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Everything posted by Popisdead

  1. Oh, I wasn't aware they were Ungor cheap. I just thought it was the Scourgerunner Chariot. Hmmm good to know, thanks.
  2. I don't know who Grunnock is but this is awesome, I love it. Thanks for sharing. good luck painting it.
  3. Well it's uh,. maybe hte only update past a re-write for Alarielle (don't lean into her being that much more playable,..). I'm going to get the Warsinger Revenant because it's a nice model and I like painting green, brown, and metals. So it will be fun and if garbage initially could get better in the future.
  4. i've heard there are a couple Duardin units that are sleeper hits. Longbeards might be them.
  5. Yeah I wasn't even thinking about the battalion. Just 80 points for the 10 guys. I'm not sure the battalion is really as good of value without Bestigors getting exploding 6s. I'm sure they are still okay and decent but,.. I did see one of the mods make a hint "gw might have something for BoC to still get marks" and he's close enough to maybe know the general flow or feel. I guess BoC is the go-to screen. 60 point Ungors are pretty darn good. I keep hearing Ogroid Crusher? The rock chucker. I'm also convinced Soulgrinders at 400 points for two provide some utility over the 5 rounds. I don't know if those are also allies or not. Not 100% sure how to get non-BoC into the army (since I own so little of it). I know people are taking 3x5 Ch Warriors so I'm assuming it just gets marked and isn't required to be allied in? Blissbarbs melt fast for sure. Being a Warherd player I'm used to that. So maybe a lot of the issues I'm numb to Also CoS has a lack of chaff so when I use my old Wanderers it's something that forces me to be aware for deployment and movement.
  6. for the price of a box of Shadow Warriors be warned the unit is good, not great. They would benefit you, and dropping first turn have a 3+ save in cover which is pretty good. Fight almost as good as Swordmasters and shoot almost as well as SotW. As a utility unit in your army they will server well but I would recommend something BL to hand back and help with objectives or against Deep Strike units. ShadowWarriors could be this unit. Not sure a lone helblaster will do much for you.
  7. Well BoC was the first non-Khorne/SCE book in AoS 2 so maybe we will be up soon in AoS 3. Perhaps the fall? I do however feel Destruction will get significant attention and I feel they've reused the Monstrous Cav CADs for Centigors as a Destruction line. So Gav Thorpe, years ago explained how GW writes lore tid bits. He said "write something, make it have a vague genesis, then write 2-3 hints at what people can latch onto." We will never have the actual hints a prime progenitor, or any of the other two theories divulged. They are meant to just give us loose threads of inspiration. As I see Kragnos, based on the lore video, he's a mortal whatever, who has ascended to god-hood. I'm guessing most he is the Beast in the Beastgrave GW wrote about for a while. Granted their storyline in the novel was Sylvaneth vs BoC there was Destruction within the mountian itself.
  8. I've been thinking about their potential. I have 40 Ungor Raiders so I could take 20 instead of 11 Blisbarbs. Both can run and shoot with 18 range weapons. Since you need 20 for the rr 1s I would lean towards the +1 to wound making 11 Blissbarbs better. They'll both hit the same but wound and rend better for Slaanesh. Suddenly the Blissbarbs (apart from wound count) are significantly better. a 4+/4+/-/1 isn't much to write home about and people don't take Raiders for their stats (unless they take,.. 90,..) 160 points of Raiders vs 150 points of Blissbarbs, one of those will perform better than the other. I don't know what other shooting is out there, I don't play much past pure Slaanesh daemons and BoC. Maybe it's a poor comparison however Ungors aren't bad choices; they are the one good thing in that book. I kinda think the Blissbarbs while pricey for 10 wounds have good stats to make a single unit an auto-include for utility. Maybe since I've played BoC and WE for 18 years i'm good at polishing turds,.. And yet,.. sometimes you see a base coated model and it's,.. not that impressive. No valid reason Enoby's stuff isn't on War Com. It would make an impact and be memorable.
  9. Yesterday I heard 2 months for BR Kragnos. just a red shirt but sometimes you get luck. That does put it end of June which would match the last PA pre 9th ed 40k
  10. Oops yeah Durthu is 100% solid. But he's solid now,.. A second Getting Started is probably smart. One Durthu (do him first) and one Ancient.
  11. The Warcry thread would be under the main page in the Narrative or Other games? probably not anything specific to Sylvaneth. I would start small. Things you can use which will be effective are: whatever you own, An Ancient is good if you haven't built the Treelord yet. I would build the Treekin as a) Scythes with the expectation to get more. Or Swords if you are just going to have 3 and don't want to pick more up right away. Bows would be only if you were focussed on running lots or they got a boost of some sort next edition. Having a Branchwraith is Handy. If you slightly convert the Branchwych or even just proxy her people shouldn't mind unless you have two identical and one as one, one as the other. I would hold off until the next edition and even then maybe wait a good 6 months. Just paint what you have and start to get a hold of things. Unless you need more Battle Line. I suspect you have 16 Dryads and 5 Tree Revenants. Those are good for now if you are learning.
  12. I heard even just the unit of 11 Blissbarb Archers split fire well. That didn't even dawn on me for more DP generation.
  13. Screening in CoS is hard to come by. We don't have Ungors I would recommend compiling the lists, reading the warscrolls and seeing how they work together and what they do. I play Wanderers in TE so my experience of Freeguild is limited however I recall Freeguild being the better choices for TE. Hurricanums, FG Generals, FG ranged units, the city's cmd ability.
