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Everything posted by Greasygeek

  1. Yeah that was what I suspected. I bought a cheap Terrorgheist long ago but it was built and I just hadn’t been able to find the energy to paint it due to it being difficult to paint. IMO one of the worst things to kill a good painting mood, is messing up the result because of unreacheable areas. Firgured out that if I finally get to start using a airbrush the Terrorgheist will be my first serious project.. I hope🤨
  2. Nice! Did you put it all together before painting it?
  3. So saturday we finally got around to play this 6 player mission. It ended up being a bit too long a game but I believe that was more due to the young and inexperienced players in the group. Visually it looked amazing and The game had lots of alliances as they were formed and broken in. I would play this mission again any day but probably keep it for more experienced players. However I sure would like to see a 4 or 5 player version of the same mission as I loves the simplicity of it which made way for the alliance game.
  4. In order to (maybe) understand future AOS faction upgrades. These new Skitari riders aren’t in their codex right? If so where are their stat profile found upon release? Do they come with a warscroll card (if thats the correct 40k name)?
  5. Indeed this. FYI we will try out the 6 player scenario on saturday. Looking forward to see how it plays out.
  6. Yup thats how I read it. Im am not one to rant on GW everytime I disagreee with their way of handling stuff but really think that this is a stinky move. One month after printing all cards in the Tome they pack up these halfbaked warband boxes containing a ton of unnecessary models Just so we can buy one new model and a card. Look at the Gitz box. Not only does it hold nothing but really strong models, that will make most people annoyed to play against. It also contains models to a sum above 2000 points. Warcry is a game that rarely see a campaign come even close to 1500pt. What is the point in adding so many squigs other than driving up the price of the box?
  7. Dark Brown wood or even Black would work well for the frame IMO.
  8. Cool topic🙂 I m afraid I have played way to little using the monsters and mercenaries to know who’s to fear, However at the moment we are playing a narrative campaign and my Gloomspite mercenary is the Funkoid Shaman. Don’t know if he is any good really but Im using the Shaman from the Gloomspite Underworld warband and he just looks damn nice on the table. My other favourite is the Lord Executioner. IMHO he is one the greatst looking minis of aos and he necer gets to see any love in AOS due to being close to useless however in Warcry he looks more usefull.
  9. - My first game was Hero Quest when I was 8 years old I think. Back then we had no idea how to play the game, so we painted the miniatures and build castles for them out of printing paper and tape. Later on someone introduced me to my FLGS and I got some warhammer skelletons, but I think my first game was Blood Bowl at the age of 13 or so. That would introduce me to warhammer and a played and painted untill my start twenties. Then I got fed up with it and didn’t look back until 2016 when a friend introduced me to AOS. I think I always had a need for creativity and a bit of an obssesion with monsters so miniature games were appealing to me from day one. - I have two boys at age 2 and 4. My 4 year old is very interested in drawing and painting and since he watch me always working on scenery or painting minis he’s very curious about it and has recently painted his first mini himself. We also play a lot of boardgames so when he/they get a bit older I will introduce them to zombicide or maybe dust of my Shadows over Hammerhal and if he/they keeps showing interest. - Don’t know much about the WH adventures series. Sure it sounds fine. I could see it as a fine tool if the kids keep fell for the WH universe and needed some spare reading but at the moment its just yet another product in the wide range of WH.
  10. Is it possible that we could get the rules for the custom scenario you played? Would love to try it out.
  11. Hi all Whats the correct point value of the Gloomspite Gitz Herder? The card says 45pt but the new Tome of Champions has it at 195!
  12. So with this new Nagash goes for the Eightpoints book coming up, dare we have a hope that this might add yet another tiny tool for the NH box? I know its Katakros vs. Archaon but surely it must be Death vs Chaos? No point in making an expansion only for two faction. Btw. New siege rules coming also. So if Siege is suppose to be the next thing of AOS. With no availeable castle scenery I will once again claim that the alleged custom made Ossiarch castle, might be availeable st some point soon.
  13. Wait what now?! I might be playing this wrong but are you sure you are allowed to use the Vampire Lord’s command ability (+1A)? Thought it was against the rules to use cmd abilites from allies??
  14. I had some success using an expensive mix of bravery debuffs against monks and Stormfiends too. It would go something like this. 2 x Banshees. Reikenor (to assure succesful spells). Horrorghast Morghast Harbingers (allies). Even in a NH army you can lower enemy bravery by -4. Banshees are easy (more or less) to place out of harms way. Effectively hitting the Plague Monks with 4D6 MW. Don’t know the math in this and it would never work in a tournement but it does so against single games.
