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Everything posted by Walrustaco

  1. Yo uh, dont tell my ogres but I want to get into slaves real bad. Any ideas for ****** I could buy in the mean time to tide me over until December?
  2. A very, very promising battle report from the Mighty Guts.
  3. Ogroid Thaumaturge's Cousin down below ******
  4. Except you can only take a maximum of 4 ironblasters/scraplaunchers because they're artillery. I respect what you're going for though. 😅
  5. Dont go off 1d4chan. 1 additional dice, not add 1 to dice rolls. Meatfist might have actually been worth taking if it was the latter.
  6. How is that doing 40MW? You know that meatfist isn't letting you do mortals on a 5+ right? It's just letting you roll an extra dice each time you charge to try and roll a 6+ on.
  7. Battleline if Gutbusters general AND the unit of leadbelchers has 4 or more models!
  8. Only problem is you only have 1 battleline
  9. it feels so good to finally be getting some lore love 😭 I cant wait to read my battletome and all the new fluff
  10. .......................................
  11. If its sliding all over the place and not sticking properly to the base, then the pot might not be mixed properly. Try stirring it manually with the bottom of a paintbrush or something. It's happened to me before, personally I got tired of my texture paint separating and took it back to the shop for a replacement
  12. I get 6 shots to the head because they dont fit! Cant fit all the gutbusters battalions in one, youd have to drop one of them I think.
  13. Which of these stupid lists do you prefer? They're both similar, but for a single difference: list 1 underguts Tyrant 160, Gruesome Trophy Rack, UG wl trait Firebelly 120, Keg, Billowing Ash 10 Leadbelchers 400 10 Leadbelchers 400 3 Ironblasters 360 4 Ironguts 220 40 Gnoblars 200 Tyrant's Gutguard 120 1980/2000 list 2 underguts Tyrant 160, Gruesome Trophy Rack, UG wl trait Firebelly 120, Keg, Billowing Ash 10 Leadbelchers 400 10 Leadbelchers 400 3 Ironblasters 360 4 Ironguts 220 4 Ironguts 220 Tyrant's Gutguard 120 2000/2000
  14. God, I hope they gut slaanesh. Anyways, I'm really wondering how good Leadbelchers are compared to gluttons. In terms of points, 6 gluttons go for the same price as 6 leadbelchers. Let's compare their respective toolkits: Leadbelchers have 2 attacks to Gluttons' 3. Leadbelchers have -1 rend, Gluttons have none, which is one of their biggest downsides. Leadbelchers have a shooting attack - with rend. Gluttons can get exploding sixes or bounce back MWs. Also banners and bellowers. I love Leadbelchers. In case that wasn't clear, and with their new price and the buffs available to them via Underguts, I'm liking them even more.
  15. Giant discarded ogor ice cream cone. Mawtribes 2 confirmed.
  16. Not sure you could fit all of that under 2000 points
  17. @Wickie De Viking@GeneralZero Ironblaster might only really be vaguely playable in an Underguts list, with a Tyrant with the Gruesome Trophy Rack. The one that gives Gutbuster units wholly within 12” +1 to hit against hero and monster units. It’s probably better to have more than one cannon to benefit more from the +1 shot command ability. alternatively you can build scraplaunchers.
  18. Could do a slaughtermaster dragging around a casket full of souls. Or have a regular butcher be done kind of grave digger. Love your stuff btw
  19. Command trait I feel like isnt a huge deal on the FLoSH. The boulderhead artefact is nuts on a stonehorn. And for mount traits, black Clatterhorn and Metalcruncher are my favourites
  20. Look at what it says: "Pick 1 friendly Winterbite Hero. Friendly Winterbite Frost Sabres units and Winterbite Icefall Yhetees units wholly within 12" of that Winterbite Hero can fight at the start ..." It's just wilful misinterpretation to say otherwise.
  21. I dont think that CA lets the hero you select fight first. The hero is just selected to measure from. Unfortunately.
  22. Yeah, it's just that it says you cant duplicate mount traits I think
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