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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. That means it is not forbidden Power either. I think GW has already shown their hand in terms of non battletome releases for AoS in the first half of the year. The June slot will probably be 40k. We know that sisters are coming towards the end of the year and we will probably get more marines but beyond that we really know nothing.
  2. I think it’s pretty cool. I’m sure everyone will complain about more Stormcast, but it’s great to have a female model front and centre at gw. It is also a nice sculpt.
  3. These days I look forward to the warhammer weekly post reveal discussions as much as the reveals themselves. If anyone on here isn't watching warhammer weekly, they are missing out. It is the AoS equivalent of wittertainment. Really hope they do warcry demos at Adepticon . I am very curious about the rules for that game.
  4. So I noticed something fun. The blood Lords give you an artefact that lets you fight first in the combat phase. The tyrants of blood battalion includes 3 to 8 bloodthirsters. Their ability is that if you fight with one bloodthirster you can immediately pick another nearby bloodthirster to fight. So you could have 4 bloodthirsters all fighting in the combat phase before anyone else. Also according to the gmg review skull take is melee weapons not shooting.
  5. Personally, even though I'm not really a chaos player, I hope they don't branch out from chaos too quickly. There is a huge amount of potential variety within the idea of Chaos that hasnt really been explored in miniature form yet. How about exploring some of the minor Skaven clans or doing a Slaangor warband, or chaotic Aelves or a tribe of Slaanesh barbarians armed with stilettos and rapiers who believe the best way to endugle in excess is to extend a fight as long as possible. Assuming the furies are NPC type models they could expand that range with larger creatures like a bullgor, or a Skaven assassin that the players have to deal with, or a new type of deamon that we haven't seen yet. The possibilities are truly exciting.
  6. OK, its time for a little speculation. The last Warhammer underworlds warband is the kharadron Overlords. Gama is the event for showing products from gw's sub games, bloodbowl, Necromunda, Warcry etc. So why didn't they show off the Ko warband? The logical conclusion is that they are going to show it alongside a new battletome and we will see both at Adepticon in a couple of weeks.
  7. What are you talking about? I just checked the UK and US GW store and all the warbands are still available.
  8. GW has provided excellent support for most of their recent games. Underworlds is up 18 announced warbands so far. GW just announced the 11th plastic bloodbowl team. Necromunda is getting continued support with guilds on the way. Killteam has already had 4 major expansions announced and many bundled box sets. Even Blackstone fortress is getting expansions. Adeptus Titanicus is a far more niche product than warcry with no possibility of minis being used in other systems except a hypothetical future epic release, but they recently announced the second add on book and we have seen more titans, Knights, scenery and weapon packs. Many assumed lotr to be dead after the relative failure of the Hobbit game but it is back with new plastics. I have no doubt that warcry will have a very healthy amount of support. Also given the lead time of the design studio, they are probably already designing a second series of warbands.
  9. Khorne is just a hypocrit filled self loathing. It is what makes him so angry. khorne demons are magical creatures just like all the others. What is summoning if not a magic spell? These 'judgements' are just another example of Khorne's hypocrisy. On a more serious note don't roll an 8 if you are in range of those skulls. Blimey!
  10. I think it was actually a mistake by GW. In the schedule they used UK dates but bolded the US times. So everyone assumed they were using US dates as well.
  11. At first I was confused as to why there are duplicate sculpts of the harpies in this shot, then I realised that @HorticulusTGA must be right and these are npcs. This has me even more excited for the game as there are any number of chaotic beasts they could throw into the mix as the game develops. It also means there are still 4 warbands we have yet to see minis for. One of them must be the fighters with the spiked halos in this picture You can see one on the left facing the guy from the starter set, the jumping female fighter and the tomb king looking one in the background. You also have the fighter with wings on the right who is clearly not a harpy. He may be from a fourth faction.
  12. I know people are not exactly happy with that product either but aos skirmish is exactly the product you are asking for @Shankelton I was not into the idea of chaos only when we first heard about it but that was a failure of imagination on my part. One of the best things about this reveal is that we have seen three warbands so far and none of them are just new Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Skaven warbands. From the icons, I am guessing that none of the first six warbands will. Then we have multi tiered scenery which will be usable in skirmish too, campaign play, character advancement etc. It very much feels like Aos Mordheim which didn't have warbands from every faction either.
  13. They also straight up said that forbidden Power is not a new Stormcast chamber.
  14. The short stories in white dwarf are almost certainly hints towards Forbidden Power. In the first the Ko uncover a hidden cavern which is protected by Slyvaneth. In the second a khorne hero uncovers a special weapon which is being protected by the stormcast. These are probably the stormvaults. The stormvault board game has heroes searching for specific locations throughout the mortal realms. It seems that forbidden Power is about lost artefacts of considerable power but maybe also danger. A selection of new items and spells that have a strong risk reward element could be pretty interesting. Also a quest to uncover these vaults could make for a pretty good campaign.
  15. Ok. I wasn’t ready to jump on the disappointment train but this is stupid. The new trailer tells us absolutely nothing new. This is definitely a marketing miss by GW.
  16. But Skarbrand of all minis should be a rediculous combat monster. You should be terrified to fight against him in close combat. I think it is a good change. You will do the 16 wounds once per battle if you are lucky. Seeing the very next battletome have an anti gristlegore option is interesting. My worry is that a lot of these changes are not op if you are a competent tournament player and are thinking about suitable counters , but might give a bad play experience to Joe casual at their local game store.
  17. Yes it was. The final preview tomorrow is after a GW demo session at Gama. I think we will see the Ko warband at the next preview and I am still holding out hope that we will see warcry tomorrow. Even if we don't, it is just 2 weeks until Adepticon and the next preview.
  18. Congratulations. I've been working on the Nighthaunt half of soul wars since last July and I'm still not done. The combination of two young kids, a job , a dog who will tear the house to shreds if I don't walk her twice a day, colour blindness and a crippling addiction to having too many hobbies, all make getting through an army a bit of a challenge.
  19. Yeah. Aos warhammer Quest is a way off. They definitely won't do until they have finished the planned expansions for Blackstone fortress. The rumour is that there will be at least 3 more of those. Aos Quest will be 2020 or 2021 at the earliest.
  20. Those halfings are awesome. My favourite bloodbowl team so far. I’m glad gw put up a schedule. Still hoping that one of the remaining three updates is Warcry.
  21. Yeah, but they have a history of doing big stuff at Gama. Two years ago we got the Kharadron Overlords reveal which is probably my favourite GW video of all time.
  22. I would love for them to show off exactly what Warcry is. I would be very surprised if we didn’t get a look at the new KO warband for underworlds sometime during the week. It looks like there will a few announcements coming out of the show.
  23. The last couple of years the news from Gama came on the Wednesday, so we can expect news a week from today. In 2017 they showed the trailer which revealed the entire Kharadron Overlords range and last year they announced Kill team so there is a good chance we will see something big.
  24. Gw definitely has stock issues which they admit. They have plans to sort that out this year. Hopefully they can put those plans into effect sooner rather than later.
  25. Actually there is a lot of info directly from the horses mouth about the changes to GW. The is a long interview with Laurie Goulding about the changes to black library which directly impacted aos as the original plan was fir black library to do all the fluff. There is also a long interview with James Hewitt about his time at GW. Even the most recent storm 'cast' with Pete Foley talks about the development of the three ways to play and Gw's changing approach. The preamble in the financial report also tells you a lot about the changing priorities of the company. There is no more talk about being proud of not doing market research for example.
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