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Everything posted by SeanMaguire1991

  1. I think one thing people are overlooking is that the vast majority of the Old World Range is still in use. I don't think they'd waste time with new sculpts where there are perfectly fine models already available. Plus it will probably help sell a load of their inventory. I imagine they will make new kits to replace the ones that were discontinued like the Orc Boyz and Empire Knights.
  2. with Warhammer the Old World I was thinking that, since Bretonnia and Kislev returning we can assume they'll have new ranges. Also the Empire and Wood Elves might be getting back a bunch of its missing models (an educated guess not a current rumour that I'm aware of). This lead to the realisation that a Majority of the order aligned races in old world are solely represented by Cities of Sigmar in AoS. I wonder if this will lead to new Warscrolls in AoS based on miniatures from the Old World range like say: Freeguild Knights: you can use all Bretonnian, Kislev and Empire Horse Knights as well as their weapon options (usually only lances or great weapons), maybe an upgraded variant like the inner circle rule from old Empire so you'd have an excuse to use Grail Knights and Gryphon legion (nothing stopping you using them anyway but you get my point). Freeguild Cannon/Mortar/Trebuchet: speaks for itself Freeguild Light cavalry: That aren't pistoliers Theres a ton more stuff that could happen but I'll hand it over to you.
  3. Zenith usually refers to the Sun at its highest point in the sky, so it could mean spirits closest to enlightenment and thus the rarest.
  4. 1. No more turn priority rolls. It sucks 2. A damage system similar to 40k so units can more specialisations. 3. Terrain rules improved 4. Nerf shooting to oblivion because to hell with Clan Skyre.
  5. My thoughts exactly. GW will want easy crossover between the two systems
  6. This one thing that annoys me about cities. No General on horse No Prince on Great Stag No Dreadlord on Cold one(Drakespawn) No Sorceress on Dark Steed or Cold One I hope this changes in future, especially with Old World returning.
  7. I wonder if they discontinued a bunch of Cities stuff so they remake it for Old World and probably allow use in AoS where appropriate.
  8. Vampires, an Army of Vampires and all their unholy glory. Seriously though Vampire bloodlines could very well make a big come back.
  9. will it be previewed at Warhammer Fest this year? (assuming it doesn't come out before)
  10. I'd like to see a Slaves to Darkness battletome just so we can update the Grand Alliance Chaos Warscrolls, Daemon Princes are unplayable in AoS which sucks as they are great in 40k (at least I think they are).
  11. Sure is a lot of complaining here as opposed to you know rumours
  12. I'd like to see Cairn Wraiths become Units like they are Total war (the artwork also implies this, or at least to me it does). It would give Nighthaunt an Infantry unit.
  13. So Stormcast ride Hippogryphs too! Hm this could be a nice tie in to the Chinese new Year.
  14. The Darkoath Chieftain was Chaos. Also the other heroes they added came from all 4 alliances.
  15. Except Duardin don't use magic outside of runes, something that doesn't seem to have changed.
  16. Wouldn't call the Stormcast Extremis a small faction, more like an add on to the regular Stormcast seeing as they share the same keywords.
  17. I think people are looking way to much into this. I reckon its all gonna be Tzeentch related as all the rumours and All Gates tease Tzeentch.
  18. Assuming that those factions don't get expanded in the future.
  19. I remember the 8 Lamentations being mentioned in the Black Rift novel. Nice to see that's a thing that's getting expanded on, and with a group of heroes no less!!
  20. The Great Deciever Rises! So the next big storyarc will revolve around Tzeentch and the Silver Towers? I suppose this means Chamon (Realm of Metal) will be the next big battleground. Probably lead to Tzeentch Arcanites vs Steamhead Duardin and the return of Grungni.
  21. I notice we arn't seeing any Dryads or Treelords in any these leaked artworks
  22. Alarielle riding a Giant Hercules Beetle!? Oh I can't wait to the miniature
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