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Warboss Gorbolg

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Everything posted by Warboss Gorbolg

  1. Another thought, what if they are supposed to be small mirrors on the "cloak" reflecting the sky? Does that suggest anything in particular?
  2. The green grass/base is what makes me think aelves as well. The blue gems also suggests Order I think. Was hopeful for Slaanesh or Vampire at first but I'm guessing aelf based on the "cheery" gems and bright base.
  3. The glade lord on dragon looks incredible. Probably the best dragon based model that I can remember. Love the use of the trees. They add so much in terms of theme.
  4. Very excited to try this out! Suggest that you also post to the forums as I had a hard time finding this even though I was looking for it. Saw the post on Dakka but couldn't find it where I was expecting it.
  5. AOS Skirmish/Mordheim-lite/Old Path to Glory. These formats have always been my favorite way to play GW games and are critical to recruiting new players.
  6. Fantastic models. The ones that have a bit more color like this one are my favorites.
  7. Traditionally, I thought the Xmas deals were more of an Army-in-a-box that cost more in the neighborhood of $200 - $225 US. Perhaps my recollection is poor though.
  8. I'm very interested in Fyreslayers as my Order faction but it's not going to happen without an Xmas deal or Start Collecting box. Would think that it's pretty likely but trying not to get my hopes up.
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