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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. Yup. All the best to him as it’s tough leaving a company after such a long time. He’s also posted his leaving present on Instagram which looks amazing… https://www.instagram.com/reel/CiNbbQOtalA/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  2. Thanks for that. That’s a monster interview! As I don’t know any Spanish, I’ve tried watching with translated subtitles and I’m still non the wiser. 😭 Closest you’ll get is the mid and end year investor reports. Anyway, back to rumours…
  3. They do this on stuff they can’t shift. It can be hit and miss in store as it depends if somebody has had the same idea as you! 😁
  4. That’s quite interesting and looking at things, it does make sense. Granted I don’t know the full details of how GW operates but it does sort of make sense how they will keep a kit in service for as long as possible. Do you have a source?
  5. The way the weather can be in the UK, it could be anytime! 🤣 As mentioned above, I think it’s for Warcry and the next set.
  6. So my local Asda didn’t have any in stock although they do normally stock White Dwarf. If I go anywhere like a newsagents later this week I’ll check but I think it will be more next week when I’m in Birmingham. No idea how anybody else is getting on but I’m guessing it will be hit and miss and if you really want it, subscribe.
  7. Not yet. I didn’t get chance last week to check but will check in local super market as need to get a few things. Not sure which shops will normally get this though. I need to go into Birmingham next week so will also check out Forbidden Planet.
  8. I’m quite excited but that’s because I had forgotten about him 🤣 To be honest, this is the issue about leaks like the Slaves one. We’ve all been spoilt now, so after the next few books, there’s no surprise 😉
  9. I’ve just tweaked some of the wording to make the title clearer and these are alternative sculpts.
  10. +++ Mod Hat On +++ As much as I love the turtles, I’ve got to say back on topic and back to rumours.
  11. This is why we probably aren’t seeing anything like classic Dwarfs. Its a shame but I’m hoping it means that the door isn’t closed on Chaos Dwarfs. 😁
  12. Yeah I think this is one of the confusing things as it basically means anything for Winter is in 2023. So I have a feeling the slaves set is next year with Ogors and Sons from October to the end of the year. Same for 40K as well, which is mildly annoying if 10th is a reset!
  13. Yup. I’d say any preview now will be focused on showing off Warcry and Kill Team. I’m also half expect more of a push on these systems due to the time of year (Christmas) and people seem to like the idea of smaller games at moment (that’s my impression).
  14. +++ Mod Hat On +++ And on that note ….. Can we get back to the rumours please? The preview was good but there are some gaps around Ogors and Sons with some items missing from the online store. Has anybody heard anything?
  15. I’m hoping this is the case if there is a new maneater kit. Then I’m guessing you can use that to convert whatever you want!
  16. I think the Cities/Crusades are a next year job. I would guess it’s tied into Warcry based on the narrative for the current version. Yeah I think 40K 10th Ed is dropping next year and they will go full steam.
  17. I almost stayed up but had to call it a night. Adam has loads of energy and is good at presenting but being tired and still full of food, I don’t think I could have made it through a round of “Where you are watching from?” 🤣 Currently on a train catching up on reveals and I’ll watch the stream later tonight but I think it was quite a good one. Personally I would have liked to have seen a new faction but all the models are cool. Nice to see some AOS love. It’s a 50/50 split for me between Horus and King Brodd for model of the year! Big thing I like is the road maps. Great way for people to know what’s coming up and plan to what they want to do. Im also torn between the Slaves to Darkness set and the Leagues set. Both have models I like and look like good painting projects. They do read the forums 😁🤣
  18. Stuff? 🤣 Im expecting a full reveal of the Leagues of Votann in 40K along side some of the guard stuff. Heresy wise, I think we will see a matched play/tournament pack along side some new plastic sets (blurry new dreadnaught is already doing rounds). Now for AOS…. I think it will be a casual reveal of the Realmlords and Tzeentch books and then the stuff around Sons and Ogors. No idea if they will be one book or not. No idea about underworlds
  19. Looks like no staying up for me now as I need to go to another site tomorrow for work 😭 However I may do it just so I don’t get anything spoiled (plus I can see if the new AOS collector mag is out).
  20. Based on the time and what’s happened in the past, I’d say about 1 hour. The stream will be active before whilst they prep but the whole thing will be about 1 hour. I think it will be straight away but not sure. I might stay up and watch it as I’m quite excited.
  21. I suspect it’s a general here’s some Chaos stuff for all systems. Hopefully you’re right but I think it’s a bit more general.
  22. I would be over the moon. Personally AOS needs some new factions and kits. I’d love to see Chaos Dwarfs make a return and keep getting teased 😭 I suspect they are as well. Personally I’d be happy for them to be combined with Ogors but I know some players won’t like that from a background point of view 😁
  23. Not going to disagree as I have no idea what makes a release successful! Just very curious when I noticed. It looks a really cool game. I think the core rules will help make it more approachable as a core set is a big set to get! I’m hoping for some Ogors. My pink ones are wanting a update!
  24. I don’t think Warcry has sold that well however my assumption is based off what’s on the GW site and they still seem to have the Warcry combat gages left over. I don’t think it helps people are being careful about what they spend money on as well plus Heresy dropped just after. It’s a shame as the rules look fun but I think these skirmish games will get more popular. Also it’s the summer holidays so people may not have had chance to go to a Warhammer store due to spending time with family. Back to rumours, I’ve been hearing some heresy stuff and 40K stuff but nothing for AOS. I’m hoping we get some cool stuff next week
  25. It’s frustrating and I suspect there’s a few factors that have been mentioned but also they have been advertising for game designers, so I think behind the scenes things are also happening. I would love to see lots of new models but I think they have shifted into this holding pattern because of things outside of their control. I think they can do that quite easily personally! You can showcase the books, talk a little bit about the changes and you can easily take up that time. It’s possible you add a sneaky teaser at the end as well 😁 Yeah I think there’s some other stuff going on. For example, you’re working on a couple of projects as a sculptor but you go off ill for a while. Yes somebody could pick up the work but that has a impact on what they are doing and so on. I think they’ve had a bit of that stuff going on (and probably people changing roles etc). Also with how far GW probably works ahead and you miss your slot for producing a kit, that has a impact as well. We will never know unless somebody internally with the info talks about it. I’m sure the AOS team are just as frustrated with the game getting it’s releases like this
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