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Everything posted by Maogrim

  1. Well, I guess that's it then. Prepare for 2 weeks of WH Community articles spoiling tiny rules snippets for models we've already seen until we'll be able to preorder on the 30th or something. No hobgrotz on wolves. No hobgrot hero. No Orruks on lesser gnashteeth. No spellcasters other than Gobsprakk and the Swampcallah. No more nothing. Hopefully the complete tome will be good because even though I love basically all of the Kruleboyz these past weeks of meagre previews have left me slightly disappointed.
  2. Oh, sorry then. Didn't read the comment you're mentioning so I assumed everyone was on board with Kruleboyz being less smash and more sneak and kill. Well, I guess the Killaboss on foot looks a little smashy. I guess the gnashtooth or wolf cavalry would feel a little like the warg in LOTR. Feral and agressive, once they've snuck up to the enemy. The long legged thingy is interesting as well. But I think I'd use that as a platform of sorts for shooting purposes instead of cavalry.
  3. You know what's also not good for swamp terrain?! Giant crossbow ballistas made from wood and metal that would make you far too heavy to traverse mucky bogs safely and would also probably just rust and disolve within days. Kruleboyz still have them, and I think that's lovely. Cavalry would make sense if the mounts were for example preadtors that know the swamps well and instinctively know how to manuveur it. And I think no one is asking for super heavy brute type combat elite. But some sort of trapper would be cool. 5 Orruks MUS, equipped with traps and maybe dual-wielded hunting knives. Give them some stealthy, ambushy mechanic. Sounds perfectly thematic to me.
  4. It's funny that people are speculating about Skaven now when just a few weeks ago everyone seemed to be dead sure that it'd be Maggotkin or Beasts of Chaos followed by united Duardin.
  5. According to what I read Morathi-Khaine is basically an auto-include at this point. She's supposed to be very good with 15 Bloodstalkers and Gotrek.
  6. Right now I have to say that I don't really see any Chaos models coming in October if Kruleboyz and Stormcast won't get their simultaneous big releases before September... Let's all hope for the be(a)st!!
  7. Amazing! A great showing for the mountain realm, it seems! Interestingly enough there's no Mountain Spirit / Avalenor (and hence no Stone Mage) although 3+ safe monsters are suppposed to be the thing in AOS3. Any information on what they played against?
  8. I'm not sure about Idoneth falling into Malerion's lot. It would make sense right now, but Idoneth are the sole allies for Lumineth, so maybe they'll throw them together. I expect an Umbraneth soup, but I don't want it. I won't forgive Malerion for sl@tshaming the glorious godess Morathi-Khaine.
  9. Hey, thanks for getting off that thing ;). And it's fine. Let's just try to keep things friendly and civil. And I do get the frustration. What I really love about Age of Sigmar is the colorful and imaginative diversity of it all. And I wish all factions would grow equally. But it's not fair towards fans of Lumineth to let it out on us if we happen to be lucky and get new toys earlier. Of course you're welcome to voice your feelings, but maybe try to direct the salt at our evil overlords from Nottingham instead of your brethren from the realm of light. .
  10. The text in the rumour engine mentions screaming. I think it might be Drukhari-related. Probably something for Haemonculi.
  11. I'm sorry. Just.. a few things about Kruleboyz have left me a little bitter. I hope that once we have a more complete picture of the faction things will start to make more sense and we'll all merrily stalk the swamps.
  12. On a slightly different note, and I mean this in good faith: would you mind being a little less condescending and sarcastic? I'm not trying to pin this on you alone but I know of at least one Lumineth player who has started to feel less welcome and safe on this forum as a result of all the vitriol against the faction. And I'm sure there are a lot of Stormcast players who have had similar impressions. Sure, being snarky all the time will earn you cool points from more toxic-minded individuals, but I think it hurts the discussion. And that's something that I need to pay more attention to myself.
  13. But probably only on hits against an enemy unit which was charged by the sludgeraker while also being in 3' inch radius of a friendly Kruleboyz Orruk unit that has moved at least 4' towards said enemy unit and has declared its 'Mean n' Green Krule Poison Machine' special action instead of declaring attacks, runs or charges.
  14. Oh, darn, looks like I "lost the argument"... No, wait, I didn't. I just argued that only the first wave, like you were suggesting, would have been too few options compared to other single-release armies that consist of only new (meaning no WHFB remains) plastic kits as well. And you are only assuming that Idoneth will not get a second release in the same way you are only assuming that Lumineth will get a third one before Idoneth and/or Orruks. Now I for one wouldn't have had a problem with less miniatures in the second Lumineth wave, since some things like the Calligraph, the Bannerblade or the Ballista feel a little lackluster.
