot.com/2022/11/further-adventures-in-scarlands-part-12.html?m=1
  11. We know the winner of this year’s model competition. Stikk Squig: Da good boi for Da Bad Moon. 🌝 Also my prediction on Order tomes is: Summer: Kharadron with a Sylvaneth style release. New ship(possibly Flynt’s) & bi-planes that match the Sylvaneth beetles. If also marines they’ll look surprisingly like Votann as if recycled molds. Last Order tome: Seraphon with a big overhaul to their ancient range they’ve been slowly setting up. 2024: Cities of Sigmar reboot to kick off a new edition and Realm. fingers crossed we all get what we want and AoS finally gets it’s Steam back to early 2021 levels. 🤞
  12. Was alright. But weird not to see a Gloomspite hero but that may still come as Novakai said. Snarlfang riders is a nice surprise as a unit, better than just a hero and niftly replace the UnderWorlds warband while fitting the savage Ghur aesthetic.(but yeah was hoping spiders) the Warband is as zany as the magical mushroom maniacs should be so all good.(Moonclan should always be goofy and rely on shrooms, silly prodders, pets and jars compared to say Kruleboy grots using brutal spikey weapons and slave catchers) And good for BoC but would’ve been nice to get a new god model of Morghur and continue Thondia’s storyline. Looking at the Roadmap I imagine Kharadron are next followed by Seraphon with a possible overhaul and then 2024 for the big Cities of Sigmar reboot.
  13. Haha, man would that be crazy if the long rumored Gloomspite vs StD box was actually Grots vs Beasts. Also kinda wondering if the “wolf rider” could be a curveball, if that ends up being a spider-Grot feather headdress on a Snarlfang helm it could be a alpha-leader of both that mixes styles. Would love to get smacked in the face with a pun monster that it’s riding a “wolf spider” that’s a hybrid of a wolf head on a spider body that the Gnarlwoods Realmshaper discombobulated together. If it is a Snarlfang hero it’ll ironically still be useful to lead fast striking spider-grot packs as Ghurian Snarlfangs also use venom to take down their prey(really hope he’ll at least get that in his warscroll):
  14. I’m thinking he’s either a Snarlfang taken in by the Gloomspite or possibly the Moonclan making their own to patrol Ghur. Beside the visible moon emblem there’s way more armor on the silhouette than the Rippa’s had(as Ghur is very low on metals, especially compared to the Realm of Metal that the Gloomspite leadership is at) and Gloomspite do love their armored grots.
  15. I think that could work easily, just water them down a little so they’re not as anvil hard as the Krondspine and future Realm Incarnates and faction Incarnates can work splendidly as hybrid Endless Spell/summonable boss units with appropriate heavy pricing. Plus it can give Stormcast Eternals the giant talking Zordon head from the Tempestfall game and that’s the ultimate win right there to have a giant Stormcast mask floating around zapping everyone:
  16. Here’s another screenshot that shows a Moonclan shaman. Looking at the Grot rider he’s got sleeves and armored legs that the Snarlfangs lack so I’m guessing he’s a heavy duty bodyguard for the Shaman leader of the Warband. Middle is very likely the upcoming Spider Gallet Incarnate. Here’s hoping BoC fans get something juicy since their line needs an eventual overhaul(come on Mammothmen, Sharkmen and Mantismen!)
  17. Neat! Are they your Soulbound party? A few look like Reclaimed. (Also look like fun designs for the Anvil of Apotheosis with tribal-turned-city Ghurian CoS heroes)
  18. Reminder of ticket sales tomorrow! shout out to these two Armies on Parade posters that have been giving it their all this year! Gnarly stuff balanced by some divine work. Seriously impressed by peoples takes on the Ghur Gnarlwood terrain. Deserts, tropics, swamps, Metal-scapes, holy ruins. Meat trees can grow anywhere it seems and look good doing it!
