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Everything posted by sal4m4nd3r

  1. I've been running blightcyst with moderate success after PTWB was nuked from orbit. Came in 3rd at NOVA and runner up in competitive local RTTs. Regularly win friendly matches against competitive and smart players. glotkin, gutrot, lord of blights, harbinger of decay, 20 marauders, 5 kings, 5 kings, 10 kings, warshrine, blight cyst. I'm actually thinking of keeping the warshrine undivided. Rather then RR all wounds, I like the idea of giving a unit of kings rr1s to hit and wound. The downside is he cannot be protected by the harbingers 5++ bubble, benefit from glotkins command ability or be affected by any nurgle specific trait or cycle of corruption. But I think its worth it. hitting/wounding on 3s RR1s is REALLY good. All I sacrifice is a bit of survivability on the warshrine itself. The 6++ bubble is projects only specifies MORTAL unit. Doesnt have the match the god specific keyword so only the warshrine itself suffers and only marginally. Thoughts?
  2. Spider venom will deal mortal wounds on 5s if in the same quarter of the board that the bad moon terrain piece. I assume this means a change to grot big boss on gigantic spiders command ability.
  3. So after watching the teaser for the new grot faction..I’m almost positive spiderfang are in gw new book!!! They speak of spiderfang beliefs of what the bad moon is (it’s actually a giant spider egg that will hatch and cover the world in spiders) and very clearly a arachnarok at the entrance to the cave and spider riders fighting along side grots in the animation.
  4. Absolutely! I like to get the wheel to 6, make the mortal wounds rain, then switch back to 5 for the defensive buff. Then it goes to sick and try to cast foul regen to make it go back to 5. If not it ticks to 7 next turn for healing and again try to cast foul regen. Great use of the wheel! Even better with witherstave for enemy re-rolling 6s ot hit AND wound!!!
  5. That's why I would run it as a nurgle army, get access to blades of putrefaction and really do some damage. Somehow get glottkin in there to to double all those attacks!
  6. Then I think the kazyk would be a better investment, and he could use lord of war on blightkings. Is that still a chance at +1 to hit?
  7. DRAT! you are right! Where are you getting complete battleshock immunity from? Good source of battleshock immunity is Kazyk the befowled from Tamurkhans horde. Command is 14" BUBBLE of inspiring presence.
  8. You need blades of putrefaction in this list and the marauders natural +1 to hit. So festus to sit behind/near archaeon for more healing and tossing out a blades on one of the units.
  9. Its perfect for the Harbinger who likes to be just behind the action on the front lines.
  10. I cant see why spiderfang armies WOULDNT use the Fungoid shamen as the general. I mean for 80 points being able to run and charge is HUGE.. especially with a natural +2 to run (+3 with bellowing tyrant). I'm sorry for the constant post spamming. This is all new (and exciting for me). Decided on the realm of ghur for my army. Started making lots of over the top rocky bases to represent the harsh, spiteful landscape of the realm. Going to convert some trapdoor spiders by cutting the spider in half right where the grot sits. Keep the front legs and face with a greenstuff trap door over the top. I need to get a hold of a couple of the grots that are grasping at the ground from the 40k big mek shokk attack gun (pictured below) as if the spider decided to snack on his grot companion I figured I could use the back end of the spider diving head first into an open area as if it is burrowing into the ground! Most of the other spiders will be pinned almost mid air as if leaping from, onto, or over the rocky bases shown below. 30/45 done!
  11. I'm hoping that spiderfang grots get rolled into moonclan somehow. They wont get a book of thier own and fit the insect aesthetic moonlcan seems to be headed.
  12. Thanks @Lord_Skrolk for that information! I never bought the MalPo book. Well look at that! So In a SPIDERFANG army, the fungoid cave shamen CAN be the general, but wouldn't be able to take artefacts or command trait. We would lose out on a command trait as he has to be the general to use the command ability. But GBBoGS could still use his command ability. . but cant be given a command trait because he wouldn't be the general.. So the question becomes is the fungoid cave shaman's command ability good enough to sacrifice the command traits available to us? I LOVE jumping into new armies and theory crafting (which I assume we use the GA destruction command traits... even though we arent allegiant to DESTRUCTION??)
