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Everything posted by Malakithe

  1. Those Nids are crazy cool...and their codex release schedule, while starting slow, is 9 in the first year
  2. Im at work so im always up during these hours
  3. Hopefully there is more then just more meh 'specialist' games
  4. Ive been playing nothing but Chaos Dwarfs in Total War right now
  5. SCE need their points rebalanced again. Its silly how much more normal battleline is compared to others now
  6. Doubt it as the new lizards can do the same thing at greater potency. Unless they plan to nerf everything capable of similar things
  7. Have you seen the new MW output the lizards can do? Spirit Gale might as well be an Arcane Bolt in comparison
  8. I saw the points and profiles for the new Saurus and they are roughly around where Chaos Warriors are which im okay with. Coalesced Saurus getting +1 to bites and -1 dmg dealt to them looks pretty good and +1 to sv for being near objectives is great. Really blunts all the dmg2 and higher rend thats going around
  9. Ooh didnt think about the astrolith to increase the range for endless spells...that could be real spicy How does the range increase work with the spell portal endless spell?
  10. Similarities yes but one will objectively be better then the other...like how TW:W is the best thing ever period
  11. You say that until someone suggests 100 Skeleton spam
  12. Nighthaunt is super attrition mode maybe as much as Vamps now and aside from monster mash FEC can just keep pumping out the ghouls
  13. Right? I love the bloodsucking cruise missile. Cheap, fighty, vampire To me all Death factions are attrition based. Pick your flavor of summonable returning stuff. That hasnt changed since AoS has existed. Now you dont have to go that route and you could go for the more elite style of lists but ultimately thats not what Death has ever been about... Slow ever advancing lines of bodies that get back up when they fall controlled by their overlords. Thats Death.
  14. So I just saw the interaction of the Vyrkos heroic action to increase the unit size of Kosargi Nightguard lol theres no way that was intended
  15. The rule is definitely not fine. The wording is really bad enough so that damn near everyone that reads it is confused. It reads that it only brings back 1 model and that at a minimum is probably not the intention of the rule.
  16. Tabletop Tactics just released a new battrep with the new book vs OBRs new book...might answer some questions
  17. I wouldnt say perfectly fine...tons of people pouring over the leaks are saying this needs to be FAQ'd
  18. Up until the last book they were still grindy. Legions of Nagash book defined attrition. This is just a more refined version of it...all death factions are basically attrition but have some elite options.
  19. Who needs a hammer? Just drown everything in massed Skeletons
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