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Everything posted by JerekKruger

  1. I thought that, but they aren't those warriors. Those didn't have sculpted metal shields, but rather flat wooden round ones with icons that could be glued on top.
  2. Warriors are, apparently, 7th edition, so 2010ish? Seem to be at about the point GW were moving over to digital sculpting.
  3. Agreed. If anything, I'd say I'm more convinced they'll include them as an army of infamy now that Ungrim has been released. It's a big project (unless you're happy to buy tonnes of metal slayers), but that's the point.
  4. Good question. I assume it's based on the predicted popularity of factions, but I'm honestly surprised that O&G are considered less popular than Dwarfs. Other possibility is they want each faction to have a plastic generic "leader" kit. O&G already have their Boar/foot orc Warboss/Banner kit, but Dwarfs didn't.
  5. This is so Oldhammer! I'd expect a rewriting if this to make it fit with more modern Warhammer style (Dwarfs taking orcs prisoner? No way) but I think there's a good chance it'll feature given he's missing his dragon cloak.
  6. Are the Questing Knights in FW resin now (rather than finecast)? To be fair, FW does have plenty of really thin parts on some of their minis, which can be absurdly fragile. I sometimes think they were designed more as display pieces than as gaming pieces (new Fulgrim feels way too fragile to play with).
  7. I think my inner dwarf has been awoken by Ungrim. I might have to build a small dwarf army (or maybe not even that small, who knows).
  8. I don't mind too much with characters like this. It's when it's whole units, or models with lots of thin, fragile parts, that I don't like resin.
  9. There's a story behind this I'm not familiar with. What happened?
  10. I think the answer is a fair bit before I am finished with my current Dark Elves, such is what matters 😄
  11. Elise? I have actually considered her. The question is how eadily I can evil up the unicorn.
  12. Agreed. I think GW have probably learnt their lesson from squatting, well, squats. Even if you don't think the army is popular, and you don't know what to do with it, removing it from the game is going to cause you a huge headache for years to come. People born after squats were squatted were taking about them. What I could see happen is a huge change if direction for BoC, with their old stuff being moved permanently to TOW. But even then I think they need to leave some avenue open for posters to keep using their old models in AoS, or risk backlash. See how High Elf, Wood Elf and Empire units were treated when new CoS were released: there was an article telling you how you could carry on using them as proxies (that sort of thing matters because if you're not playing on a friendly gaming group there's always a chance some dickhead will try to refuse proxies, and having GW endorse then makes that very hard). So I think whatever direction GW goes with with BoC, they will need to include at least one man sized infantry that you can proxy Gors, Ungors and Bestigors as.
  13. If love to see Kraka Drak. Norsca Dwarves eye make a great hobby project and child have some interesting rules variations.
  14. What do you think Witch Hunters do? They hunt down heathen shoe wearers! If being barefoot was good enough for Sigmar it's good enough for us!
  15. It doesn't include the rules, templates, dice and, compared to the Bret/TK boxes, I'd also say it contains less plastic.
  16. Even though I'm not interested in O&G, I am excited to see what the Arcane Journal brings and will but it (I'm still kicking myself hot not buying the Bretonnian journal when I could).
  17. They were recast, but we're their sculpts touched up? I only remember the Casket as being called out as getting a retouch, but to be honest I didn't read the article that carefully as I'm not particularly interested in Tomb Kings or Bretonnians.
  18. With the casket at least, they've actually created new moulds with improved detail, so perhaps they had to cast a bunch first before they could release it? That's just a guess though, it might simply be because they want to space out releases to keep some amount of momentum up (which kinda sucks if you're excited about, say, High Elves, who might be a year or more out).
  19. Oh you sweet summer child 😄 More seriously, I agree, but I am not hopeful.
  20. It'll probably vary by unit anyway, depending on exactly how the standard is positioned, so good idea!
  21. See, I thought this at first, but when you consider that standard bearers their standards to one side it actually looks quite good with even numbers. For example, if you have a standard bearer carrying their banner in their right hand, then if you place them in the left of the two middle slots of the formation the banner ends up pretty much in the middle of the unit.
  22. I'd be interested in what people are doing in this too. I'm not a fan of linehammer (I just don't like the way it looks). Personally I'm defaulting to 6x4 (maybe 6x3 if the unit is expensive) as my standard size, but that's mostly just because it looks good.
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