  13. @Lord_Skrolk I dont think your list is "legal." Because Fungoid cave shamne must be your general in order to use command ability, and he cant be your general in a spiderfang army. Just something I wanted to point out as an unfortunate loss of a tactic I noticed when building lists. not meant to "call you out" in any way.
  14. Yes but at that point I would need 3 units of moonclan or other destruction battleline. That seems like a waste of points to me for a spiderfang army. Thinking 40-60 spiders is going to be where I land for 2k so i will go with spiderfang allegiance and allies.
  15. If I run a spiderfang grot allegiant army, do moonclan grots still count as battleline?
  16. How do you the A-rok to cast three a turn? And why are they awful? What problems do you run into with them?
  17. What is the role for the lord of afflictions? He is a great model, and can hold his own in combat. But I do think you would get more use with either some more infantry (marauders, warriors of plaguebearers) or even horticulous for a second "free" tree and REALLY ramp up the summoning points. Also He is a TANK and offers great target saturation when the blightkings charge in. Alternatively, by dropping the shakles, and the LoA you could add in a harbinger of decay and some infantry to really boost your survivability. I like the LoA.. but I'm not sure he will have as big of an impact on this list as other choices. Hope this helps.
  18. Thanks for the response! Yes with an army as cool as spiderfang and not necessarily as competitive (although, admittedly, that is one of the reasons I choose them to put this notion to the test).. the rule of cool prevails. I have not had much experience with Destruction.. really at all. Going through the warscrolls availed to us, It seems the warscrolls with the most synergy with spiderfang are really only the Fungoid cave shaman. The grot shamen is cool for casting endless spells and a source of ranged mortal wounds, while the bonegrinder gargant and rougue idol being beatsticks that take up every point of the 400 point ally limit. Moonclan grot sbeing good for objective campers as You pointed out. Anything else I am missing??
  19. Piggy backing on what @PlasticCraic said ... Why dont more Spiderfang players run a GA army to get around the 400 point ally limit? Maybe with one or 2 large blocks of spiders. How do you guys deal with battleshock. My nurgle army is all but immune to morale with high bravery, hard to hit/kill multi wound units, and plethora of healing abilities. Is it better to take MSU spider units to mitigate bravery.. but then the DOPE buffs are only one a couple models as opposed to a a large block of spiders! I bought 60 spider riders, an A-rok and a grot spider boss last year and am looking for a change of pace for a bit after playing Nurgle exclusively for 2-3 years, including a great finish at the NOVA GT this year..which saw me playing MANY practice games.. several per week. a tad spent on the nurgle front and I think spiderfang would be an awesome change-up!
  20. The poxwalkers have crude hand weapons (some wrenches with spikes wired to them, inoperable guns with axes tied to them, scythes, axes and hammers) so they work perfectly. I used shields from the skeleton kit as they are very old and degraded looking. Be sure to remove the chem tanks and maybe the firearm bits from some of them. That was the one requirement by the TOs for them to be allowed at adepticon this year.
  21. @ReAnimate Studios This is really sound advice. Alternatively, gutrot is just so fething good. Another option would be to keep the current list, drop the nurglings and add a harbinger of decay. You would lose extra command point, and have 2 REALLY good command abilities but it would let you choose which one is needed at the time. Expecting a big charge on your mortals? Morbid vigor.. or if your about the get stuck in with some blightkings.. using lords of nurgle for +1 each would be great!
