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Chris Tomlin

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Everything posted by Chris Tomlin

  1. So we are finally here, over 3 weeks after the event finished, with the last battle report! Apologies it has taken so long, although to be honest, with all the painting I've been doing recently I haven't been playing outside of events, so drip feeding the reports has kept the thread active with new content if nothing else! Following this, you can expect the following content over the coming weeks; Photos - lots of photos! I have done so much that isn't depicted in this thread and that I want to share. I think that it's photos that people like most (as opposed to walls of texts) so hopefully that will ignite some interest. Thoughts/ideas - As well as what I have painted, there is already so much more I want to do. I have loads of plans and ideas I'd love to share with you guys. Battle Reports / Tournament coverage - I have 6 games from the Warlords last weekend to report on already. Obviously I will be talking about my list following that and what I may look to change etc. I also have Facehammer GT on 24/25th of this month and then Cheltenham Warchiefs the following week 1st/2nd October! Madness. If you enjoy my updates, thoughts, pics etc etc (you sicko!), as well as this thread, you can follow me on Twitter @the_black_sun - all #miniaturemonday pics (well, Ironjawz ones!) will end up in this thread, but I also do a short 2 minute video exclusively on Twitter every #wipwednesday just showing what I'm up to. Considering moving into YouTube in the coming months. Finally, there is The Black Sun podcast (iTunes or www.theblacksun.co.uk). This is for over 18's as the language and/or content isn't always suitable for yoofs! There will be a new episode out this Sunday which is essentially just going to be me talking about my recent Ironjawz experiences. So even if you're not keen in general, might be worth checking that one out. But...I digress. Self promotion over, lets crack on with that last doubles report shall we? Game 10 - Brothers of Sigmar Round 5 - vs James Perrin @The Blightking (Destruction) & William Morriss (Destruction) Another pure Destruction off! This time we were up on the heady heights of Table 2 in a pretty fruity battleplan. Essentially there were 4 objectives (2 on each side) that could only be claimed by characters, needing the majority to win. As we as this there was a very jazzy D6 table to be rolled on at the start of each player turn. This could grant various buffs, but also if you rolled a dreaded 1 you'd find D3 of your units unable to do ANYTHING that turn. Ouch! Their armies were pretty tasty tbh, William was rocking the standard 1k Ironjawz list (like myself); Megaboss, Warchanter, 4 units + Ironfist. He'd opted for 3x 5 Brutes (interestingly had the Big Choppas on the Bosses) and 3 Gore-gruntas. James had a Huskard on Stonehorn (which he admitted was an error as it couldn't use one of its abilties I believe, however - character on a Stonehorn, pretty tasty, especially in this game), Tyrant, Ironguts, Ogors. As seemed pretty standard in these games we kinda just deployed where we were stood opposite one player. So think 2x 1,000 point games side by side. I'm sure the better players would've intermingled more, but hey - we were lazy!! For my sins I was up against the Ogor filth, which I knew was going to be tough. Luckily, they popped a "1" on the table turn 1, so we nominated the Stonehorn to remain pinned in place. Unlke the previous Destruction off there was no hesitation here and they push everything forwards at us. Victory here would surely see one team find their way onto the Podium, so all to play for! I couldn't really see how I was going to get round into the backfield to claim their objective. I decided to leave mine unguarded and also pushed forward, charging the 10 Brutes into the Ironguts and Megaboss Krunk into the Ogors. I had moved the Ardboyz up to try and block off the Stonehorn from getting around my side or into my characters. In combat, the Brutes deleted the Ironguts, which was expected but a relief nonetheless. In