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Everything posted by Maogrim

  1. Really, really cool army, and I personally love the corny background. Are you playing Iliatha or do you just enjoy the orange?
  2. Thank you for the list, but with all due respect... who has the money to spare for 30 Goregruntas? 😂 A fresh box of three is around 60€ in continental money.
  3. So, do you guys think that a Bloodtoofs list can compete with Stormdrake lists in terms of speed, power and resilience? Those dragon things look crazy good for their points.
  4. Sorry if this has been discussed earlier, but can someone explain to me what makes the Dragon-related units so good in this tome? Am asking for a friend who is interested in the dragons and the dragon knights but doesn't know too much about the rules. Thanks in advance, oh hallowed champions of Sigmar.
  5. To my understanding Goregruntas are only Battleline in the Ironjawz' Bloodtoofs subfaction.
  6. Well, until Malerion comes along and everybody loses their respective mind about how awesome they look. But I've always loved Dwarves and am looking forward to whatever they get.
  7. Sorry for the beginner's question, but is the Start Collecting a good way to get into Bloodtoofs or are Ardboyz just not worth it anymore or too slow or something?
  8. I'm also of the opinion that the visual appeal is of extreme importance and greatly enhances gaming experience. I think the art and the minis were what got us into the game in the first place, not so much the rules or the prospect of winning in some sort of tactile e-sports. With that being said I'd never refuse playing because some minis are not painted. But there should be proper minis that appropriately represent what they are supposed to represent. If an opponent fields a unit of Dwarven Ironbreakers and tells me those are supposed to 'count as' Witch Aelves I'd be greatly annoyed. I also once read someone saying they don't care about minis and would play against worms made of playdoh if put on the correct based - that I just don't get. Now, onto painting progress. I'm a very slow painter myself. I started AOS back in early March by ordering some Lumineth. Until now I have finished 10 Wardens, 2 Dawnriders, 2 Stoneguard, Eltharion and Teclis. Delivery issues played a role, as well as a Bachelor's thesis. But I keep at it and try to stick to my Ymetrica instead of painting Daughters and Kruleboyz who I got because I just couldn't resist... I have a close friend who started at the sane time as I did, and he got a huge load of second hand Stormcast Eternals, almost all of them neither primed nor painted. He is really into the army and the lore but until now he hasn't finished a single model. It's mostly because he has really high expectaions of how his finished models should look but he doesn't reach them due to inexperience. And then he stops. I tried getting him into a trying out contrast colours as a relatively easy way of achieving great results. Then we sat down, watched a video on how to do his scheme (Hammers of Sigmar) with mostly contrast colours and compiled a shopping list. He seemed really motivated but then he didn't get a single one of those colours up until now, and we made that shopping list back in June. Sure, he has to work a lot, but so do I. It's just a pity.
  9. Well, we do know that some Ironjawz units got nerfed and we do know the whole roster of the book. Concerning Battleline there's not much that could change im that regard. Apart from Gutrippaz the only units are Boltboyz (already covered by Big Yellers subfaction), Sloggoths, Beastskewers (highly unlikely) and Hobgrotz. Everything else is heroes/leaders and there is nothing new coming. I guess the Mirebrute hero could make Sloggoths battleline and the Breakaboss could do the same for Hobgrotz. But I somewhat doubt it.
  10. The topic came up three hours ago. Is it already past the time span to still be a rumour, is it too confirmed to still be a rumour, or is the tone too negative?! I am really interested why exactly this warrants a mod call.
  11. Someone over at the Kruleboyz subforum said that the warscrolls with the 'nerfed' stats were actually not new warscrolls but really old ones. I just don't know what's real anymore. Getting redpilled by Ironjawz nerf rumours...
  12. Well, alright then. While we, to be clear, know something about actual nerfs to Ironjawz (check out the discussion in the respective forum) and thus your accusation of me knowing nothing about nerfs is technically incorrect, I'll keep quiet then. I apologize for having made someone's hobby content more miserable or less exciting, should that be the case. That wasn't my intention. Have fun, boyz.
  13. I think he's trying to hint at the possibility of there being more Kruleboyz/Ironjawz/Bonesplitterz yet to come since old 19 Orruks plus new known 14 (if I remember correctly) Kruleboyz would equal 33 entries. Add Kragnos and the Underworlds gang and the possible vulture boy and that's 36. There might be more. Edit: Nevermind. Math done by others above looks legit. And, for goodness sake, this is wargaming forum. Let me vent a little frustration over nerfs to Ironjawz that seem really unnecessary.
  14. Guys!!!! Brandnew Kruleboyz content on the community site, specifically on Hobgrotz and their role in Orruk Warclans (and probably in Chaos Duardin!!1!1!) Whitefang will probably give this a like! Check it out: I'm sorry, couldn't resist...