  15. That is where I have to strongly disagree. The first LRL tome contains: Leaders: Teclis Eltharion Scinari Cathakkar Alarith Stonemage Avalenor Units: Wardens Sentinels Dawnriders Stoneguard Monsters: Spirit of the Mountain Misc: Endless Spells (counted as one) That's a total of 11 entries. Now let's look at the Idoneth's first and only release: Leaders: Volturnos Lotann Isharann Soulrender Isharann Tidecaster Ishrarann Soulscryer Akhelian King Units: Reavers Thralls Allopex Ishlaen Guard Morsarr Guard Monsters: Eidolon of Storm Eidolon of Sea Leviadon Misc: Shipwreck That's 15 entries, with the Idoneth slightly beating Lumineth in every category. Now, how about the new kids, Kruleboyz, who are just an expansion of Orruk Warclans?! Leaders Mouth of Mork Killaboss on Vulture Killaboss on Gnashtoof Killaboss on foot Murknob Banner dude Swampcalla Shaman Named Swampboss on sludgeraker Generic boss on sludgeraker Breakerboss on Trogoth Units: Gutrippaz Boltboyz Hobgrotz Beastskewer Killbow Monsters: Sloggoth Provided that is really it for Kruleboyz and don't get, for example, any cavalry or a Hobgrot hero, they sum up to 14 entries. Still 3 more than Lumineth's first wave. So if you are advocating for Lumineth should have waited like three years before receiving backup, they would have had considerably less entries than other factions. How would that have been fair?! Now, could the second wave have been smaller?! That's another topic.
  16. I find it strange that people complain about "too many" aelves when there have always been multiple elf factions in Warhammer. In contrast Chaos used to be one army which got separated into six different factions (not counting Skaven since they were not part of original Chaos) all with their own unique and more or less broad range of miniatures. Similarly Orks & Goblins used to be one singular faction which has now been seperated and expanded upon in the form of Gloomspite Gitz and Orruk Warclans. Many were even hoping for Kruleboyz to be their own seperate thing, which would have made three distinct Greenskin factions. Ghosts and Wraiths used to be something like 2 or 3 entries in the Undead/Vampire Counts army and got turned into their own thing with multiple units, leaders and named characters... Or is this just about Lumineth getting another wave in the future? If so - yes, other armies need or deserve more support, but GW have always been a little erratic with which faction they want to support next.
  17. @Vasshpit Bases and shield look amazing!! Really looking foward to seeing the finished boyz!! 😍
  18. Why that might make sense from a narrative point, Lumineth don't really need any additional support right now. And as Stormcast and Orruk Warclans are not even up for pre-order I think 2022 might be too early. Arguably Beasts of Chaos, Ogor Mawtribes, Maggotkin, Sylvaneth and others would all be due for updates before we would get our third tome (!) in a span of three years.
  19. I think no one really expects or is discussing another Lumineth wave anytime soon and we don't know anything credible. But we can deduce what might be coming from Hysh's beautiful and perfect synergy, aka things that are mentioned in the tome but not repesented in rules or miniatures. First of all there's Teclis' brother Tyrion, who is more of a warrior and also a god and blind. I think we have no hints on how he might look in AOS. Some people are expecting him to ride a dragon (unlikely?!) or a phoenix of some sort. Then there are the two Tyrionic nations Aurathrai and Oultrai. They are probably more martially oriented but we don't know anything about them. Then there are two more Aelementiri temples: River and Zenith. If GW stick to the pattern they will each receive a unit, a mage, a monster and a named leader version of said monster. I personally wouldn't expect both temples in the next wave, and if Tyrion is in it, I'd put my money on Zenith rather than River. Although I want it to be the River Temple. People are already trembling before our majestic cow helmets. How on earth will they be able to handle the enigmatic trout (or maybe otter) helmets? 😉
  20. I think you can only reinforce twice if it's battleline.
  21. Um... Wow. I will not start a discussion now, since this really is not the place. But if someonr wrote something similarly revisionist about my home country's (Germany) "glorious" past.. I'd do my best to get them banned. PS: Please note that I'm pretty left-leaning and have nothing against communism and socialism as concepts in general. Just the way in which they were partly realized in history.
  22. Well, they did put all the Orruks in one book. And both fairly different Mawtribes in one book. And there are the rumours about unified dwarfs/dwarves. Aaand the looming thread of Daughters losing their identity in an Umbraneth Shadowlords book.
  23. Those dragons are alright. A lot less weird high fantasy than I'm used to for AOS. And I for one really don't miss dragons in LRL. I like that we have majestic mountain cows and mysterious wind foxes instead.. Dragons are somewhat vanilla to me.
  24. Ah okay, so you had quite the large game and still enough Vanari & Scinari magic to play with. Thank you for your insights, as always. I feel like you're such an integral part of this community and I always really appreciate your comments. Would you generally suggest running Ymetrica in units of ten?
  25. How you come you played the list as Zaitrec then if you had such a strong Alarith presence? Neither Stoneguard nor the Spirits have anything to gain from that nation, I think.
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