relaliation, 3 Ogors attacked and, in a shocking turn of events, outright killed Krunk! Disaster, terrible rolling. I was not expecting this and it put me in the rather rubbish position of needing my Warchanter to save the game! Oh, I have just remembered a very key part of this game - Paddy's 4 wound Grot heroes were unable to score!! Better planning could've seen us give the General "big and brutish" for +1 wound, meaning he at least could have done. So already we were pretty sure we'd lost. We had to hold off the entire Ironjawz/Ogor force, whilst somehow getting the Warchanter to one of their objectives if we were to get the win. Hmmm, mission impossible much? It didn't get much better to be honest, although it was clear that Paddy's objective was not in danger as he was doing a fine job vs William's Ironjawz. So much so in fact they began to drift towards my side of the table, knowing that Paddy's diminutive heroes could not score his objective. As soon as the Stonehorn became free it barrelled into the Ardboyz, killing all 10 in a single round. Urgh. In revenge of their Megaboss, 5 Brutes went to town on the Tyrant, taking him down in a oner. They then made the decision to not wreck my army with the Stonehorn, instead running it onto my objective and surrounding theirs with the remaining Ogors, using William's Brutes to tie up mine and create a blockade so that there was no way of my Warchanter getting through. Good play and essentially game over!! FYI, we actually got our secondary mission in this game and not against @Gmac2610 and Amy. This was a great fun game, which could've been amazing had Paddy's heroes been able to score as we would've had a much more tactical game on our hands. Still, we were glad to see James and William up on the podium representing Destruction well. Great lads. Me and Paddy came in 4th place overall out of the 16 teams. Not bad! As previously mentioned I also scooped Best Painted so all in all it was a successful weekend. Great to team up with @Paddy O'Sullivan and learn to appreciate the wonder of Moonclan! Thanks to @jonwarmington for putting on a great event. Result - Loss (5TPs), Secondary Objective failed (0TPs) Overall Tournament Record; 3 Wins / 1 Draw / 1 Loss / 1 Secondary Objective. Overall Position: 4th (out of 16 teams) I won't actually talk about my list this time round because, ya know, 1,000 points of Ironjawz is what it is!! Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading. Looking forward to sharing some photos and more reports with you soon. Megaboss Chris x
  2. Oh sh*t yeh! That was amazing, what a move haha!! That really threw us. Thanks for reminding me. Glad you enjoyed the game
  3. Good afternoon all, Back from The Warlords and on my way to recovery after a heavy weekend. Before we can get onto the painted models you haven't seen yet and my reports of the fantastic weekend just got, we need to finish up with Brothers of Sigmar (finally). So game 4 today, and game 5 tomorrow. These will be brief reports now but I hope you enjoy regardless. Game 9 - Brothers of Sigmar Round 4 - vs Matt Clarke @Gmac2610 (Order) & Amy Clarke (Order) So for game four we were drawn against my good friend Matt Clarke and his lovely wife Amy. This one was interesting as rather than two individual 1,000 point armies, they had cleverly split down Matt's regular 2,000 point Stormcast list to be legal in two parts. It worked pretty well IMO. The list included (off memory...this is some time ago now. You can still check the lists using the link above); Drakesworn Templar, Celestant on Dracoth, Castellant, Relictor, Mistweaver, Liberators (some), Judicators (some), 4 Fulminators and I want to say Paladins of some description, possibly a Celestant on foot. Sorry, this is going to be pretty vague. First off the bat I gotta say, without meaning to sound at all patronising, I was really impressed with Amy's grasp and knowledge of the game considering Matt had given her just 3 learning games before the event. Having a new player didn't slow the game down whatsoever, it flowed perfectly so yeh, all good! This battleplan was totally in our favour if I'm honest. It was played using a "battle for the pass" (lengthways) deployment. The space around the tables at this event was great and made what can be an awkward deployment method super playable. There were 4 objectives spaced like the ones in the SCGT stormfront battleplan - ie two on each players deployment line, spaced evenly from the long edges of the table. Basically the objective was hold the most of these (and you needed 5 wounds worth of models to do so)...however there was a juicy kicker in that every model that counted towards capturing the objective needed to roll a dice at the end of your turn, on a 6 they are slain outright!! This meant you couldn't just have 5 single wound models hanging out at the back as even just one 6 would see you unable to score. Very interesting I thought. Now for my Ironjawz alone, this would've been undoubtably a super hard battleplan as it was for the Stormcast with their limited numbers. However, Paddy, with his two units of 40 Grots was looking pretty good for this one. Deployment wise we didn't intermingle our units much and just took a side of the table and one objective each. I figured the Ardboyz were my best bet at objective holding in this one. Being two wounds each I only needed 3, however I tended to keep around 5-6 near it at any given time to mitigate the potential of rolling a couple of sixes. Everything else went forward with the large Brute unit eyeing up the Stardrake, although that didn't go particularly well. Amy's ability to roll well for the cavernous draws stripped away my Gore-choppas straight away (luckily the unit leader becomes a Big Boss in the battalion so gets 5 wounds!) and in general made a mess of that unit. My retaliation was poor as Matt rolled some solid saves on Amy's behalf. On the other side of the table Paddy was advancing, making some beautiful patterns across the table with his deluge of Grots. He overwhelmed the Stormcast objective opposite him and beat down on the Liberators (and maybe Paladins) protecting it. The Fanatics got released and saw off some Judicators, before getting into the Stardrake and taking that off. Poor Matt was having a torrid time with his objective, losing 4/5 Liberators to 6's over a couple of turns! Krunk and 5 Brutes got into the Fulminators and the mighty Megaboss alone slew 2 in a single round. After Matt's pile in he also had to test for one Fulminator on his objective and...of course, rolled a 6!! Ouch. Krunk then went down to some shooting. Boooo!! Whilst I think the Clarkes played well, especially winging the Stardrake at us and making a right mess (I should also note Rain of Stars killed the Warchanter & both Grot leaders), the battleplan was always gonna be tough for them whoever they played. Conversely, I think it was always going to be a good one for us, purely down to Paddy's list. Overall it was a great fun game with plenty of banter. Matt and Amy got our favourite opponent votes I believe. Again, apologies for the vagueness. At this stage I'm just keen to get a record of the games up and a brief description. I have so many tournaments coming up I want to keep on top of it. When thing die down a bit I hope to be able to do fuller reports on club games etc. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed regardless. Oh...we learnt that morning the Secondary Objective was worth points...I think we got one over the weekend and I think it was this game? Dunno that might be a horrible lie!! We won the game though. Result - Win (30TPs), Secondary Objective succeeded (5TPs)
  4. Bit late now, but mid week I did consider switching to a pair of Warchanters (probably a better choice full stop tbh!!) as I have a couple sat around, however I want to convert them so didn't want to rush it. An idea @Forestreveries gave me is rather than batch painting them to try and complete one at a time to standard and then use whatever I do finish as an "understrength unit". I quite like this.
  5. Thanks brother, means a lot from a fellow Megaboss of renown such as yourself. I have 6 more Gore-gruntas on the sprue. Dunno if I'll ever face painting them haha!! If nothing else, the last part of your post brought a smile to my tired, bleary eyed face!
