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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Everything posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. How utterly glorious that would be! The Scrooge McDuck of Chaos.
  2. The Red Duke from the Circle of Blood campaign pack? I didn't know he was anything to do with Mousillon.
  3. Well, quite. But I find it hard to visualise what that'd actually look like. Same as I'd struggle to imagine what an Avatar of Khorne would look like that wasn't a puffed-up Bloodthirster. Luckily they employ more creative people than me at GW!
  4. I assume you don't want to hear about 14th century politics...
  5. Indeed. I struggle to picture what an 'Avatar of the Rat God' would be like apart from a puffed-up Verminlord. I hope they've got something more imaginative than that coming!
  6. They swagger around proclaiming their own godhood until the real gods show up.
  7. Certainly wasn't a thing in Fifth Edition or Sixth Edition lore, or in the fantastically-detailed Bretonnia Roleplay book.
  8. I just saw that. Wow. I don't know if it's heartening or slightly worrying to see such a clamourimg of passionate buyers. Probably both!
  9. They're gorgeous models, anyway. Really looking forward to giving them a lick o' paint.
  10. Christ on a gondola... you'd think some people never heard of House Rules. They must be fun to play Monopoly with.
  11. I've just assembled the Thricefold Discord. My gods, they're big! They tower over Daemonettes. Is this normal for Underworlds miniatures?
  12. I feel like I've wandered into a Doctor Who forum...
  13. That'd be a shame. I like both Endless Spells and faction terrain. They're interesting to paint, and look great on the battlefield.
  14. I agree. The grotty madness, like peasants with dead birds (lunch?) strapped to their helmets, was a lot more fun. I remember whoever authored the Sixth Edition book said that they wanted to make Bretonnia less Disney and more 'Gormenghast' or Terry Gilliam's 'Jabberwocky'. Great frames of reference!
  15. Nah, the last time Warriors, Beastmen and Daemons were all in the same army was Fourth Edition's big box (called Warhammer Armies: Chaos). That was definitely before Tuomas Pirinen turned up. 'Realm of Chaos' was Fifth Edition's big box, which was when they divided Chaos into the three armies.
  16. Facts which do little to alleviate the kicked-in-the-balls sensation.
  17. I agree. They could have just abandoned the whole setting and moved on. Or retconned the whole thing. Instead we got something that was faithful to the established background, and everyone's old favourites got to make a curtain call.
  18. It seems so. I mean, in terms of the lore, Tomb Kings vs Bretonnia isn't the most logical combination. The story is either Bretonnians going on a very long crusade to Khemri (why? Not sure) or the Tomb Kings making the journey to Bretonnia for revenge. Not a lot of narrative hooks, compared to, say, the Empire vs Orcs and Goblins.
  19. The who? Forgive me, my knowledge of the wider lore beyond Slaanesh is a little limited.
  20. I'd quite forgotten what a lovely bit of kit that Necrosphinx is. I'm tempted to get one just to paint up for the joy of it (I've got a good technique for marble all ready to go!)
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