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Everything posted by Flippy

  1. They used to sell metallic colours. I still have at least two - and they still work.
  2. You can do that. You can also put the contrast on a metallic base. But, mind you, that is how you paint and not how you do the business on paints. If GW can deliver quality armour paints (i.e. colourful metallics) they will have another success.
  3. I have similar plan and decided to supplement the battleforce box with the Horrek's Dreadlance box (Liege Kavalos + 10 deathriders) and Mortisan Soulmason. The plan is to paint the 1000 pts. army first - Liege Kavalos, Soulmason, 20 Mortek Guards, 5 Deathriders, 3 Stalkers. I think this should be playable.
  4. The plan for June is to finish this damn big boat.
  5. Oh, look! They can prepare and show a detailed schedule if they really want. Good to know in case we hear any COVID mess / global transport disruption / sewage failure in Nottingham excuses with regard to AoS.
  6. Good God, no - there are 24 factions in the game and the GW’s pace of updating the rules and model ranges is questionable, at the very least.
  7. It is a gameplay problem, but a one closely tied with the lore problem. You need a story for a special character and if you prefer that players create their own story and special characters you should give them in-game tools to reflect their special status. Currently we have neither this nor that.
  8. Well, being unique makes them special. I have two problems with the characters in AoS. The first is that you often get only one or two per faction - with at least one being some sort of godly figure (i.e. very expansive, army-defining model). I think the game could use a greater variety of cheap special characters - if I remember correctly, High Elves used to have Caradryan, Korhil, Alith Anar, Eltharion, Alarielle, Belanner, Imrik, Tyrion and Teclis - 9 special character, starting from Caradryan around 100 points and finishing with Imrik somewhere around 900, with the rest somewhere in-between. This is my benchmark. And the second problem (which exacerbates the first one) is the pitiful choice of artefacts and command traits for the generic characters. I play Ironjawz and I only get three (sic!) artefacts & command traits for the Boss, with nothing flavourful for the Shaman & Warchanters. I know that some people apparently prefer the short list of useful stuff, but what we have now is a sad joke.
  9. This happened in the past, but it’s way too early to assume that any of the original AoS armies is already in this vicious circle. Leftovers from WHFB - maybe. Idoneth, Kharadrons, Bonereapers - these are all spectacular and very attractive lines (and yes, I’ve omitted Fyreslayers on purpose). Can’t speak of the sales.
  10. A very reasonable assumption. Once it became obvious that AoS is there to stay they probably decided to push the pedal to the metal with the new factions. But the point still stands - this might have happened years ago, but someone still ordered to prepare the rolling release of 20 Lumineth kits instead of 14 and e.g. expansions sets for KO, DoK and Idoneth.
  11. Sure, but why? They already have a fantasy tabletop game: AoS. Would you take the risk of dividing the market and the player base? Of undermining AOS? I can understand that this might be a sweet dream of WHFB fans - but a nightmare of GW CEO, sure as hell.
  12. Is there any army (except SCE) that can match the LRL number of AoS kits? Nighthaunts, Gravelords? No salt attached (this time) - this is a serious question.
  13. You are not cynical, merely realistic. WHFB died for a reason and is not coming back with a new name. I do not believe in any cross-compatible sets, mass resurrection of old armies, transferring of minis from round to square etc. We will get a limited side-game (which must not divert one's attention from AoS) with a handful of factions - and I bet that the majority of these will require you to buy new, resin models to participate. Maybe, and only maybe, a future will bring the rules for the armies of old, but I wouldn't bet on this.
  14. They have removed a lot of stuff and they will inevitably remove more. The business logic is rather simple – CoS were made to keep the old kits (well, some of them) alive and selling, but it was never a “proper” AoS army (i.e. a one with a strong theme and visual identity, which is true for virtually every other Order army). These things will not happen overnight, but in the long run… why would GW support the High Elves if they can pump the Lumineth? Why keep the generic Dwarves if they can focus on Fyreslayers (less likely) or Kharadron, who have the narrative potential to become the main Dwarf force? Sooner or later the same will be true for the Dark Elves. Wanderers? Who are these guys? Just go buy Sylvaneth, the proper protectors of the forest. I miss some of this stuff as much as every other WFB player, but in time it will simply become obsolete. Now we know that the "human" side will be refreshed, but it would be, well, naive, to expect that the rest of the CoS stuff will get anything new, aside from new rules to keep them in play - for a time being.
  15. Ouch! Sorry for this - this changes a lot 😄
  16. What we know is that Orruk Megaboss is 140 points and last time I checked he did not have wings, 18 attacks (some with -2 rend), MWs dealing sword and a ward save. You really think 150 is the appropriate pricing?
  17. Are we discussing AoS? If you deliberately choose to ignore Destruction, Death, majority of Chaos and about half the Order then yes, you may have a point with the "white dude". Is that a problem in a game representing the clash of close combat military forces? A serious question - and I think it deserves a separate thread.
  18. After some discussions I firmly believe that Sigvald only lost due to the face issue; while the whole model is splendid, the Sigvald's face kind of disappears.
  19. Man can only hope that one day the Bonesplitterz’s range will be rerefreshed - cause this model is awesome.
  20. It seems that it's either lazy design (MWs), power creep (MWs) or trash these days. I like them - the combination of short range / ignore LoS and cover / deep strike and teleport / average damage is fresh and unique for Death.
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