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Everything posted by Malakithe

  1. Yeah pretty obvious they left out stuff on purpose. The article was just to show they can go to 10 attacks and build up rend. Beyond that we need to know how they hit and wound (probably auto hit) and the initial rend and damage.
  2. Well color me interested. I can only pray that the Runesons themselves wont be total ass like they are now. Also we need to see what this new Fyrestream attack does Looks like they already edited the article lol
  3. 40k's focus seems to be refreshing mostly old stuff. As far as new from scratch there hasnt been that much outside of Primaris (which can be argued as a line refresh as well). AoS on the other hand has had a lot of new stuff in its relatively short life span
  4. Sure I get that but unless he started the hobby literally last week its kinda a 🤷‍♂️. Cant expect any company to keep all of their products and inventory over the course of the companies lifetime. And if he did start just last week then I guess its sucks to start..late? Like 30 years late lol
  5. Why is your friend just now ordering 7-25 year old finecast stuff?
  6. I hope they buff the ****** out of droths. They are some of the worst heromonsters in the game easily
  7. Do we think there will be points changes?
  8. Thats also true...which tightens the net around how many people even see beta rules...which means there is def not any playtesters lol
  9. Fair fair. Though I dont think I like the idea of my heroes dying to provide that bonus either lol but im sure your no stranger to leaders dying for various reasons, rat-beast
  10. There are no real 'playtesters'. GW just sends beta copies of stuff to influencers/youtubers who then read it and send it back with their opinions. Actual playtesting would involve several weeks of real games being played over and over to find those broken combos or iron out any rules issues. But that doesnt seem to happen.
  11. Yep this is real. Look at 40k right now. ****** is crazy over there
  12. I just hate once per battle stuff in any form. And having to roll for battle traits is pretty ****** too
  13. But your lists is almost entirely hammers with only one spawn. Doesnt seem a good choice to take a sub-faction based around a single 5w model. Now if you had more spawns to possibly spread around the CA then I can see that working.
  14. Per the article your technically right but the current system is one rune activation per turn that cant be reused. They left out any info about if they are one time use or not. My guess is they are keeping the system the same and just like SCE Holy Commands. Single time use....which is trash
  15. Ehh removing abilities and placing them as battle traits isnt really a thing. If that was the case then most updated factions would have 10+ battle traits. The FS scrolls are just losing abilities without replacements or updates. Look at Stormcast. Almost all their units lost stuff including every single command ability. None of that has returned in any way.
  16. Seems I cant react with the 'sad' and 'haha' at the same time...
  17. Im reeeeeally tired of once per battle garbage. And part of this 'battle trait' is baked into the luck of rolling a 6. The ward-rune save should have been an army wide battle trait from the start. Ive been saying that for years.
  18. Most other factions have 2-3 battle traits so im hoping your right. So far previewing the use of the same once per battle activated stuff isnt giving me much confidence that ill need to change my list beyond spamming just HGB
  19. All I know is there better be some jaw dropping allegiance stuff cuz the individual units are some of the worst in the game for their points costs
  20. They do much better in Vyrkos where Bella can basically summon more and Chadukar can summon a whole unit. Combine that with 3 units for battleline and you got a super mobile force of the goodest undead bois
  21. I like how your assuming your GG survive a charge from Fulminators cuz those GG sure as hell wont be the ones charging first
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