  22. I wore my Brady jersey to remind myself about the value of mental toughness and not giving up until the clock hits 0 . In all seriousness, Nurgle is a late game army, and you really have to have mental toughness and be willing to get beat on quite a bit but rely on resiliency and attrition. But, good lord the amount of "aRe ThOsE dEfLaTeD dIcE??!" jokes got a bit obnoxious though
  23. If you allegiance is nurgle you can only take nurgle traits, lores, artifacts etc.. You can still play GA chaos with a nurgle army, but lose the lores, artifacts, traits, cycle of corruption, summoning and the free feculent gnarlmaw. The only time I could see this being worth it is to run the plaguetouched warband. I would argue that's an even trade. I will try not to be so long winded as my first post. Round 4 Was duality of death. I played against my gaming group mate who was running Prince Vordrai, 40 skellies, 30 reapers, a big block of chain rasps, vampire lord and doggos. Glottkin and Vordrai deployed right in line with each other for a showdown on my left objective. I basically ceded the other objective to him and his vamp lord and chain rasps. I wasn't going to be able to break it from him with his ability to heal those little ghosts and If I tried I risked the major loss. So I from the beginning I decided to settle for trying for the minor win and not risk a major loss. He made one crucial error. He deployed vordrai right behind a single line of doggos, but they were horizontal. So I ran the marauders up (rolling a 5+1), trying for a first turn charge on the dogs to lock vordrai for a turn. Glottkin ran up and grabbed the objective. Marauders made the charge, killed a dog I think.. whatever. Vordrai killed a bunch of them and I used my second command ability to inspire them. So vordrai had to retreat, allowing me time to reposition and damage him before he charged him. I used the lord of blights and the warshrine to block off areas for a charge. He needed 10+ or higher for a successful charge and got it. He swung and hurt glotty. took 7-8 wounds total. At that point there is 20 mins left and priority for turn three. I offered him the minor win as he wiped the marauders and I killed some dogs. He wanted the major. If he won priority he had the chance to kill glottkin and take both. I rolled a 6 for priority, killed vordrai and secured the minor win. Round 5 - starstrike. was against iron jaws. 15-20 brutes, maw crusha, realmgate battalion, warchantas, mega boss. shamen. I loved the guy. Great opponent. Lots of fun but this wasnt really a challenge. Surprised to see orks that high on the tables (table 14 - papa nurgle was smiling down on me). He charged his maw crusha into warshrine, blightkings and near lord of blights and glottkin. I was confused. Didnt know if he knew something I didnt. LOL. He nearly killed the warshrine. But next turn, I hit him with curse of rust (chamon spell -1 to hit/-1 to save), rustfang, and gift of contagion for -1 to save. So -3 to save. dead maw crusha turn one. After that it was just blight kings vs brutes. Tabled and major win by top turn three. Metor landed perfectly for me as well. Round 6 was focal points. I drew one of the nagash lists on table 10. Nagash, 40 skellies, 30 reapers, big block of chain rasps, necro.I thought I was going to get rolled. I had accepted my fate and began chugging beers ahaha. but sometimes the dice just hand you gifts. My rolls were insane. He played it perfectly but his dice just had a vendetta against him. I grabbed three objectives turn one. He brought in all the ghosts from the grave to my weak side. Imagine a yin-yang.. my strong side moved to his weak side and his strong side to my weak side in this rotating ball of bone and guts. BUT he failed all 3 of his 9 inch charges. Nagash could charge because I had used the marauders to charge the skellies...nagash was right behind a single row of skellies and locked him. He retreated to move away but couldnt charge. My turn, cycle of corruption his nagash for 2 wounds. takes em all. Lord of blights hurls a head at him for 2 damage. takes em all. Glottkin uses his shooting attack and it actually hits and wounds and goes through for 7 damage! Very fitting. 5 kings charge in and finish him off in one round of swinging. It was so cinematic! I just envisioned glottkin vomiting acidic bile all over him and everyone just gets inspired and chops him until he just decides ****** this im out and fades away ahaha. Opponent conceded at that point and a major win for me. That concluded an amazing weekend of gaming for me. Thanks for listening to me rant and rave. Im proud to represent The grandfather well. I took 3rd overall with a perfect paint score and 11th in battle points.
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