  6. This is a call to arms fellow Megabosses! Wish me luck as Krunk and Da Black Sunz march for war in their first 2,000 point event at The Warlords this weekend. I've been painting like...uh..something that paints an awful lot these past 5 weeks, first getting 1,000 points finish for Brothers in Arms and now up to 2,000* for this event. Can't wait to get the army on the table. I've genuinely lost sight of whether it looks any good and due to some super super late nights (until 2.30am the last two nights, with work in the morning) I feel I may have slightly compromised on quality, but I hope it's still looking tight. I have a snagging list of sorts; things I need to improve for Facehammer GT two weeks later. Nothing too bad though. So yeh, next week expect many many updates including photos of everything (loads you haven't seen...sneak peaks in my Twitter vids - @the_black_sun), final 2 battle reports from Brothers of Sigmar and of course, how I got on at The Warlords. Chris *now....the kicker here is that I am not actually finished. Despite three really late nights in a row, I have yet to finish my Gore-gruntas. It's so disappointing and feels like abject failure given how much time I've put in. They are useable, but not up to standard. I will be taking them, plus my paints with me today and may try some hotel painting. It means sacrificing getting drunk and hanging out, worse still I might not even finish which would really suck. I'll also be shattered for tomorrow. Other options are to run with an 1800 point list, or to just field them anyway and let them bring my army down (the worst option imo). *Sigh*
  7. Unfortunately I literally do not have the time at present . Anytime I'm not at work, asleep or eating is spent painting at present. I can do the odd bit of cheeky posting at work, but haven't gotten around to any pics. However, I will be doing my regular 2 minute #WiPwednesday video for twitter today, so you'll be able to check out some stuff there that has not yet been seen! @the_black_sun Not played Beastclaw yet, other than as part of the doubles event - game 5 report will include some thoughts on this when I get round to it. In short though I think it's likely a terrible match up!! The Ardnob is good. Initially I tried him as General, but I wouldn't bother in future. His command ability is one that seems better on paper IMO. I'm currently running him with a Slaughter-choppa, but my conversion could also work as a pair of Deff-choppas so I may try that in future. The rend -2 on the Slaughter-choppa is nice though!!
  8. Yup, agreed. I have used Coat D'Arms previously to get old GW colours, so check that out @Mitzy Right now it's looking like; Megaboss (General) - Ravager, Battle Brew Megaboss on Maw-Krusha - Choppa, Battle Brew / Talisman (dependant on mortal wound output potential) Warchanter Ardnob (Black Orc Big Boss) - Slaughter-choppa Ironfist Battalion 10 Brutes - Klaw & Smasha, 2 Gore-choppas, Jagged-hackas 5 Brutes - Klaw & Smasha, Gore-choppa, Choppas 5 Brutes - Klaw & Smasha, Gore-choppa, Choppas 10 Ardboyz - Icon, 9 Uge Choppas, 1 Shield 3 Gore-gruntas - Choppas I am painting every spare moment I have to try and get done for Warlords this weekend. Unfortunately the Gore-gruntas may not get finished so I could be playing points down. I did e-mail GW just to see if I could use my Cabbage as Gordrakk, but that's not allowed, which is fine, I wouldn't really want to anyway...was just a contingency thought. I have had offers to borrow armies, but I'm not overly keen on that either. Really hope the army looks good, I didn't want to compromise on quality and have been putting in some massive hours. I've just been looking at the models so much recently I don't even know if it's good any more. I do think there will be some bits to go back to before Facehammer, but yeh. Apologies I've neglected this topic (and the forum in general) over the last couple of weeks. Work being busy on top of the social + painting is killer. I'll catch up properly next week, including the last two battle reports from Brothers of Sigmar as well as how I get on at Warlords. Cheers guys, Chris
  9. I would suggest there are times when you may want white as a highlight, but its good there are options. Pallid Wych Flesh is an off white, without being yellowy like the cream/bone colours.
  10. I think I originally got the tip from @Cowboy Boots Matt. Previously I have used cream coloured paints on occasion (ie Screaming Skull) or even a bluey grey (ie P3 Frostbite) instead of white. It's fun to see the different hue of highlights you can create when not using white. Another Pallid Wych Flesh #protip - shake it super well, more so that a regular paint. Oddly I find that this one has a tendency to appear chalky if not. Rakarth Flesh sometimes shares this problem as well.