  15. Yeah those rats gets on my nerve freequently. A month back I met them in a 3000pt game. YES they do indeed have many competitive builds. so I struggled with the 40 monks and plaguefurnace, a couple of insanely lucky Warplightning cannons, endless spell nonsense and verminlord, and Stormfiends at the same time. My army looked smashing at that size, painted and ready, I told myself as I was wiped off the table in a matter of 2-3 turns. To be honest I have won quite a few games against that same Skaven player but mostly because he’s a good guy that likes to try new things and not just build the list I could never outbest, though he has the army to do it. Pesky rats... at least he did not speak like the skavens do. Hate when players do that. You’re a grown person don’t act like you are a miniature... grrrr
  16. Haha I like this😆 True the old empire models tend to look silly and outdated in army size however I found that if playing Skirmish, Warcry or similar small narrative games of AOS a small group of old bretonian and empire models really do make a perfect group of adventures. At Halloween I ran a small skirmish event with a bunch of adventures stuck in a graveyard fighting all things dead. I called it my Petty heroes event. Supposed to be a bunch of no name humanoid idiots in way over there heads. Free people models worked like a charm for that role. Made their warscroll on the wonderfull warscroll tool made by Runebrush. Anyway back to disliking everything not ethereal😉
  17. So just to stop the wishlisting for a bit, though I find this very interessting we (including myself) do tend to whine so much that even Lady Olynder would find us to depressing to hang with🤪 Anyway what single faction do you fellow ghostmasters dislike the most? And how so you deal with them? At the moment I really find it hard to stop Fyreslayers and beside all of their super powers I find them totally boring to look at. So hard is it to tell them apart that very often their heroes manage to sneak up on me before I realize they are hidding in plain sight. Very subjective opinion here I know and sorry in advance to any firemidget lovers out there😉
  18. Well to be fair our Kharadron player really do derseve a bit of revenge. though hedid switch to Daughters, just before 2.0 raining hell down on everyone.. oh sorry Im rambling now.
  19. Guys guys do not get my hopes up like that. My player base is made of Fyreslayers, Skaven, Kharadron and Seraphon. Me and the lizard lover basically feels like the only athletes not using drugs in the Tour de France. So a new book would be very welcome.
  20. Again, im 99,9% sure these are studiomade. The staring rock thingy is easily made from Xps Foam a hint of greenstuff and a bead or two. the other tentacle, the one with the white ribbed parts, Im pretty sure ive seen before, though I can’t recall where. EDIT: think I found the tentacleowner🙂
  21. Yeah unlike the Ossiarch Bonereaper castle, this one is clearly custom made. I recognize the tentacle tips from the deathworld terrain kit (not sure that was it’s name), for 40K. The same kit that had the Spine Wrack and other oddshaped plants.
  22. I actually got my hands on 6 of them but that was before I discovered the unit max is 4. I was hoping for them to be a sort of an artillery stopper, However every time I build a list I find it very difficult to find any room for them.
  23. Imo. I sometimes find Wave of terror to be somewhat distracting due to being so unstable. I find I get so surprised when it happens that I feel almost obliged to follow up on it. Like yesterday I fought Seraphon. My original plan was to put some pressure on his right flank to slowly open his backfield thus making it hard for him to advance while I had alot of reapers and bladegheists waiting in the underworld for the right moment to strike or fall back if needed. However my wave of terror set off and it gave me a chance to get to his Slann if I went all in. so I scrapped the inital plan and went hard after the Slann. A bunch of out of luck rolls later the Slann flipped me off and teleported away laughing while I got shot, stampeed, poked and bitten to tiny bits of ectoplasmic faliure. Sure better players than me would have controlled themselves and kept the eye on the ball, but not being able to plan after the Wave makes it useless and to me also distracting.
  24. Man I really like this colourscheme. Truely one of the best Nurgle schemes I seem. Make me totally regret selling off my Maggotkins due to giving up on a satisfying scheme.
  25. Totally this, but also, why is it only possible to buy mystical scenery dice with 6 out of 12 symbo options. Im not saying that all factions should have access to everything, but the inconsistensies in the way they release stuff or update factions, gives me the vibe that GW has very little clue about what they are actually dooing.
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