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Everything posted by Xasz

  1. Does he? You could argue that he only gains the Keywords but not the Mark and therefore not the relevant abilities...
  2. I think Gore Pilgrims is still the go-to battalion for Khorne. It counteracts some of the bigger issues of Khorne (Bloodsecrator range, inconsistency of priests, ranged combat), at least to some degree. It has not wasted/tax units and the point increase is manageable as the other battalions are pretty much strictly worse. (but I wouldn't be too surprised if someone figures a Goretide or Archaon/Khorne list out) That being said, Khorne has some major issues with the new edition. A lot of the new fancy stuff cannot be easily integrated into our armies and our summoning is rather constrained and more a small gimmick than a full fledged feature.
  3. I'm convinced that AoS will follow Warhammer: Total War, in terms of a split. (although it might be rougher in AoS) Darkoath will be similar to Norsca(or old WoC), as they are warmongering/raiding barbarians that have a connection to chaos but not on the same level as Bloodbound or Rotbringer. More of a superstitious, shamanistic kind of thing. I can see the Mammoth coming back as a core model and beasts having a connection to them -> Chaos beastmasters. Everchosen and the armoured part of StD (Warriors, Knights, Chariots, Shrine...) will be combined in one book, while the marauder part of StD is discontinued. Resulting in one undivided book of true devotees of Chaos. I really like the idea of one allegiance ability just doubling the points available for allies. Ergo, a 2000 list of an Everchosen/Undivided army could bring 800p of allies.
  4. The Goretide was played before GHB 2017, before the battalion costs just skyrocketed. There might be a resurgence, due to Khorne now lacking options and a small point decrease.
  5. Due to the lack of an Everchosen/Undivided thread... I'll spam this one. Been thinking about building something like this: The last couple points could go into another unit of acolytes for objectives, more spells (although I'm convinced that the predatory spells are a trap) or I could kick the Gaunt and the Balewind for a second unit of Varanguard + extra CP.
  6. I don't really care for Khorne in this edition but the new scenarios scream big blob of infantry even more than the last ones to me. Due to the downfall of Fatesworn, Khorne should be one of the best factions (within chaos) for this now. I prefer Blood Warriors over Chaos Warriors because they are more synergistic than their undivided counterpart, but there is an argument for the MW protection. Although they are a lot less killy in return. Summoning will only be used to drop small units on objectives late in the game or not at all. I highly doubt that it's worth it, to plan the list around summoning. At least not in its current form I believe that the predatory spells are a trap and the utility spells are the ones it's really about. The former provide the opponent with way too much counterplay and interaction. I wish I could fit in the palisade as well but besides the lack of points, 3 spells might be too much of an investment for a single wizard Second artifact will be Brazen Rune or the the Lens from the realm artifacts, if the latter will be a thing in matched play.
  7. That's another issue and obvious typos. (which nevertheless sucks) The matter of the fact is, as long as there is only one Chaos Spawn warscroll with a date, it will be the sole legit scroll and overwrite everything else. (which is just the DoT scroll with the new layout and timestamp) As a reminder: I know you don't like it and are trying to be sarcastic but it's RAW in this case with no wiggle room. ?
  8. Warscrolls got updated and the DoT spawn now has a timestamp, on top of being the only Chaos Spawn entry. I'm not the biggest fan of this either, but no more non-tzeentch spawns in AoS.
  9. It would, if we would still play the previous edition with no point updates and Tzeentch still receiving the nerfs. The neutral changes do favour some factions more than others but that does not mean that we are the prime beneficiary of them or that it could counteract the myriad of issues within BoK (new and old). The whole picture must always be taken into consideration, not only convenient parts of it.