  11. @Redmanphill they are all colours I make regular use of! Well saying that, Pallid Wytch Flesh is a bit of a new one. Its nice to mix into colours instead of pure white for highlights. #protip
  12. Hey there, Managed to sneak in a quick report of Game 3! Game 8 - Brothers of Sigmar Round 3 - vs Mark Paddon (Destruction) & Billy Earnest (Destruction) Game 3 was to be an epic Destruction off! This was interesting as in this battleplan, the centre of the board was split up into 4 zones, with each one granting a benefit to each of the Grand Alliances. I think the Destruction one was +1 to hit for Destruction units. Unfortunately Mark and Billy won the roll for sides and had this great buff in their territory. At the end of the game, we'd have to add up the points costs of scoring units (over 5 wounds worth of models) in each zone, with the most controlling each. Whichever team had the most zones would be declared the winner. Mark and Billy's army was a mixed bag, you can check the lists in the link above but off the top of my head (a couple of weeks after the event and also I was a bit drunk during this game!) they had between them; Tyrant, Warboss on Wyvern, Shaman, Thundertusk, Brutes, Ogors, Yhettees and maybe some other stuff. In short, it literally didn't matter! Right in the middle of this table was a HUGE (I mean, huge! One day maybe I'll finally upload all the pics of the games!) piece of terrain, this literally made it's way into all 4 of the zones and was right infront of both main battlelines. Now the problem with this was that we'd rolled it up as Deadly, creating a massive area where people could be losing models when making a crucial charge. Unfortunately this had a very strange effect on the game as neither team were willing to brave the risk or commit first, resulting in a complete mexican standoff. Gordrakk would've been sickened at the sight of the two deadly forces lined up and refusing to move! This wasn't entirely true as me and Paddy had quickly developed a plan, seeing how the game was panning out. Paddy moved one unit of Grots around the side of the terrain and released the Fanatics to take out some Ogors and then Yhettees, putting us "up" in the trade. I had a unit of Brutes deployed way out on the right flank, way away from anything else who made their way up the board ready to move into one of their zones. As of Turn 4 my army hadn't killed anything, or even lost model itself! Very strange, unfortunately though the Blood Vulture from the Thundertusk eventually killed a Brute. Boo!! It all came down to the last roll for priority (as far as me and Paddy were concerned anyway, not sure what the other 2 were thinking), which we won. We let them go first, they manouvred a little to secure two zones. Me and Paddy then struck back, putting our game plan into effect and getting more points into three of the zones ensuring us the win. It was a bit edgy in the last turn but we were doing everything to ensure the win, totting up totals in each zone as we went etc. I think the other guys felt a bit hard done by and were probably expecting the draw. I did suggest they probably would've done the same had they gone last!! So yeh, a very bizarre game. Not played an AoS game like it before, it was almost akin to ETC WFB, in a good way. I actually really enjoyed the stand offish, tactical element and it felt like a very rewarding win actually as we'd stuck to our game plan throughout. Again, a pretty short, basic report, but truth be told nothing else happened. Oh, we didn't get our secondary. Shocker eh?! Result - Win (30TPs), Secondary Objective failed (0TPs) Hope you enjoyed that!!
