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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. What happens if one player wants to use the realm rules and one doesn’t? jimbo
  2. I put neither on because I think they both look rubbish! No one has mentioned it ever at a tournament. You may have more issues if you’ve modelled one and use the other though jimbo
  3. Looking forward to this one! Alex always runs a good event. jimbo
  4. I wouldn’t be surprised to see new Forgeworld points for their minis for AoS2 very soon! jimbo
  5. until

    Sounds awesome Alex! Count me in! jimbo
  6. @Athena GamesI take it that means that the FAQs are in effect then!
  7. Looks good. I'll be partnering up with @Mitzy for some bottom table play!
  8. That is correct. We feel this allows people to bring crazy fun armies you wouldn't normally see - like the Sons of Behemat or an all kroxigor army etc jimbo
  9. We'll try to do the awards as quick as possible as we are aware that everyone will want to be getting away at a sensible time but sadly we can't guarantee that we will be finished by 18.20. We will do our best to be finished by then though as we don't want people to miss out on anything. jimbo
  10. You'll get it all at the event bud We may also be releasing a digital version before the event!
  11. TBH, I hadn't realised that was actually your submission but I will grab it off the ol twitters! Thanks! Last call for anyone else to submit lore please!! jimbo
  12. In case anyone hasn't been watching twitter (and if you haven't what's wrong with you??), here are some WIP photos of Chamon. There will be four tables for the Realm of Metal at RAW17!! I've also included a lovely photo of @Mitzy and myself hard at work! jimbo
  13. That's incredible Sean! Clearly a lot of time, effort and skill has gone into creating that!! jimbo
  14. @Sehryth7 Thanks for organising the event! It ran really smoothly and I really enjoyed it so def up for more in the future if you put them on. I'm sure more of the EATBATS boys would also love to come along too so we could get bigger numbers for sure. Gratz to the trophy winners even if @HadrielCaine hasn't read GHB17 properly Obviously joking! It made no difference to the result of our game (altho probably made his army weaker overall), we had a great time and it was clearly a genuine mistake! Also awesome to catch up with people I know and meet new people! Looking forward to seeing you all again soon. And at the moment, there are still a few tickets available for RAW17 (there's a separate thread on the Events section on TGA) and it would be great to see you guys! Cheers jimbo
  15. Aw shucks! you sweet talker you @HadrielCaine Yeah, the big D is tricky to squeeze in now but I still think he's fun. Hand of Glory from the Loremaster is an extremely good spell on the right mini (eg the big D). Dragon Lord also a tasty option!! 4tK have always had their own terrain for every event I've been to there so I'm not planning on taking any.
  16. I'll be bringing The Huntspinney of Sequoyya to kick some butt (actually get butt kicked more likely but heyho!) Thought I'd share some photos of the army - I'm wont' have everything in the images and thee is extra stuff that I will have which is not shown - can't be giving away all the secrets just yet!! Can't wait to get some dice rolling, see everyones awesome minis and have a generally great time!!! What armies will the Huntspinney be facing tomorrow?? jimbo
  17. @HadrielCaine Hey dude, it'll be great to catch up with you tomorrow! Haven't seen you in ages! Looking forward to seeing what you will be bringing!!
  18. This sounds amazing! Looking forward to seeing it. Are your Hunter and Leviathan the warlock and a chaos mammoth or are they additional minis you haven't mentioned? jimbo
  19. Awesome news!! Definitely can't wait to get the Huntspinney back out onto the table! Jimbo
  20. @Sehryth7 Really looking forward to this as all my hobby time is being spent building stuff for #RAW17! Will this event use GHB17? Jimbo
  21. How you format and present it is entirely up to you as it's your story! We would like everyone to send us a version in Word/email though please. Jimbo
  22. Hi, unfortunately, we have not been able to negotiate a discount with the hotels I'm afraid. There are lots of hotels near to the venue though so there should be options on cost if you dig around Jimbo
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