  10. Sayl is dead now as well, 200 is too much for a supporting unit and no one cared about his spawn doggy. What I've been thinking about lately is, that Khorne could be the best carrier army for a 30 man block of medium infantry (within GA Chaos). Tzeentch Fatesworn is dead, same goes for Nurgle Plaguesworn... on top of that Arcane Shield got a lot worse. Khorne never relied on the Everchosen battalions and a big block of Chaos Warriors or Blood Warriors synergieses perfectly with our one and only battalion, Gore Pilgrims. The former being less attractive now due to Sayl costing 200 points now... but the Blood Warriors version might be worth exploring. Gore Pilgrims with max heroes, a big block of Warriors and some reavers. Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut, a Sorcerer Lord for easy buffs on the Blood Warriors. Throw a Shrine in there and a couple units of your choice and you should have a somewhat solid list. The Blood Warrior brick can be really obnoxious for other melee armies, especially if you can get it into position early on. The plan is to stack Bronzed Flesh on them, the buff from the Sorcerer and let the Gorefists do a lot of work. It's certainly no T1 or T2 list, but it's something. Otherwise I'll probably go for an Archaon/Everchosen list... either with: Archaon, Harbinger of Decay, Lord of Slaanesh on Demonic Mount, Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut and a Gaunt Summoner. You activate Archaons ability and ultra buff him with all the command abilities. As units I would take 1x6 or 2x3 Varanguard and 1-2 small units of Reavers or Acolytes, depending on what works best and if I want to take endless spells. The other idea would be playing Fatesworn and Archaon with Everchosen allegiance. Personally, I have no intention of hopping on the SCE or Death bandwagon. I'm a true agent of Chaos (and mortals at that) but I have the feeling I have to look beyond Khorne to get a kick out of the game with 2.0.
  11. The best thing is to wait until the dust has settled.
  12. Not enough sleep and too much work, that's how.
  13. Look at my post above. It's in the designer's commentary, page 6.
  14. Designer note page 6. Non-army allegiance battalions do now count towards allies and every unit in them, regardless of their own allegiance, does so as well.
  15. Yeah, Khorne is officially dead now. You could still run the list without Bloodmarked Warband but you would face the same issues every Khorne list does with Blood Tithe and summoning (as outlined a couple pages ago) I tried to stay somewhat positive/neutral and find a way to make all this work in a fun way but there is actually no point in playing Khorne except for the sake of it. The last couple days I thought about a Brass Stampede list. The increase in mandatory units and battalions does hurt this concept as well and it was always a rather specific setup. It's not the saviour. To make sure everyone knows what we are talking about Meaning, Bloodmarked Warband and all its units (even if sharing a keyword with the armies allegiance) now go right to our ally-pool and therefore cannot be integrated into any Khorne-list. Maybe they forgot to add, that units from the same allegiance as the army never count as allies but that's more wishful thinking than actual hope. (funny enough, Fatesworn Warband is now dead as well) @TheOtherJosh
  16. https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/8rb53z/gh18_points_dump_updated_as_new_ones_come_out/?ref=share&ref_source=link
  17. @TheOtherJosh Yep, I'm aware of the FAQ. It's within the limits of the game to play with whatever scrolls you may find but as I said, we decided to make a clear cut.
  18. If your play group is fine with using "outdated" scrolls. We have a club FAQ where we prohibit legacy rules and scrolls. Ergo, if they have the same name new overwrites old, no coexistence. (GW seems to do it they same way, at least to some degree)
  19. Chaos Spawn cannot be marked. It is expected that the Deathbringer will stack, but I guess they will clear up the wording a bit to make it easier to understand. Concerning the overall concept and Khorne. I'm waiting until we can be sure that there are no hidden nerfs or unexpected changes. If there are none, I'll probably play this list as Khorne is the only army I own (besides some Death stuff from before AoS) and I'd like to finish it with some daemons. Nevertheless you should be aware that the core concept can easily be destroyed by an FAQ. So some caution is advised. If things go further south I'll probably start my Fatesworn project or wait for a Slaanesh/Undivided release instead.
  20. They are supposed to be used with the Realm of Battle rules from the Core Book. (in contrast to the realm artifacts) I highly doubt these rules will be used at events or competitive matched play.
  21. The blood tithe artifacts and abilities only amplify the issued I tried to outline above. The system needed an overhaul with the new edition. Instead they just stapled whatever the intern came up with on his lunch break onto the existing system. They didn't even have the decency to tweak it a little, so it could at least outweigh the nerfs Khorne received to some degree. If our priests get hit, there will be no (competitive) game at all for Khorne.
  22. That's true. Sadly, the bottom is that they are all bad and you would be better off taking killy stuff instead.
  23. Endless spells have a very low complexity and stronger wizards will not really care about the reroll.
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