  14. Oh yeah I totally get that. Trust me, I'm not am "imperial" fan in any means. So I"m always on the outskirts trying to find Ork, Eldar, BoC, Sylvaneth, Wanderer novels or stories. Also Slaanesh (as protagonists) Did you read the LRL novel? was it good? I gather it's an AoS version of the Fall of the Eldar.
  15. +1 to hit is more than okay. We got one of the good warbands out of the range. The old world ended 6 or 7 years ago? let it go dot com already,.. Especially after the VC reboot is pretty much "people want old world VC again? here is the best version GW ever released" since the major bulk of BoC armies are Ungors and Bestigors now sure were you think it's going other than into the pessimism column here.
  16. Other than the Hellstriders does anything take advantage of the battalion? HoS were the main antagonists of the Lumineth novel, I would read that one if you wanted recent Slaanesh stuff. Email BL telling them you liked the Slaanesh inclusion and would like to see a pure Slaanesh novel again. Otherwise they just make more spece mureen novels,..
  17. Those were quite popular early in the release? did you search through this thread?
  18. I'm guessing @Overread would know best (he seems to be an AoS lore keeper) but think Kragnos is the entity within the Beastgrave mountian?
  19. that's the one. I thing the thing about Slaanesh is anything that can reliably get 1-2 wounds reliably is valid. The Contorted are good but while the Entraptress is 150 points she's got a shooting attack with range. Stems from the same idea as a couple Soulgrinders. 16W and 4+ so they'll stick around and chip off a wound or two per round, maybe get lucky with the two shooting attacks and have maybe 3 Depravity a turn.
  20. HYPE TRAIN THE MODEL LOOKS AWESOME. I wonder if the Centigor CAD Hastings69 talked about in 8th ed, are being repurposed for Destruction.
  21. Yeah I support not having a convoluted issue like the end of 7th ed 40k where you had issues upon issues within books that needed books. I don't like now that to play Hedonites of Slaanesh i pretty much HAVE to own Everychosen for Lurid Haze to have hopes to compete well. I have little hope Alarielle will get good. Having seen that Be'Lakor still only has 3s and 3s disappoints me. heroes should be 2s. My long standing gripe is the WS mechanic is too compressed and homogenized pretty much since 6th edition WFB. Alarielle should hit on 2s with a re-roll as a mechanic add-on. Ask any BoC player and they will tell you hitting on 4s feels like hitting on 6s a lot of days. And right now in CoS with an ambushing Hurricanum appears the only way to make her effective on the table as a combat unit. Has anyone watched the AoS List Lab channel? A guy named Sam who is on the Honest WArgamer podcast sometimes. He tweeted Sylvaneth have ideas floating around. I haven't watched the latest video but I was hoping it meant they would have some legs in the new edition in some manner.
  22. Well,.. CoS while getting support is legacy models as well. I love mine too much and Love Warherd. I would have thought them to be squated (does this imply they come back in FW as a support unit as Squats have?) before AoS 2 not for AoS 3. Saying they didn't get anything and implying they are being removed is a bit chicken little. I suspect they will have their finecast dropped. Whether that means they get new models, who knows. The recent Vampire Count redux is sure amazing and shows GW will commit to bringing back some classics. I was surprised zombies and all those archetypes have returned. And they did an amazing job reimagining them. What I should do is sell my Warherd as those models can only get better.
  23. Did you guys notice a Slaanesh army went 6th in a tournament? I think it was a fiendstar and glutos with some support. It's been around on twitter. And by fiendstar I mean,. only 6. Sylvaneth players are so used to taking 6-9 for Treekin plus more units wouldn't suprise me to see someone try 2x6 (Treekin have a 2" reach when kitted properly)...
  24. I was listening to Russ Veal on AoS Coach talk about Slaanesh and discuss a couple lists. Russ is going towards Lurid Haze, Invaders, Sigvald, Keeper and,.. well stuff. It was good to hear. A sidebar Russ made was that when they are reached out to playtest he was busy with something else so he only got the PDF before the book and the comments were the design took into account that Slaanesh would have access to more than just the internal book so GW's direction was "people will take external stuff anyway so we set that as our baseline" kinda idea. The other thing he mentioned was the first Slaanesh book is considered a Daemons of Slaanesh book, this is draft 1 of Hedonites of Slaanesh and how the army will operate going forward. I assume putting together more than just internal options and the depravity and locus might not change much. I'm not here to defend or slander the book, it was just good to hear what GWs intent was. Right now 3 of my 4 armies are pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel (Sylvaneth, BoC, HoS). I also listened to HeyWoah talk about the AoS rumours posted on youtube recently. It got me to thinking about Slaanesh. With Covid no one really knows how drastically the release schedule changed, assuming, upwards of a year delay is probably not a bad idea but it might not be that drastic (it was 40k that was released last summer, AoS was more light until BR started showing up). So hoping Slaanesh was designed with some 8th ed in mind, a couple things HeyWoah mentioned came to mind. 6" pile ins will be good. Fast movement will be good. Objective changes for the 3rd turn priority roll change is a change against hard-to-shift objective campers if it goes against them (it's a roll still), summoning off a 9" charge with Godseekers particularly with heroes in Lurid Haze will be good (less room to charge reaction flee). Russ mentioned he felt Seekers, Daemonettes, Infernal Enraptresses and Seeker chariots being the good things to summon (I haven't had a change to play HoS yet). He also liked the Soulgrinder. I own two converted in the manner he described (they were really good in 8th ed WFB) and it gives me impetus to finish painting them finally. Can't be worse than Slaangors
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