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Everything posted by SwampHeart

  1. Different strokes for different folks I guess - I think the new KoS is an absolutely amazing model, probably one of the best GW has produced in years. I've been mostly working on getting stuff together so far, built an Enrapturess and Epitome last night, waiting for pay day to get my Keeper. I'm still not 100% sure on my hero load out, my only set in stone choices are atleast 1 Keeper, 1 Great Bray Shaman, and 1 Epitome. Also if you haven't assembled your Epitome yet I recommend a ton of dry fitting, especially with the big tentacles. They're not a bad fit but the instructions aren't super clear on exactly where they're supposed to go on the 'stand'. I figured it out by putting together basically all the tentacle sub assemblies and then just sort of slide fitting them until they all locked together. Its a good kit but the instructions could be clearer.
  2. You're speaking my language here - I love the list and I'm excited to see how it works out. I think it takes hue advantage of the speed of HoS and gives you a lot of firepower. My only concern is if you don't do enough damage with that first haymaker you're going to get absolutely pummeled in return.
  3. I've been using it to boost an Enrapturess, gives her re-rolls plus she now generates 2 DP a turn (1 for being an Enrapturess and 1 for the MW she takes from the Fane). Its free and I like the magic defense and DP boost from the Enrapturess so the Fane seems like a natural spot for her hang out.
  4. Just as a heads up for everyone GW updated the Fyreslayers FAQ again this morning. https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/age_of_sigmar_fyreslayers_errata_en-1.pdf Designers Commentary is unchanged.
  5. I don't know that they're wrong? Without dragging back the conversation from the last thread a unit of Daemonettes in Epicureans will kill 22 models assuming a unit with a regular 4+ save with no other saves to speak of (which is actually a pretty rare unit these days). Against say GGRs they'll kill 17, against 30 Pbears that drops to 14 (-1 to hit hurts). Obviously with double fight you can effectively double those numbers (give or take for possibly reduced models fighting due to space) but realistically screens are a solid answer to our out put. I say all that to say I agree that taking the Thermal Rider cloak is a solid answer, I've also had a lot of success with a generic daemon prince as well. This I don't agree with, one of my regular opponents is a good IDK player and while Ishlaen are sticky they're not sticky enough to not melt against a KoS. One 6 from the Claws is enough to make the unit quickly begin to wither.
  6. It looks like 3 "primary" Keeper builds have evolved thus far: -Invaders Tank - Skin Taker, Sinistrous Hand, Progeny of Damnation, <Insert Choice of Defensive Artifact> -Pretenders Combat Monster - (Pick 2) - Strength from Godhood, Hunter of Godbeasts, Strongest Alone, Silverslash -Godseekers Acrobat - Speed-chaser, Thermal Rider Cloak I'm curious what other set ups people have tried, how they've worked, and waht other 'arch-typical builds' you think there are.
  7. So you're telling me that BoC is on the same tier as FEC? Because that's how I read that. I play BoC and I can tell you that you have exactly 1 chance of dealing FEC and that's the bull. Also you're telling me that you think FEC and Skaven are on the same level as GSG, FS, or HoS? Because again there is proof (actual statistical proof) that this isn't the case. If these are your opinions there is absolutely zero commonality between you and I because there is no world where FEC and Skaven are on the same level as the other books you mentioned. Yes I'm sure if I asked DoK players they'd tell me there is nothing wrong with the book. However I don't think they're the most objective group out there when it comes to assessing their tome's overall balance issues. I also literally just did the math for you on the changes people are suggesting for DoK - its a roughly 200 point increase. Also you're suggesting that the best solution for players who right now are getting demolished by FEC, Skaven, and DoK is to wait and hope they get a good book. Man that really gives those players hope.
  8. Because this isn't happening and you know it. Not everyone is getting a Skaven, FEC, or DoK tier book. Yes some things need to be brought up but not everything that's been released since is on the same level as these three book. It is absolutely asinine to suggest people want DoK toned down out of jealousy of having a good book. A 100 point hag increase + a 30 point Witch increase is a result of a 200 point increase in most DoK lists which is actually a pretty reasonable approximation of where those things should be costed. If GW had shown that they are capable of getting most books at the BoK and FS level I might agree with you but they haven't. So some books need to be brought up but others need to be toned down. No one wants to wait 2 years for their army to get updated only to find out they didn't draw the lucky straw and get the next FEC.
  9. Assuming they continue to use the GHB as a points adjustment vehicle rather than a rules adjustment one I don't see how armies can be brought up to DoK levels. The issues that create the gulf between DoK (and FEC) and other armies aren't just points. There are certain models in DoK that are undercosted, I don't think that's really debatable. Or are you telling me that 30 Wyches should be cheaper than 30 Daemonettes? I don't want DoK to be non viable but clearly some of what needs to be done involves adjusting points up to account for how effective the army is at current. If they want to use the GHB to adjust army rules then I'm fine with bringing other armies up to DoK levels but that isn't what the GHB has been thus far.