  19. To Kingdom Come! (Really loving how high fantasy the shields and pauldrons are. Feels like Freeguild will look plain in the center of their body and let the fantastical weapons and defenses do the talking) https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/11/09/dawnbringer-previews-peek-at-the-panoply-of-protection-worn-by-the-cities-of-sigmar/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=warhammer-age-of-sigmar&utm_content=citiesofsigmararticle09112022 seems good kitbashing flavor too for Realm forces. Skulls-Shyish flowers & vibes- Ghyran Lions- Ghur Sigmar icons- Azyr, Hammerhal On a note of “Cities of Nagash” for Death kitbashers out there here’s an amazing redditor you can look at: Also Ironweld Witch Hunter which is what I hope the future reboot encourages for more flavorful kit-swaps of diverse cities and troops.
  20. I wouldn’t think so, the Age of Three Emperors is already pushing what races might bring back to the past. (Example: Bretonnia Trebuchet is a near End Times invention so wouldn’t be back when) Sigmar’s time is an age of fur-clad warriors just discovering chainmail & crossbows and some areas still using chariots because stirrups are a new thing to(for humans, the elder races are mostly hidden at this point with Sigmar making the biggest breakthrough with dwarves that earned him Ghal Maraz. It wouldn’t be until the Great War Against Chaos that Ulthuan and elves stop being considered myths)
  21. Always fun to take a step back and consider we’re at a point in time where we can say “There’s too much Squat releases”. @acr0ssth3p0nd Hey I saw you mention that WiP battleplans piece in Warhammer Weekly, why don’t you post it on the warhammer news thread or general hobby chatter? (Or better yet a new post so it can get a spotlight)
  22. Same but there’s always ideas worth looking at to share with another system. Just look at how 40k 8th edition got a huge second wind by revamping to copy AoS’ keyword, weakening damage profile and streamline rules system. Edit: I wonder if adding specifics to human, duardin and aelf keywords in cities would be too much or just enough rules flavor? Like a Ironweld + Hammerhal + Aelf keyword combo means a unit is great around warmachines, giving commands and accurate shooting so become a elite sniper unit that’s good at defending artillery or fighting alongside steamtanks/copters to take objectives.
  23. Anyone else looking at the Astra Militarum update today and wondering if that might be worked into new CoS? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/11/08/mix-your-favourite-regiments-in-the-new-codex-astra-militarum/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=warhammer-40,000&utm_content=cadiaarticle08112022 “There are 15 doctrines making 93 different combinations, allowing you to build an iconic regiment from the lore, or cook up a custom force with its own history and home world.” I could see AoS achieving something close to that with the Cities as sub-factions and 4 roles to choose from(Freeguild, Ironweld, Collegiate, Order of Azyr) so you can mix-and-match stuff like Greywater traits + Collegiate to make the Mage-engineers that helped Vindicarum’s siege defense in “Broken Realms” or Excelsis traits + Order of Azyr to create some crack shot monster hunters and witch hunters happy to go charging in with runic great weapons. Do it for Her, GW: (hopefully some aelf heads come with new Freeguild kits to complement the city aelves taking up human army positions & jobs.)
  24. Necromunda continues to pump out humans perfect for a Realm of Metal AoS force. Here we have a Vindicarum Relictor squire accompanied by a Chamonite storm cherub, a Scourge Privateer beast smuggler to get non-clockwork animals in to a city or sky-port and a Gun-Smyth accounted by the Artycles to keep the local populace armed in the face of Chaos threats.
  25. Guy on Reddit made a note of the others too: MrTzaangor :legions-of-nagash:Legions of Nagash 3h “Stats guy here to tell ya that the armies that still didn't have a battleforce are: Cities of Sigmar, Fyreslayers, Beasts of Chaos, Flesh Eater Courts and Maggotkin of Nurgle. See you next year when they probably still won't get one, sadly!” Honestly surprised Maggotkin of all things didn’t get anything. At least with Fyreslayers they never really needed much their amazing SC didn’t offer but like Nurgle has a ton of shiny new options especially now after the update made things so infectiously good(plus TWW hype). Fingers crossed for the years to come though. CoS and FEC will probably have to wait longer or even next edition than the others for a range refresh first but Fyreslayers, BoC & Maggotkin can always claim next year or after!(BoC would be great for Era of the Beast and a Fyreslayer hero assembly with Avatar-Gotrek at the forefront would be rad! Maybe even to herald the Aqshy Season of war. 🐐 🌋)
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