  13. Morning guys, I am so so busy at work this week so am struggling to get much posted unfortunately. The battle reports will be up though I promise. Outside of work it's no better as every spare minute is spent desperately trying to get my army finished for the Warlords next week. I honestly don't think I'll make it Anyway, some replies. Once again thanks so much for them all, keep it coming... Deez, not Dez I'm afraid haha! Named after the mighty Ben Diesel. I'm sure the sculptor was a TBS fan as that facial expression is taken right from the big man himself!! Yeh Brutes do take a fair while, though I do find them thoroughly enjoyable...unlike Ardboyz! The wings are dark, though not as dark as the pics suggest, however the do have a hit of turquoise about them. As anyone who knows me well will know, pinky purple and turquoise are my signature colours!! The Megaboss is also finished now and having him on there really sets it off. Pics soon. The Maw-krusha already has 3 main colours, it would be a mistake to add another imo. Also turquoise is used as one of the 3 tertiary colour's on my Orruks (I use dark brown, light brown and turquoise for cloth etc). Cheers bro! Thanks man, glad you like him! I've seen a few cool reposed Megabosses recently. Might look at a second myself somewhen! Thanks, super pleased you like him. The Megaboss (well, I call him the Warmaster, Krunk is the only Megaboss in my army!) is now complete, perhaps pics later today. I am waiting for a spare chain though as I lost one of mine. Thankfully @Kanamorf is hooking me up, what a star! Cheers man! I only actually used 4 colours for the pinky purple; Xereus Purple, Screamer Pink, Leviathan Purple and Pallid Wytch Flesh. There are however many layers and mixes. Given time I think I will add a final top highlight. Thanks again all! Much love xxx
  14. Hey, Unfortunately no time for a battle report today...a shame as the 3rd game was a truly epic Destruction off /sarcasm Hope people are liking the Cabbage! Anyway, quick sweep of previous replies... Thanks so much for checking out all the media I bet you enjoyed putting the Brutes together, such a good kit. Lovely to paint as well. How did you end up equipping them? Cheers Jimbo, means a lot. As you know I'm a big big fan of all your work from your 8th ed DE and LM to your newer AoS stuff (especially that amazing Drycha). My vote went to Matt but you were a close second. Regardless, it was great to take home the award after all that hard work. I would actually say the Brutes main weakness is their Bravery, but then again that's probably as I don't need to consider movement one anymore as you said!! Krunk is ready for round 2. Perhaps a 1v1 game will have to be on the cards somewhen?! Cheers bro! That's a great compliment. Glad the passion and enthusiasm comes through. Tbh all the hours painting at the moment is a little draining at times, so pleased to hear that's not the overriding emotion I'm projecting. Nice spot on the Megaboss conversion. It's quite understated and I don't think a lot of people pick up on it!! Have you got a pic of yours? Dispute all you like, though it's a fact not a claim! haha Thanks again for all replies, really helps with motivation. Chris, the sexiest Megaboss in town! xxx
  15. Grrrr just lost a whole long post on this!!! @Ben are we still experiencing issues? Forum timed out and wouldn't load any page etc. So I'll try again but will keep it brief. I'll have to reply to all the above posts (thanks though!) later/tomorrow as well as the other 3 BoS reports. Super busy at work today after 4 days off Hopefully everyone had a great Bank Holiday weekend? After a hilly 13.5 mile charity walk Friday and 2 Weddings on Saturday I was feeling sore and a little worse for wear Sunday. With that in mind I was able to spend all of Sunday and indeed Monday sat at my painting desk, working on the Ironjawz. I am really pleased to be able to unveil my Maw-Krusha, The Red Cabbage himself, affectionately known by Da Black Sunz as Deez (due to a likeness he bears to certain someone). I couldn't be happier with how he came out and whilst it may have only been 2 days, like the Brutes above countless hours have gone in over a short period of time. I am reserving full photos until the Megaboss is finished (half complete) and also I need to redo areas of the base due to my weird Agrellan Earth OCD! He's a great sculpt and a pleasure to paint. The photos are a little dark (taken late last night), so things like the membranes look super dark. @Cowboy Boots Matt has suggested a final highlight, but to be honest with you at present he is just the right colour I envisaged and simply put I don't have the time to sink another 2-3 hours into that (if I was included to do so, not sure I am). I will see how it looks on the table I guess. Anyways, don't have time for any more at present. Hope you like him! Chris
