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Everything posted by Drofnum

  1. I would just like more command abilities. The King's is a really nice one and I think having it only usable during high tide is a nice trade off for being able to stack it. I just want to have something to use command points on if I dont have a King or dont need +3 attacks.
  2. Honestly its not really worth the argument. You have your mind made up, and even if they are 8 in tournaments(whatever that means) that isnt a BAD place to be in. Spamming eels is one of the more viable lists but so is Namarti Corps which has 40 Namarti. We arent a casting army, we arent a prayer army, of course they arent as powerful as other allegiances. Command abilities do need work, command traits are okay but not great and artifacts are decent. These definitely dont make the army useless though or even bad. We're a Tier 1/2 army for the most part with some minor issues.
  3. Maybe you would enjoy a different army more? I can't really agree with most of what you're saying, the army is in a pretty decent place honestly. Some units may still need slight point drops, but Lotann is about the only truly unplayable unit.
  4. If you update your app it has the points changes in it now. Battalions all look the same.
  5. I mean people say this, but last year at LVO i did very well with one in my list. Top 20 in a 130 player event is non-competitive now?
  6. Eidolon of the Sea is pretty solid, I found him decent even at his original 440.
  7. The problem with the battalion is that all the hero's need to be near each other and you generally dont want that. You want the scryer setup off the board and the King is going to outrun the tidecaster after turn 1. You give up too much putting the scryer on the board to make it worth it, unless you know you're going to be playing only total commitment.
  8. You can use it as often as you want in High Tide. There is an FAQ that states if the command ability doesnt say which phase it is used in it is used in the hero phase.
  9. It isnt really THAT bad. Sure you need Morrsarr, but there are plenty of lists out there that do well and have won tournaments with a variety of the other units in lists. The backbone is always 15+ Morrsarr but you can mix it up with Thralls, Reavers and to some extent Akhelian Corps. Its not a whole lot different than most armies in the game who have a small unit count.
  10. I just hate having 1 unit be 80% of the list. I was really hoping the GHB would help with our internal balance but it hasnt really done anything at all.
  11. So the list that won Facehammer and started most of the MSU talk is this. Enclave: Dhom-Hain LEADERS Vulturnos, High King of the Deep (280) General Isharann Soulscryer (130) Artefact : Cloud of Midnight Isharann Soulscryer (130) Black Ark Fleetmaster (40) Allies 5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (90) UNITS 3 xAkhelian IshlaenGuard(140) 6 xAkhelianMorrsarGuard (340) 3 xAkhelianMorrsarrGuard (170) 3 xAkhelianMorrsarrGuard (170) 3 x AkhelianMorrsarrGuard (170) 3 x AkhelianMorrsarrGuard170) 3 x AkhelianMorrsarGuard170) TOTAL: 2000/2000 You could obviously move some things around but Volturnos and at least 1 scryer would be must haves IMO. 2 scryers would be ideal for flanking and charge buffs to make sure the eels get where they need to be. I dont personally like that many eels and would probably take some Thralls in place of a unit or two, but he has won Facehammer and I havent so I may not know anything.
  12. I dont think its a question of a unit 6 Morrsarr or units of 3, you take both if you're going to do MSU. You need to have something you can point at a unit and know you're going to remove it from play, which is why you keep the unit of 6 in there. If you want to do MSU then you run 2-3 units of 3 after that. The list that sparked this whole MSU eel thing did exactly that, Volturnos, 6 eels, 3/3/3/3 eels.
  13. Very nice little app! There are a few errors/missing FAQ on the Deepkin section. If I get some time I could try to contribute via github but I am swamped at the moment. Will definitely use this though!
  14. I played my Deepkin this weekend to start our campaign. Played Untamed Beasts and Splintered Fang and won both, Splintered Fang would have been a hard matchup if it wasnt for the victory conditions. Reavers were actually far better for me than Thralls and I think going forward I will probably have about twice as many of them in my list as Thralls. Eels are nice, but i'm not sure they're worth the points to take more than 1 of each. My list: 1 Ishlaen (Leader) 1 Morsarr 3 x Thralls 4 x Reavers
  15. Its just a Tidecaster general using her ability to change the tides. What goes with it is generally a bunch of Morrsarr Guard and Fuethan Enclave so you get first turn run/charge and second turn high tide for a brutal alpha strike.
  16. The GHB rules take precedence over everything before them. So you really can override our FAQ, and the only thing that gets changed really is you need to place the ships 3" from other terrain rather than 1". Its spelled out pretty plainly in the FAQ for the GHB. In a Pitched Battle, faction terrain must be set up more than 3" from any other terrain features and more than 1" from any objectives, in addition to any other restrictions that apply to it. Sometimes this will make it impossible for a faction terrain piece to be set up; in this case, it is not used.’
  17. Not really sure where the confusion is here. The GHB FAQ states that you follow the terrain setup rules plus any additional ones for the specific terrain piece. Which essentially means you take the most restrictive from each place and combine them, for ships you place them at least 3" from any other terrain pieces, 6" from Objectives and 6" from other shipwrecks. As for the terrain setup mini game the consensus seems to be just ignore it, its what everyone near me is doing, its just a waste of 20-30 minutes to set up a table and never needed to be there in the first place. What is CA?
  18. Definitely some good conversion candidates in there. I was thinking of swapping the nets from some of the Fangs onto some models, not sure which yet but I feel like Idoneth would be using nets.
  19. You probably just need to realize that you are going up against the worst possible opponents. I dont think its an auto loss by any stretch, but you probably want to consider bringing other options when your opponents are directly countering your main threat.
  20. Terrorgheists shouldnt show up in competitive lists? What FEC lists are you fighting? lol I'm sorry your experience has been poor but maybe you just arent using them correctly? Just about the only thing i've put them against that they have struggled with are Fyreslayers(Vulkites, hearthguard obviously kill them) and that ended up being a stalemate essentially. I've used them against Plague Monks and they killed more than they lost in the 3 times i've played Skaven, kill terrorghiests like I said with or without ghoul kings, ethereal VLOZD when it was a popular thing, countless bloodthirsters, dragonlords, witch aelves in equalish numbers, Keeper of Secrets. The list could go on and these are not one off events where i'm getting lucky, these are consistent results. Running Dhom Hain(reroll 1's to hit on the charge) a unit of 10 Thralls will do 14.5 damage to a 4+ save on average vs Monsters/4+ wound models. Its a bit lower if you're going up against 1 wound models, around 10.3 damage vs 4+ or 12.9 vs 5+. So again on average 10 Thralls will kill the monster they attack and on average they will wipe a same sized unit. If the unit you're attacking has a DPR then you will usually need a bit of help, but that doesnt make Thralls a poor unit it just means you picked the wrong target.
  21. Most people underestimate Thralls which helps. I tend to just use Reavers as screens, they do okay damage if you can shoot and melee with them but they die just as easy as Thralls with less damage output generally. I really need to get some Eternal Guard then I doubt I will take Reavers at all.
  22. Thats maaaaaybe true for Reavers, Thralls are pretty damn good for 130 points. Even a unit of 20 is good, sure not all will attack but with a soulrender near them they will stick around for a long time and even against 2 wound models will generally win the fight they're in. I have countless times sent Thralls into things worth far higher points. I've had units of 10 pretty regularly take down terrorgheists and other big monsters, you need to pick your targets(kind of the theme of the army) and they will perform very well when you do.
  23. It was in the FAQ that came out after GHB 18, so it is possible it was played correctly depending on when you played those events.
  24. I dont know, Idoneth are the only faction I play with that has terrain so I know their rules but not sure on the others.
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