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Everything posted by Popisdead

  1. Chariots do better out of ambush, cogs wouldn't be bad. Don't worry too much about low drops over squeezing more out of your list. A Tzangor Shaman gets his reroll on the second spell attempt I think. Tzeentch and Nurgle hate each other. Just saying. You maybe want to check allying in. I know there are some restrictions. Realm artifacts are going away aren't they? With the Pestilent throng you are just wanting things to hold up, capture objectives and cause MWs. Single Razorgors aren't a bad option either. You can also use a Shaman to just stab himself and spew out the rend spell but the Doombull is good too Shaggoth can also do this healing himself. Just pricy.
  2. Well Bestigors and Ungors are good, and that's what you would want to cherry pick. I think StD is the clear winner between those.
  3. No it's not as simple as that. It was tournament legal when it came out and it wasn't listed in a GHB. I don't even recall GW making a declaration about it shortly after when questions about its validity came up and it featured prominently in tournaments. You are stating it isn't based on an assumption, not a ruling. And it doesn't matter that Battalions have units. Malign sorcery was a rulebook not a White Dwarf. It wasn't invalidated (we still have Endless Spells), they changed how they wanted to handle realm artifacts based on now having nearly all the range with books. Was there a definitive statement malign prophecy was removed 2 years after? It wasn't played much and it was a release kerfuffle.
  4. I've used triple Durthu in Harvestboon. But the 3rd had Ghyrstrike. I just used someone's list posted a while ago in this thread. It had Alarielle. I think it would be much harder to use in a shooting meta. But you can get a single Durthu to 8 A in Harvestboon.
  5. There are lots of dragons in the game with proper bulk these days. And lots of larger top bodies. the Ogroid is a good top for example. Gavespawn (the lore is old, the mutated human was given to the beasts in the woods) not Grave ๐Ÿ˜‰They gave away their baby. Pestilent Throng works well with spamming Ungors. 6 x 10. Also spamming 10 man Bestigors. Last time I played with it I did 1 MW. I rolled three 1s in a row regarding the ability. It abandoned me hard. I think Chariots are better in Khorne. Desolating is good and cheap but there are uses for the others. The Khorne, Slaanesh, Warherd, Thunderscorn ones see play. The bad one is the Marauding one (first one). Tzeentch sees a little play too. The bull. It goes well with Pesitlent Throng and Gavespawn cause you spam out MSU. It is so good when KO got that ability to auto-cast the running joke was "bull in a bottle". Generic Endless Spells are good value for points.
  6. This is talking about units. Am I mistaken that we are talking about the Sylle Eske battalions? Is there a rule that says a Battalion is a unit? Asking for clarity, not being sarcastic. So I've been mulling around alternate ways to explore Slaanesh (boy howdy,.. go to town on that line) and came up with something loose in a total vacuum. This is first pass, no games yet. Just finishing off converting the Hellflayers and painting the last 10 ish infantry girls. Depraved Drove 3 x Doombulls GBS 3 x 10 Ungors Daemonette Battalion 2 x 30 Daemonettes 2 x Hellflayers Exalter chariot. I think it's 2000 points on the nose. I think it's Invaders that has the +1 to hit banner. One of my Doombulls used to be a Gorebull BSB so I wouldn't mind making use of that. I have neglected use of command abilities since the Warherd one won't be that useful past maybe making the Doombulls hit and wound on 2s. My idea is pushing MWs out there as obviously I won't have a great deal of 6s (lacking 40 ungors and 30 bestigors), and heroes, particularly the Keeper. I'm also not sure if Daemonettes need to be 30. For objectives sure maybe but they'll die quick even if a local guy claims they are insanely powerful. I think maybe 3 x 20 might be decent. I don't believe they have the rule for any benefits in any size past min size for command. Other things I'm thinking about are swapping Hellflayers to take the Epitome, Alluress (possibly more value in the super-caster meta) and Masque (always a good little hero). I don't dislike the chariots in the book. I also have some excess Razorgor chariots I plan on converting to Seeker chariots. Thinking about the usage of out-of-phase wounds the chariots can do. I could get up to 5 Seeker chariots without proxying.