  16. Cheers bro, appreciate the kind words. I've really had to apply some pressure to myself and use tournament deadlines as a real motivation for getting my painting done to be honest. If you check out the media on my Twitter feed (@the_black_sun) you can watch a short 2 min video I made yesterday about the stuff I have up and coming over the next couple of weeks...including a sneak peek at my Ardnob (no, it's not that sort of video!) conversion. Ok, gonna try and squeeze in another quick report... Game 7 - Brothers of Sigmar Round 2 - vs Jimbo Warth @Jimbo (Order) & Paul Berridge @Bedge (Order) Since getting to know this pair (and some of the other EATBATs crew) last year as part of @Thornshield's Mingvitationals I'd been hoping to get in a game vs them both at an event as they are top blokes and always look like they are having fun at the table. So this draw was fantastic as it gave me a 2-for-1 offer!! Their armies were again pretty solid, Jimbo had Drycha, Branchwych, 2x 10 Dryads, 3 Kurnoth Hunters w/ bows and 10 (I think) Executioners. Bedge was rocking a Lord Celestant, Knight Venator, Gryph Hound, 2x 5 Judicators, 5 Retributors and 5 Protectors. Lots of nasty shooting...fortunately for me and @Paddy O'Sullivan this battleplan was to be playing at night time (fluffwise!). We'd be playing diagonal and running at some objectives they were defending. As it was dark, the filthy Order shooting could only see 8" - another lucky break after playing the summoning army that couldn't summon into the massive objective. Once again, check the link above to read the pack for a full rundown of @jonwarmington's sweet battleplans. So there were 3 objectives that all started under Order control. Or atleast 1 did, with the other 2 just outside of their deployment zone. Bedge's army started on the table, me and Paddy got to run full bore at it before Jimbo's army arrived from the table edges (another scenario specific rule). The Dryads flooded on to try and tie up the Grots to stop them getting into the Paladin's with the Fanatics, however they weren't much of a problem for the diminutive Greenskinz, especially when the Ardboyz rocked up as well to make sure. On the other side the unit of 5 Brutes were deleted in an instant by the Executioners, in retaliation the unit of 10 Brutes charged in and returned the favour, before starting on the Kurnoth Hunters. Megaboss Krunk was having a torrid time however...Bedge put the Gryph Hound right in front of him to block up my move, hold up and maybe restrict synergies. Krunk wasn't happy about this so thought he may as well squish the annoying thing...only to double 1 his charge. In the next turn, the Gryph Hound charged Krunk back, actually did a wound and then ran away before he could get hit. A hilarious moment in game. The Hound later on killed a Brute as well!! Ridiculous. Incensed by this, Krunk went into Drycha and after a slap first round 1, deleted her straight up in the 2nd round of their duel. Pretty epic. By now the Grots had swarmed the Paladins and with the Fanatics had done a good number. Unfortunately we just ran out of time and the game ended in a draw. A fair result under the scenario. It was a great game, I really enjoyed it. I do think the scenario is ridiculously hard for the attacker to win and that's even with all our movement buffs. Still, this was counted by them not being able to shoot effectively. Again we didn't do our secondary, can't even remember what we went from (note a theme here...) Result - Draw (15TPs), Secondary Objective failed (0TPs) Anyway, will have to leave it there...sorry its a bit rushed. Work to do and all that, just noticed the time
  17. Cool, that's good to hear. I'm not sure a rebox refresh release would get my juices flowing (I say that now.. ), really hoping for some AoS reimaging of the Druchii. Could be wishful thinking though. We'll see, I have enough on my plate with Ironjawz for now!!
  18. What's the latest on Dark Aelves / Shadowkin at present? I thought all rumouring mongering had them at a 2017 release but have heard people suggesting they'll drop this year? Both my wallet and my current buzz for Destruction hopes not as I'm sure I'll ditch everything for these! Seeing @Ben rebasing old DE miniatures definitely got me thinking!