  10. So what non DoK players have been having to do since 2.0 came out?
  11. Morsarr going up to 180 per 3 won't make IDK unplayable and neither will Hags at 100 and Wyches at 300 for a horde.
  12. The issue is how little the HBs do back whilst costing over double the cost of the witch elves who are themselves immune to battle shock.
  13. That's fine for when GW redoes the Battle Tome but that's not what they've done with GHB. GHB is for points adjustments and yeah it sucks that your ludicrously undercosted models will go up but then again it sucks for everyone who doesn't play DoK to play against 60 point hags.
  14. Yep, some nice bonuses for BoC there. Honestly Slaanesh is looking like BoC 2.0.
  15. This is correct - you'd take The Depraved Drove and (assuming your whole army is in the battalion) you can now choose either Hedonites of Slaanesh or Beasts of Chaos for your allegiance abilities. Right now Euphoric Killers is a fantastic ability (one that also really helps out Bullgors) and Godseekers looks to be rock solid as well (just adding more speed). Right now my main thought process is Depraved Drove (Bray Shaman, 3x Min Ungors, 30x Bestigors) supported by Ssyl'Eeske for the fantastic command ability (re-roll 1s to hit within 18" and/or immune to Battle Shock within 18"). I'm expecting this to be roughly 1k points so plenty of space to add in either more HoS or BoC pieces as needed. Obviously this is just my first 'idea draft' and I'll need the book to make a better decision. I suspect they will. Without getting too salty they don't want 'literally no brains to play FEC' to have any form of counter play. @Televiper11 100% - in Desolating Ungor Raiders become a very valid and serious hammer for the army.
  16. Slaanesh is looking VERY different, sure you won't get artifacts or traits but you're getting access to a lot of their buffs because they say 'CHAOS SLAANESH'. The idea isn't ti run pure BoC as HoS but instead to cherry pick the best BoC options and take advantage of the Slaanesh buffs.
  17. I'm going to be trying out a Ssyl'Eeske build with the new HoS book 100%. Probably go minimum core + a shaman for the move buff and a 30 man unit of Bestigors. That's only a 730 point investment which still leaves a lot of room to slot in new toys from the HoS book as well.
  18. Negative - the Taurus will always take precedence over the Tide. The FAQ states the most recent effect is used and since the Tides are an always on allegiance ability are never the most recent. About the only thing the bull doesn't stop dead is the Khorne artifact that gives them fight first on a roll.
  19. Spells are low casting value and you can cut for bonuses to cast and dispel to get the 7s through. Its one of the competitive arch types for Nurgle right now. Unless your opponent has +2 to unbind you're casting on equal or better terms against their unbind (number of unbinds is irrelevant). Thricefold also holds a lot of keys to countering some of the more popular lists in the meta right now (thanks to having a great vessel for keeping the witherstave around and access to the much sought after negatives to hit). I've looked at the Nurgle book consistently and I can't see an army I'd rather take than a TFB list (plus its fantastic in any behemoth, caster, or character scoring game).
  20. 100% disagree - Thrice Fold Befoulment is a fine list that has the capacity to play well against a variety of armies. Would some points drops be nice? Sure. But is the army in some entirely non competitive place? Not at all.
  21. This is what I'm doing these days - 60 Ungor Raiders (2 units of 30) as well as the Taurus and accompanying shaman to cast it. I'm running a bit of a hybrid of the Joel McGrath CanCon list but still slotting in 9 Enlightened on Disc in my list.
  22. I run Witherstave on my Bileblade/Bell GUO (my caster focused one) and Thermal Rider Cloak on my Sword/Flail GUO (combat oriented). I think the Witherstave is a must, especially with FEC out there right now doing its thing. It really helps stymie thinks like Gristlegore MW fishing and also helps just increase the durability of your GUOs overall. I like the Thermal Rider Cloak because it provides some nice mobility and the option for movement tricks with your GUO. Being able to charge over enemy units with him is fantastic, it lets you exploit gaps your opponent leaves, pile in to support heroes, and just makes him harder to deal with.
  23. I use a Mark III Tablewars Full Size case for mine - easy for flying, driving, etc. Toss some magnets in the base and you're good to go. The case is about 20x10x19" which fits the GUOs no problem and once they're in everything else just kind of fits in around them. Its a bit of an expensive outlay but its been worth it.
  24. Incorrect - you'd pick a point 14" from Spell P. 2 and then draw the line back to the GUO so its actually about 34" (accounting for the 1" gap between spell p. 1 and the base size of spell p. 2).
  25. Even if you pop the CP for maximum movement you're still losing 3-4" of movement a turn on Enlightened on Disc (who are move 19" with a shaman and must stay slightly behind the Ungor screen, sometimes more depending on enemy reach). Its a good tactic and when you're playing an army you can use it against its a must but it isn't fool proof by any means. And against some match ups means holding onto your Enlightened way too long. Really what it boils down to is the meta has adjusted to the trick and it just isn't as effective as it used to be. And lets certainly not forget the new plethora of double fight or 6" pile in units that have come in to existence who just obliterate the Ungor Screen tactic completely.
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