  15. There is admittedly lots we don't know yet, e.g. , as @Beliman pointed out, both heroes on Sludgeraker, the Troggoth and that other thing with the Grotz on top. Also the Killaboss on vulture is near unknown. But I somehow suspect they'll turn out somewhat generic as well, similar to the other two Killabosses. Let's just hope that there won't be anymore nerfs to an army that was never at the top of the pecking order in the first place.
  16. Well, what I do know is that the Killaboss on Greater Gnashtoof (while still not that impressive) now has a better safe than the Megaboss on Mawkrusha which doesn't make any sense if you look at the models. I also know that the nerf to the MBMK happened in the same development cycle that gave Stormcast Eternals a unit with a natural 2+ safe. That is also not the only nerf. Apparently Ard Boyz lost a point of Bravery as well as hit accuracy. I also know that Stormcast Eternals, in said develoment cycle, got also the opportunity to access those Dragonrider dudes or Paladin units as Battleline, adding their Battleline options up to approximately 37. Meanwhile Kruleboyz have one very mediocre Battleline unit and the option for another one, adding up to an impressive total of two, if going with Big Yellers. And I seriously doubt there will be more because by now they would have probably given us an article about it to keep up some level of excitement after postponing the tome's release. To show that I'm not only doom&gloom (or 'crying' as you so kindly put it): I still like the Kruleboyz' aesthetic, I still want to do a desert raider style Big Yeller army (think sand- or cream-coloured cloth and sand dune bases), and Boltboyz, Swamcallahs and Beastskewers seem really good! But how can you remain that optimistic after weeks of nothing except two sculpts without (except the Underworld Grot and the vulture boy) and nerfs to Ironjawz?
  17. Hey, great news, boyz!! Looks like Kruleboyz are going to be the biggest, baddest, most brutal and must kunnin' Orruks out there... ... just because GW decided to give those terribly overpowered Ironjawz a good round of nerfin'!
  18. As far as I'm aware the only new anything we got in the last three weeks was the unknown Kruleboy with Scareshield, spear and pet vulture, but we don't know anything about him either. So any actual information is, as I've said, at least three weeks old.
  19. Well, for one thing, arguing that your supposed 85% of player experiences (subtracting your "~15%" from the total) is more important basically says: 'The majority says cogs are OP henceforth your opinion which represents only a minority of total data points is not useful'. And this, as I said before, values all minority positions less than majority positions. But more importantly you said that the whole concept of entries being prevalent in tournament winning lists being an indicator of what might be overpowered in AOS was 'nonsense'. Which is rather invalidating of LuminethMage's whole point, if you ask me.
  20. But tournaments are perhaps the strongest instance of when supposed overpowered entries are problematic because your opponents aren't necessarily your friends and can just invalidate your concerns by saying 'It's legal'. Of course experiences of casual players are valid, but these issues are easier to solve without the need for official GW FAQs. You and your friends/regulars can just agree on banning Cogs if all of you feel that they have too much of a negative impact on your games and you are fine eith house rules, at least until GW takes care of it. By the way, I don't think that 'You're invalidating the majority's experience!' is a very fair argument to make because it, in turn, invalidates minority positions. And that's just counterproductive if we as a communinty want a healthy discussion.
  21. Isn't Cogs' OP-ness at least somewhat mitigated by the Miscast rule? And perhaps I'm just a filthy @LuminethMage-shill but I do think there's some merit to the assumption that maybe in actual game play Cogs can turn out to be less effective if perceived top players at tournaments don't abuse it at every possible occasion, especially considering how cheap they are. But I'd also guess that a balanced increase in points could be in order. Maybe Endless Spells should have different costs for different factions, based on how strongly they cater to said armies' strengths?
  22. Exactly! Bloodbornesque Dawnbringer Crusades would be too hard to resist... Though.. One minor complaint: if I didn't already know that those are AOS related I would have thought they were Black-Mana-aligned Planeswalker characters from Magic: The Gathering..
  23. There has also been a successful list with Teclis, 20 (2*10) Alarith Stoneguard, 20 Sentinels and 2 Starshard Ballistas, but neither Avalenor nor a regular Mountain Spirit.
  24. Well, for Daughters they did release the Melusai Ironscale individually a few months after Shadow and Pain was released. But all options for Slaughter Queens, Hag Queens and Blooswrack Medusas are locked in the Cauldron kits. Lumineth on the other hand, one of the newer armies, can or have to get all their heroes seperately since there is no Start Collecting available (not counting the 'limited' launch box).
  25. But... I love this model!!!! He looks amazing!!! But... guys... He's going to be another hero, isn't he?! Edit: Just realized after reading comments on Instagram: Most likely he's just a different unit champion built from the complete Gutrippaz box.
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