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Everything posted by Dan.Ford

  1. This was left out on the new FAQ, but it may effect other armies so I put it in the General chat.
  2. There been a change to the FAQ from the old faq that effects the Crimson Crown. I posted it in the TGA General chat as may effect other abilities in other armies.
  3. Even though the question was asked Karanak still has no Hero keyword but is a Leader!.
  4. AoS2 Six nations Sweden is running a khorne list . It is solid but the lists he is facing it will be tuff. He got a lot in the army Re roll casting, No attacking on bloodthirster until he attacks. Pluses to hits and saves. Turn one charges with the Bloodletters ( Attack first ) and Bloodthirster.( attack second due to item ) BUT High drop count, no mortal wound protection .
  5. So the faq specifically says 'attack in the combat phase...' A: No, unless the ability specifically states otherwise. So Aqshy's Bane .Says In each of your hero phases, you can pile in up to 8" and attack with the might lord of khorne. This ability is not in the combat phase and specifically state otherwise. So in my option with the info I have seen above currently , I would say pile in 8" in the hero only ( Combat phase you need to be within 3" )
  6. Something's will need a revisit as some people are saying that abilities overrule Core rules. I.E. Kroak can now cast 3 times for his special spell. So rechecking of pile in buffs etc
  7. I think on his battilion the 8" pile in is only in the hero phase ( outside of 3" )
  8. Basically what happened to Death for 12-24 months. At main events when players actually seen the down drop in army abilities on the table . It when to 10% for the whole grand alliance and then 6 months in dropped to 5-10%. The only thing that might save khorne on 30/6/18 is Forgeworld release on warscroll and they put the Exalted khorne great daemon points 650 points down a lot and I mean lot. Skarrac bloodborn at 500 lol archaon is 660 with the best command ability in the game.
  9. So thank you to all the Facehammer crew for running this event, I had a great time chatting and playing over the weekend. The prizes looked great and very original I think for the AoS events, next year I think I will put a quick summary of my games on the chaos thread.
  10. How about Prays and spells , do these also have to be fixed like the Traits and Artefacts for the weekend? All are normally decided before the game or on deployment.
  11. And Bloodrage. Not that you would attack with all Heros first and let your horde unit die. oh I get a plus 3 attacks now BUT you just lost 20 models for example out of your 30 model unit.
  12. Thanks for the reply Chris , it was mainly about the Aether- Khemist stacking abilities and the bloodsecrator etc
  13. I had an amazing time at the event over the weekend, players, chat, prizes, and the showman Jon on the stage A big thank you all the organizers and everyone who helped. Very quick over view of my games. I had Cunning Deceiver but I am thinking that BoK will be better (no sayl) As with all games luck can be a big thing. Game 1 Escalation and I was against Pirate Pete Sylvanryth & a star seer. This was a good battle for me as I had 120 bloodletters on the 9" line. Pete took first turn and gave me SIX re rolls (starseer) some of his charges and spells then failed. On turn 2 Pete also gave me Five re roll this time. Pete and I had some great chats, and hamadreth took out one unit Bloodletters with one shot. Games 2 Three places of power vs Will Barton Stormcast We played 5 turns of very bloody battle, I had 13 models left at the end and he had 10 I think! I learnt something new here, if you fail a Mystical test it stops spells, move and attacks. Rain of stars is an ’ability’ so my hero's still got hurt Games 3 Adam Hazelwood Gifts from the Heaven. We played 5 turns; I charged forward the centre of his deployment zone and stopped his dragon from flying away by having a unit of 30 bloodletters holding back. This meteor came down in the centre of his deployment zone with alot of my bloodletters. Game 4 Chris Green Kharadron, Border war. So he had the choice of who goes first, who get's the possibility of the double turn. VERY very good for bloodletters. Re can redeploy and move once in the hero phase. If he goes first (I have cunning deceiver) he kills one or 2!! Units of bloodletters and he then gets charged by my army and also maybe double turned for me. fingers crossed. Chris chooses to goes second. Oh And I think he redeploys in the very opposite corner to Sayl and the unit of bloodletters next to sayl. I have no idea of where he will strike, so every model not on an objective is useless. MOVEMENT tray are great (age of Hobby). 6 trays 30 models. Turn 1 I picked up the 6 trays and put them in a circle around each objective ( Sayl was needed for opposite one ) job done 20-25 min. Chris Turns 1 and 2, as he win and takes the double turn . BUT cunning Deceiver turn 1. I get shot, charged and royally smacked twice. For my turns 2 and 3 all I tried to do was hope that he failed charges, hit rolls and wounds roll AND I tried to blocked his flyers from landing and his foot models moving into 6" of the objectives. T1 was 9-2, T2 7-2 T3 3-2 . I scored the most off him that weekend I think, 600 points & at one stage his iron clad was down to 4 wounds . I had 17 models left from 153. Chris said this himself , if he was quicker he may have won. Games 5 Blood and Glory Adrian McWalter Great games, Adrian took this like a Boss He set up and gave me the first turn. I had 2 Mystical terrain pieces on my side and damned in the centre. Every one of my units had to take a Mystical test . ONLY 2 failed , none were bloodletters units and then one unit of 30 were also damned. Sayl cast on one unit of 30 and hit his back line on one flank. Followed up by 30 to the centre with 5 flesh hounds and 30 bloodletters on the other flank. Only one unit fail it charge in my army . Only 5 Judicators were not in combat in his army. The whole of the first turn he would be at -1 to hit and I was re roll most of my 1's to hit and all of my wounds. Adrian Said I’ve just lost At the start of turn 3 he had 9 models left. I had about 70 bloodletters and the Bloodsecrator. That game everything aligned for khorne. GREAT WEEKEND , big thank you to everyone.
  14. I like the new Death peeks i will say I do like this 400 point ally support to the army. but it will have an multiplier effect on very strong armies that were limited by something. IE Stormcast with spell casters. Each doing a different type of shield spell etc i think I will be writing lists for a year , until GHB 2018 lol
  15. On holiday at moment, I will sort something out next weekend. As Rob has dropped out, ( birthday in family)
  16. Can you put Daniel Ford down for this please, thank you.
  17. until

    What's a yes from Daniel Ford
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