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Everything posted by Thiagoma

  1. Well if you are informed and is ok with it, sure! Go ahead! I think it will be a great looking army on the table with all those eagles! If you are going to mix free peoples, might wanna consider their griffon for even moar bird power! Stick an elf on top of it and get a great looking beatstick!
  2. Hello there! My opinion on SwiftHawk models by now is: if you have then and wanna make an army, go for it but dont invest cash into the faction. The reason i say that is because if Spire of Dawn models follow the Skaven way, most will be gone by the time a battletome happens (high warden, seaguard, reavers and possibly Swordmasters) since they are no longer sold by GW. That said, the models are cool and the army will look great. The battalion is indeed controversial and technically invalid in matched play, but if your local comminity is chill it wont be an issue. Overall i am not gona lie, getting wins with it will be an uphill battle, since Swifthawks lack punch, rend and mortal wounds. If i may suggest, why not go with Order alligeance? Reavers are Order Battleline, and so are Highborn Spearmen ( can use the seaguard to represent it). It will allow you to field Aelves things on the list to counter its weakness, such as a Punchy Dragonlord and resilent guys like the Phoenix Temple units. If you insist on Swifthawks, i would advice on an Archmage on horse so it have speed to keep up with the rest of your army.
  3. What arm did you use? (the spear one) It is the one thing i am struggling with!
  4. I dont have many models on Wanderers (Glade Guard, Sisters of the Thorn and Watch). Glade guard models are a bit meh. They are "neckless" and made me craft some necks to fit the heads. They also feel a tab shorter than other models. It seen that Eternal Guard/Wildwood Rangers are a bit better tho. Both Sisters of Thorn and Watch are very good kits and so are Wild Riders. For now i have been make this conversions because i had a huge hobby burnout and this have been a blast to craft. Soon will finish the Nomad Princess (remaking some stuff that i didnt really like)
  5. Amazing! Thanks for sharing your project with us!
  6. Thank you! Here goes the 2nd of 3, my Waywatcher! Glade Guard body and cape, Tiara from Sister of The Thorn, Head from Khinerai, Bow from Sisters of the Watch. Still a bit of a problem with the Tiara and bow hand (no green stuff in my country), but overall happy with the results!
  7. The "Chaos?" one look like a figure that would be on a warmachine/ship. Maybe something piratish from malerion army?
  8. My SpellWeaver conversion. Planing on having her skin greenish to make her look like a Nymph/Faerie. Gave myself a small challenge of making female versions of the Wanderers Heroes without buying any new miniatures. Intend to also make a Waywatcher and a Nomad Princess!
  9. Never considered White Lions. Maybe should give then a try. Dont really love reavers, but i love Dragon Blades. Hope they get upgraded when the BT arrive, they are my favorite models.
  10. Dont forget to fill the Survey on warhammer comunity website and mention our pointed ears!
  11. That is correct. If you go Phoenix Temple you may use Firestorm traits, but then your army would be Phoenix Temple. Unfortunelly that would be the only way to have Phoenix Guard as BL. But in that case, everything else would count as ally.
  12. Maybe go for Idoneth army with a Medusa ally for example? Tree revenants heads in namarti heads look pretty cool. Possibly gona work on the eel riders, but i am not sure. If you wanna go with more females, a Sorceress is a easy model to convert into any other caster on foot. Probably can find Witch Elves head/hair bits on ebay too. I seen Akhelian kings torso and up swapped by a sister of the thorn. Looked pretty cool. That said i would try to stick to the rules so your pretty army is also competitive.
  13. Wow the only Faq i didnt check! That makes then really nasty !
  14. Couldnt find anything about that SoTW rule about shooting twice after the teleport. Not doubting your word but would be nice to read it by myself.
  15. But when you use Stalkers of Hidden path doesnt it count the SoTW as beeing moved so they can only shoot once on that round?
  16. Isnt the trait Stalker of Hidden Paths better to make for intance the 30 glade guard deepstrike behind enemy lines?
  17. First, thank you so much for your detailed input , i really apreciate it. The conversion for the caster will use the IoB Archmage or Sorcereress. Also considering a Glade Guard with a Kurnoth bow and a Rider helmet. Now another question, does the army work well without the battalion? Or my area point level makes Wanderers not that viable? Thanks again!
  18. Greetings everyone! I have a full range of High Elves and some Wanderers to back then up and i was wondering if i should dip my toes into a wanderers small force, but i know very little about their alligeance and synergies, and would loke some help. My local meta plays with 1250 pts. Here is what i got : Sisters of the Watch x 10 Sisters of the Thorn x5 Glade Guard x 40 A complete Sylvaneth Army and all the current High Elves range for possible Allies. Also i belive i can convert models for all the Heroes. (I hate resin with passion) What else i should aquire for a solid Wanderers team? Thank you in advance!
  19. I always assemble 1 for every unit in case i decide to field it by itself in the future. Unfortunelly people will try to take advantage of a "hole" in the rules like it happened with the Icon on Namarti Thralls....
  20. The Spellweaver will have very little use. Its spell only work on Wanderers. You could replace it with an Archmage on Horse, his bubble stack with the Phoenix for more save shenenigans. Also, i would go for 2 Phoenix, so you can make full use of the armor stacking.
  21. Anyone had good results with the Hydra? Looks kinda good on paper!
  22. If it is the middle finger, even better 😄
  23. Yes but their rules includes banner and musician, and none of those is avaiable.
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