  19. Ok, Can hopefully squeeze just one report in here. These ones are going to be much briefer than usual. There will be a podcast episode out on 04/09/16 where we discuss the event in more detail. As I mentioned above these are all doubles games. You can find full lists and battleplan details etc in the link I provided above. Game 6 - Brothers of Sigmar Round 1 - vs Byron Orde (Death) & Dan Mitchell (Death) @Dangermouse425 What a great first match up this was as @jonwarmington decided to put me and Paddy up against the only other pairing that could come close to competing with me and @Paddy O'Sullivan on pure sexiness. They tried to improve their chances by dressing up in a similar fashion to me and quote Warhammer rules/names etc that would make good metal band names ("Hey bro, have you heard the new Icewind Assault album?"), alas it was not to be and me & Paddy outsexied them (as was to be expected tbh). Their lists however were, I think, better than ours. Dan had a Ghoul King, some Skeles/Zombies and some Morghasts, whilst Byron had a Zombie Dragon and Skeles/Zombies. Both of them had heavy summoning pools (400/480 iirc). The scenario played in our favour though as there was a large circular area in the middle of the board where we need to get the most number of units. Leaders on Behemoths couldn't score and units could not be summoned into the circle. I noticed beforehand we both had 7 drops. I was hoping we could win the deployment roll, finish first and alphastrike the Ghoul King before he did the inevitable and auto-summoned a Mourngul!! Unfortunately it wasn't to be and exactly this happened. Byron and Dan both closed on me in a pincer manoeuvre (deployment was staggered so it was me and Byron on one side of the table, with Dan and Paddy on the other) but luckily the Mourngul failed its charge. Byron had raised some Morghasts which got into my Ardboyz and killed a couple. I was able to counter with the 10 Brutes going into the Zombie Dragon and the Megaboss + 5 Brutes going into the Morghasts. I took the Morghasts off, however both the Brutes and the Zombie Dragon completely fluffed against each other, even with the Vampire Lord triggering Red Fury...so no luck either side. Next turn went much better and the Brutes saw off the Dragon with the ease I expected first round. That was pretty much Byron's game done for as his small infantry units by now were enveloped by Grots! So it was time for gin (actually the whole game was time for gin... and 6.5% beer... and jagerbombs. You get the idea). On the other side the Mourngul was a right pain, I had to feed it the remaining Ardboyz and then the smaller Brutes. Just couldn't do anything to it...even the Fanatics had a go and failed (they did see off Dan's Morghasts though). However we managed to pile into the central objective, flooding it with Grots to obtain the win. Dan retreated the Mourngul away to secure their secondary objective. I don't actually know what it was as we were unable to achieve this one having no Behemoths (pro!). We did use it this game just to get rid of it. As it was we thought they were a tiebreak, little did we know until Round 4 that they were actually worth 5TPs each (30TP for a win). Great start to the weekend though, both in terms of result and more important getting to have a blast with Byron & Dan, whilst still have a competitive game. Result - Win (30TPs), Secondary Objective failed (0TPs) Bit of a vague report I know, but I still have work to do today (and I want to leave a reason to listen to the podcast!). Hope it gives you an idea of the game though. I would certainly recommend reading the pack to help visualise the battleplans. Check back later this week for the others Thanks, for reading Chris x
  20. I agree. I'd "Like" this, but I'm all out of "Likes" for the day If that was someone's sole argument against it, just say it counts as the "correct" height. But yeh, as Nico said this almost never comes up.
  21. Hey guys, Super keen to put up my brief battle reports, but this morning my posts keep crashing - not sure if its the planned downtime @Ben has advised of. They'll have to wait a little longer. However, as a prelude, here are the armies myself and @Paddy O'Sullivan used (remember it was a doubles event with 2x 1,000 points); GWA (Greenskinz wiv Attitude) Chris Tomlin Megaboss Krunk (Battle Brew) Da Kurlzz, Orruk Warchanter (Talisman of Protection) Ironfist 10 Brutes (Claw & Smasha, 2 Gore-choppas, Jagged-hackas) 5 Brutes (Claw & Smasha, Gore-choppa, Choppas) 10 Ardboyz (Icon, 9 Uge Choppas, 1 Shield) Paddy O'Sullivan Moonclan Grot Warboss (Talisman of Protection) Moonclan Grot Shaman 40 Moonclan Grots (Nets, Shields) 40 Moonclan Grots (Nets, Shields) 6 Grot Fanatics 6 Grot Fanatics You can find the Tournament Pack for @jonwarmington's fantastic Brothers of Sigmar doubles event in the link below. As you'll see it had some whacky elements and super cool homebrew Battleplans. Hopefully more to come later...
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