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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Thinking on meeting engagements: Annointed on Frostheart Phoenix Evocators on Dracolines Reavers x 2 Swordmasters Comes at neatly 1000 points.
  2. I like the idea of more terrain rules and a bonus for a regiment of renown.
  3. I haven't seen this reference. It's clear that Tyrion is still a warrior (can't recall but the scene has priests recreating one his feats with mirrors), yet he seems to also be about true meaning. The blind being noted as being favored by him if this is something that mortals correlated is unknown, however, it's noted in The Prodigal short story. Nice write up.
  4. Can someone with a time machine give me a lift to next year?
  5. Wasn't he written off in a sentence or two in the End Times? You had something else in mind? DoK is a very specific case and gives you a set of constraints to work with. To make the matters more complicated the druchii society is no more, ergo you need to redefine the DoK cult in a relationship with other segments of the world. The Cult of Khaine was always a subculture within druchii society, however when you define its relationship with the druchii the stage is set and you don't need that much of other work. The behavior they show is also rather boringly uniformed across the old lore. One way to break all of it is to make the MC an outcast or simply having a history with it as that allows certain interactions that otherwise wouldn't be possible. Point. I'm interested in the development of this subplot but wonder if DoK hero is needed as the main character. Should be interesting if they ever move forward with it as it'd had consequences on others rather than simply on DoK.
  6. What interesting tale could you tell with DoK as the main character?
  7. I enjoy my archetypes/tropes, however, they aren't really present in the deepkin. The models although reflecting the background didn't catch my interest. There are few miniatures that I'd enjoy having, but not enough to start an army. It's fine, I'll just collect the Skaven in the meantime I wait for the light elves.
  8. Can you elaborate further, I'm intrigued by your hypothesis.
  9. To me, it looks like Martha Wayne (Joker) reforged as Stormcast. Disturbing.
  10. There's not much to tell. I'm waiting for Tyrion and Teclis elves, I hope I'll find them interesting. I was excited about the deepkin when they were announced but the miniatures and lore just didn't strike any particular cord, same for Morathi's marauding elves and Sylvaneth's trees. If the rumors are true I might get the Skaven for my next project as who knows when the army I'm interested will get a release.
  11. I'd be really happy if Skaven are in March (or May - June), considering there isn't anything for the elves announced.
  12. Who would have foreseen... I'm a rat player now.
  13. All Troggoth army is supposedly possible according to the interview.
  14. Impressive... most impressive. I am impressed with the rate GW is expanding its catalog. The work needed to organize, coordinate, produce, dispatch and they seem to show no sign of stopping.
  15. I'd prefer hit and run over "does D3 mortal wound per fleeing model". Can we have versatile mechanics over mortal wound generators? I really want to see the reveal of the giant Centipede!
  16. I love the imaginative endless spells and terrain. The angelic aelves will be marvelous (huge cathedral or Teclis summoning hat as unique terrain) if they continue with this trend.
  17. Not a tabletop game but there's a Warhammer PC ARPG in development looks cool:
  18. I hope we get more info on them or at least a book that gives more insight into them. Currently, only the DoK and Scourge Privateers have anything substantial. I know a certain type of people dislike elves, but I enjoy them and currently feel overfed on Chaos and Stormcasts. Alternatively, give me more rats and Gotrek.
  19. I want to believe in a unified high elf battletome!
  20. I wondered if they'll add some sort of PvE content. I'd prefer some sort of new content, a new board where two or more teams need to enter a vault and fight the petitioners, golems and a final boss, perhaps the board could also have a deck of cards to play against the players. I like the add on but would prefer a more serious addition to the game.
  21. I'd prefer that resources are channeled into the development of other factions. I'd also be beneficial for the story to play around something else than Sigmar and his war against the Chaos. Pre-ordered Realmslayer today, can't wait to pick up Teclis and Tyrion omnibus in December too.
  22. Wouldn't you need lord arcanum as the general for this?
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