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Everything posted by Cambot1231

  1. One of the big GW rival companies just announced the release of their "Vampire Pirates" collection of models... They had done a similar daemonettes release just months prior to the Slaanesh release.... Fingers crossed that bodes well for a GW Vampirates army on the horizon. Not to mention a fair number of Rumour engines fit in line
  2. Cambot1231

    Living City Durthu

    Spirit of Durthu Living City
  3. Thanks! I had been sitting on this one a while and so happy to finally get the sucker painted up😄
  4. Do we really need a AoS version 3.0 so soon or is there just a lot of 40K envy going on right now with their new edition? For Sigmar's sake we just finally got all the faction books released and you want to throw them all away for a new edition already? Wth?
  5. Word on the street there is a way to include Chaos Hellcanons in a list within wrath of the everchosen. I don't own the book, but was wondering if anyone experimented with this or know more details regarding the parameters of their inclusion?
  6. Anyone have any experience/ luck using the Fateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot? I have heard a few podcasts saying he is underpointed in the new battletome but I would like to hear from people who have used him on the tabletop.
  7. If I have a Unit of horrors composed of say 12 Blues and 6 Brims can I cast fold reality on them and then just add D6 Pink horrors back in including a pink horror banner bearer?
  8. Cambot1231

    Living City Sorceress

    Finished a Living City Sorceress to help in the Quarantine against Nurgle
  9. If you can teleport a block of Chosen behind enemy lines they can smash through most things. A unit of Varangaurd buffed by Archaon on the table allowing +1 to hit and Reroll 1 to wound and to hit against an enemy are pretty brutal as well
  10. What is there a bare minimum of flamers to take in eternal conflagration to get your money worth? Can I get away with 2 units of three and exalted or is having 9 flamers with exalted the ideal loadout. I feel the changehost army starts getting pretty fragile with 9 flamers and an exalted especially if I'm not willing to paint another 50 wounds of horrors after the first one.
  11. A little food for thought for people trying to make a Cabalist list work... The Blue Scribes have a spell (boon of Tzeentch) that allows reroll all spells within 18" for TZEENTCH WIZARDS meaning mortals too! Might be worth a second look for an ally over Kiaros fateweaver in the magic department.
  12. Which is the better 2 cast wizard: The curseling or the changeling? Seeing a lot of lists with the blue scribes too. I don't have any of these models nor fatemaster and having a tough time choosing which to pick up next. I'm entertaining a list with some flamers, and a Lord of change if that helps point things a certain direction.
  13. I hear an update of vampires with mortarchs and vlozd ahead of their own personalized subfactions is somewhere on the distant horizon
  14. In this list they serve as a threat. They are usually out on their own from being teleported. I honestly don't have much luck with the slaughter leader ability since there are so few other units. I could see it being good with the double pile in from the chaos lord though , allowing you to reroll your wounds on the second swing. Chosen are also great for the sorcerer lord reroll save buff if Archaon isnt around.
  15. I've been having a great time with this list 3 sources of threat You have to play without any mistakes against the top tier stuff but overall the double fighting Archaon can be pretty brutal. The list does struggle a bit against slaanesh summoning. There are extra saves against magic with Chaos Rune Sheilds, and Archaon's Tzeentch head dispells. If facing against shooting I go full nurgle Keyword, but otherwise I've had great success with the slaanesh Keyword so that I can reroll the charges on the Varangaurd. The Chosen in a block of ten can ussually take a punch and still do great at half capacity and amazing if they are all allowed to charge in. Also they are a great unit to deepstrike in with Mask of Darkness spell.
  16. Riddle me this... If a Varanguard from the 6th circle, marked nurgle with the ensorcelled weapons attacks, hits and then rolls some 6's to wound, would those attacks count at 3 points of oncoming damage each?
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