  7. Well first off Bretonnia is now Flesh Eaters Corpse so GW gave you a pretty powerful army and way for hobby people to convert their old armies Second you cannot copyright a medieval knight. So don't expect them ever to return. Just like TK are now OBR. I encourage local TK players to just use the OBR book or figure a way to make them work under Death however it suits them. There will be a desert in a realm where they look like TKs. That's why AoS is so freeing. So I encourage people to make use of Bretonnian armies with what we've been given either rules or fluff-wise. Also the loss of Brettonia was the single greatest tragedy. That was allowing people to be vocal about warhammer history. I highly doubt they are more popular now than in 2003 or in the mid '90s for the 5th ed box. However,.. so few of the games played are governed by a TO and much like how Brets were pretty bad in 8th, they aren't bad in AoS in friendly games. I encourage people with army to post bat reps and show them off. Represent!
  8. Rob Symes mentioned on the Honest Wargamer that the rule for a Battalion requiring to be in the GHB was a GHB2019 rule and not in the GHB2020 book (I don't have it, I can't look this up). I guess it leaves it to a FAQ, TO or the friendly conversation. I don't really know as I'm no longer part of the tournament scene. I was also looking, the Daemonette Battalion is now only 30 points more than the other two. (or 40?) If only it had a points drop. for 30,30,10 Daemonettes, 2 Hellflayers and an Exalted, that picks up a lot of extra MWs. I'm still wanting to give it a go. Oh,.. lockdown,..
  9. ... AoS? hah. What did you expect people to say here? RnF in a modern age of gaming is old man gaming.
  10. Hmmm yeah mixed signals and good points. I'm not sure I would be requiring 4 combats for stacking attacks, but I agree thanks, much appreciated. ๐Ÿ‘ I am aware of stacking CA, having made use of it in Beasts of Chaos. Not sure why I missed it here. Tree Revs still feel like a valid combat threat in larger sizes than 5-man. They aren't too dissimilar from Thralls (who feel like just a better version of the warscroll) who, while overshadowed by Eels aren't bad either (but I haven't faced them this edition... maybe that speaks for something). the rend and dmg 2 can be a big surprise. I think I missed if you responded to your comment about "druanti" from before if you responded. What is "druanit"? Durthu and something? You made reference to it for Winterleaf.
  11. Ah okay. Still,.. they are doing really well. They could toss a little more into a better app.
  12. I don't own 3 Keepers My last Keeper I bought when I was a pip squeak in 1987. I have 3 Ghorgons though and locally I can proxy them. Dan Bradshaw (maybe him?) argued the idea of Battalions being poor value and deploying against your opponent is more important than 1/2-drops. He also said Endless Spells are the best value per game. Given he was once the UK Grand Master I feel that's valid enough to look at my own playstyle to work on. Emerald Lifeswarm is still a good spell. I would also like to consider using units in the book even though it goes against the idea of the book. which.. is depressing the book was so one-dimentional it doesn't support generic builds. I have been thinking about Depraved Drove. Great Bray-Shaman, 3 Doombulls, 3 x 10 Ungors. If I drop the Daemonette Battalion then I have lots of room to work with. Thinking about a Contorted Epitome and Masque. If the Doombulls can get rr 1s, it means i'll roll all three attacks as 2s and miss every time ๐Ÿ˜‰ They aren't bad depravity for 100 points each and I have 3 really nicely painted up. I also can load up the battalion (I have a HUGE BoC army) but I would prefer to add some actual Slaanesh stuff. I've tried Centigors and they are okay but better in Nurgle. I also thought about 20 Seekers but they need the Keeper for that attack twice. No kidding it lacks synergy for units. It has long failed in the Daemonettes being viable as a 30-block since you can't do much more than rr 1s. I think I can scrape together 70 (I have Juan Diaz models only) but still. That's an interesting comment. It sure was a D* move that helped ruin people's taste of slaanesh when they were king.
  13. +1A is better than exploding 6s. Did the math out a few times. It would be Winterleaf +1A and exploding 6s vs +2A for Harvest boon. I also think the Arch-Rev is good value. You can toss that +1A on Kurnoth Hunters who don't even need to be within range. If you wanted to say a better value is only using 1 CP for +1A in Winterleaf with 6s vs plain +1A for Harvest boon then that's a point about CP usage. And that's okay too.
