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Everything posted by PlayerJ

  1. Warclans mix of Ironjawz and Kruleboyz
  2. Here's hoping, looks like that's what their teasing. But in the mean time I canceled my Kraggy preorder, my money would be better spent on the Doninion box
  3. Any lovely mathhammerers want to update the damage output with rerolls?
  4. Warscrolls are up on the New Zealand site Edit: oh my excitment +50%
  5. Looks like next weeks preorder is 40k stuff, so the following week will line up with the book
  6. Hello fellow Ironjawz generals, I see most lists running 6 gore gruntas instead of two 3 man units. Curious why as their base size is rather large. Thanks!
  7. Wait a tick what's the mancruncher?
  8. This time around a new warband will release about a month and a half apart
  9. From my knowledge of underworlds cards, the great fortitude card that's just a brute skull is only an artist's rendition of a extremely wounded orruk, hence the arrows also in his back. There will be brute warband though, they'll just look like the other card examples.
  10. In this instance, the commas are used to replace "or". So it would read as "Vokmortian or 1 Mortisan Boneshaper or 1 Mortisan Soulreaper or 1 Mortisan Soulmason".
  11. Adding to the discussion, the stormcast have a similar ability, but it was recently errata'd to be only once per phase, which we currently dont
  12. Orruk Warclans Errata - http://bit.ly/2VZ8jPe Orruk Warclans Designer's Commentary - http://bit.ly/31EUAys
  13. They updated their warscrolls in GA:Destruction
  14. If ironfist works, I'd safely assume brustish cunning would as well
  15. Also in the Orruk warclans discussion
  16. Yea having troubles with it too, looks like they rushed it out without a decent QA
  17. Don't know how it can be a nerf with all the bonuses it now gets with keywords
  18. The battalions are labeled "Orruk battalions" so I'd say they're legal in a big waaagh!
  19. Two lists I am thinking of running in an upcoming tournament Allegiance: Big Waaagh! Leaders: Megaboss on Mawkrusha 460 Warchanter 110 Wurrgog Prophet 160 Battleline: Brutes x 5 140 Brutes x 5 140 Gore Gruntas x 3 160 Others: Ardboys x 5 90 Ardboys x 5 90 Ardboys x 5 90 Ardboys x 5 90 Ardboys x 5 90 Battlalions Ironfist 160 Ardfist 160 Total: 1900 Leaves room for something small or more CP, and a 4 drop. Allegiance: Big Waaagh! Leaders: Megaboss on Mawkrusha 460 Warchanter 110 Maniak weirdnob 120 Battleline: Brutes x 5 140 Savage Orruk Arrowboys x 30 360 Savage Orruk Arrowboys x20 240 Others: Ardboys x 5 90 Ardboys x 5 90 Ardboys x 5 90 Ardboys x 5 90 Ardboys x 5 90 Battlalions Ardfist 160 Total: 2000 More bodies for ere we go, 6 drop What y'all think?
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