  14. You missed your chance. When Kirby was running it into the ground it was dying and then it just went up and up and up and up and up constantly. Even during the lockdown it went up after they reopened. They pulled an Apple. AFAIK the company is the second biggest UK one?
  15. I've never been able to restore anything from the AoS application. Even the Flames of War app works better and restores and they don't have the resources GW does for App Dev. I have little interest in the 40k as a result. I just recently lost my GHB 2019 (not an issue,.. but,.. what if i have to fix something mid-year) and emailed GW support asking why their app won't restore. Also I don't know if the 40k is clear about having Warscrolls in the app free. So far I see "option for warscrolls" and "Free core rules". That doesn't interest me much.
  16. Great post! Thanks for the Anvil explanation. I was vaguely aware of it. I actually just asked the local guy in my town if he would try Crusade and he mentioned being interested in PtG. I used to play PtG (super imbalanced) so I got tired of it but this sounds like a fresh start. What I find about the current battalion is 190 points for the DAemonette one when I only own 60 means I'm not getting those MWs that much, unless I use my Exalted and 2 Hellflayers for MW spamming as well. Which trades them being used as Heroes. Is 90 points a unit after loosing the Horde discount even worth it? Maybe single chariots is an avenue. The problem is the Benefit of the Keeper Cmd Ability is too good to ignore. But then she'll be shot off very fast in modern meta. Anther reason for -2 rend is Lumineth ignore -1? So paying for no rend Daemonettes. Maybe GW hates Slaanesh and Sylvaneth now. They had their hey-day. You sure notice the difference between BoC getting stackable rend and Slaanesh having no bonus option really. What if Fiends generated Depravity to a smaller hero nearby? The Hero languished in the depravity of the Fiends.
  17. Actually,. Tree Revenants are better in Harvest boon. +1A is better than exploding 6s. Plus it grants them RR1s on the charge I recall? Also cast the Spiteswarm before you teleport them for RR charge looking for a 6+. So the question is Household worthwhile in Harvestboon... Is the treelord that much a tax? You can make use of a Branchwych even if less optimal than a Branchwraith.
  18. When the Shaggoth was released the fluff behind the two things in the hair are those are Ungors. I would love to see an Ancient Shaggoth by FW or GW. Give reasons for a new kit too. New Warscroll.
  19. That is sad yeah... You may want to house-rule keeping the old items if you guys are strict GHB 2020. Seems like you have a lot of fun there. I play Living City and Tempest Eye. The latter make EG really good to book it forward, get the save, you can cast +1A on them then run the SotW behind and still shoot that first turn. You can heal D6 in any city. All of them are empowered.
  20. And good with some cool idea behind it.
  21. This is kinda the way I feel 6 should be. turn the front 3 sideways and have both ranks attack. Take advantage of the 2" reach. Probably anything 5" or bigger is fine.
  22. I am intrigued with this Aetherwing proposal. I am fairly ignorant to SCE stuff. Looks like birds on 32 mm bases? Do you have to buy the Stormcast raptor guys? Can you buy single unit drops of an Aetherwing? I wish we could still buy Gryphhounds as singles. Even a unit, I have some old 1980s Wood Elf beastmaster models, I could proxy those but I don't have enough for 6 models.
  23. Is that from Wrath of the Everchosen or the GHB 2020? I not familiar with the name. Me too. You could always play friendly games I would love for Shalaxi to allow Fiends as BL or some benefit to match the lore. At least give us a reason to take some Fiends.
  24. I would recommend emailing GW at AoSFAQ@gwplc.com and express your concerns. The more GW hears hopefully it will spur them to take action. I wouldn't expect a book for ~3 years. It is 1 year old now? I don't see it a 2 year cycle. But seriously email them. My understanding is they read them all. Being rational, clear and concise helps too. Don't call them names or tell them they are clueless ๐Ÿ˜‰ When I emailed them I mentioned becuase they had adjusted the Slaanesh summoning table it isn't unreasonable for them to update Alarielle's summoning table and allow for 20 Spite Revs which cost the same as 3 Kurnoth Hunters. I feel that's not an unreasonable expectation.
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