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Everything posted by Maogrim

  1. Just had another look at Conquest. While the Hundred Kingdoms and some of the Nord feel like more classic medieval knights versus Barbarians stuff, the Dwarf faction and the Spires don't come across as 'grounded' in any way. There might be less realm gates and floaty crystal islands in the world, I guess. The Dwarves are basicslly already the soup between Kharadron Overlords and Fyreslayers that some see coming for AOS, but with added grimdark. And The Spires are, at least aesthetically, a strange mix between Tyranids, Genestealer Cults, Ossiarch Bonereapers and the Alchemists from Confrontation. The minis mostly look really nice, but I personally didn't find anything that holds up to some of GW's bangers like the Black Coach, Eltharion, the Mountain Spirits, Teclis, Archaon, Morathi, Gordrakk etc. But to each their own. If you like Conquest more that's a fair assessment to make.
  2. Just had a first look at Conquest, and while models like the, I assume, old Longbowmen are quite generic and boring, other stuff is outright amazing and reminds me a lot of Rackham's Confrontation. But some if these models are so intricate and detailed that they must be a nightmare to paint whole units of. And here I thought Dawnriders were a chore... 😂
  3. @dikakos Greetings and congratulations on joining the glorious faith to the supreme queen and murder godess Morathi-Khaine. The list is a little hard to read sine there is nothing in bold nor any empty lines as seperation. But you have Morathi and 15 Stalkers, which is said to be quite good right now. The Bloodwrack Viper seems to be hit-or-miss for most people. And a single MSU of Witch Aelves might die quite fast. Are you dead-set on Khailebron? Because you could get the MSU Khinerai 'for free' in Khelt Nar. Which reminds me... @Chumphammer@Chumphammer and others: what'd be your ranking of the sects, now that 3rd Edition had a little breathe?
  4. Might have picked a crappy retailer then. It's a really big one though.
  5. There seem to be issues. I still haven't received the two new tomes (SCE and OWC) which I ordered from a German retailer on the 13th. Apparently my order came in too late for the first batch and the second is still on its way.
  6. I mean, at least one thing is certain: Even though everyone is hyping up Chorfs/Chaos Duardin/ Furnace Kings (best name!)/Oathbreakers, and even though I love Lumineth and Daughters of Khaine... At least we as a community can all agree that classic Dwarves were the greatest army ever released in any kind of wargame ever. It's just facts. And this post is just one WhiteFang-like away from being undisputable.
  7. Really? Are those guys credible? And any word on whether DOK will be souped together with Malerion's army (which is something I suspect and desperately do NOT want)?
  8. Sounds too specific. And Shyish as a setting doesn't seem to be on the menu for the time being, neither for the maik story nor for Underworlds.
  9. I guess it depends on what you expect the unit to do. Stoneguard can take more damage (although they are far better in Ymetrica) but they are also less mobile on their own and their damage potential is considerably lower since their hammers aren't made from sun metal. As far as I'm aware most people think that Stoneguard aren't wort it outside of their prefered Great Nation, but their are amazing models and you can certainly try.
  10. It's about time 40K got some love as well. I think since Domimion there were only new Grey Knights, Orks, Thousand Sons and Black Templar, as well as new Kill Team and Necromunda stuff...while AOS players get something unspecified with Chaos and spiders to look forward to.
  11. Oh Idoneth... when I got a first glimpse on them I was intrigued since I always found things connected to the sea fascinating and the concept of sea elves was something new and creative for Warhammer. But then I took a closer look at the models and was a little put off. Some models are really amazing, like the Namarti and the Eidolons, but almost all of the foot heroes look goofy to me. Also I don't like all the bare arms and bald heads on elves. Strangely enough I don't mind that look on the Namarti.
  12. But you know who could also have horns and hooves due to the unholy blessings of a certain deity often depicted as bull-like? And who would cetainly need oils to keep that awesome black curly beard in shape? Yup. Chaos Duardin confirmed once again. And now I finally feel like a part of the community.
  13. That is very true. I can give info on my enemies. Maybe that'll help further evaluation? Opponents I would be facing in my group have Hedonites of Slaanesh, Blades of Khorne, Slaves to Darkness and indeed Stormcast Eternals, Hammers of Sigmar to be specific, and indeed probably with a focus on all those new dragon units and heroes.
  14. Sadly there's not much going on in the Lumineth sub-forum. I guess the more experienced players temporarily moved on to different factions or were bullied off the forums by all the Sentinel- and Archmage hate.
  15. That's good to know. 10 as one reinforced unit, I assume?!
  16. So, what do the disciples of Morathi-Khaine think about the long-term viability of Blood Stalkers? Will they remain good should the Morathi interaction get nerfed, or are Sisters a safer bet?
  17. From what I've learned about the TGA community, people here will always bring up Chaos Dwarves. One day GW will put up a trailer featuring the howling of wolves and a narrator speaking about how the silvery light of the moon reveals portents of a bloody hunt... and people will connect it to Chaos Dwarves. And when every single shred of possibility that it has to do with Chaos Dwarves has been eliminated...only then will they start moaning about how much they would have prefered Chaos Dwarves instead.
  18. Khorne is definitely not Lovecraftian in an 'unfathomable cosmic horrors' sense. He's just blood, anger, axes, blood, anger, bat wings, skulls, blood, anger and heavy metal. Tzeentch is closer, but his most prominent demons, the lords of change, have a pretty clear-cut and unambigious form for something so closely connected to shapeless and mysterious mutations. Slaanesh feels close to Barker's Hellraiser, but the Drukhari Haemonculi are even closer, if you ask me.
  19. That's probably because the app uses keywords as reference points for availability in list building. Henceforth if the keywords are screwed, list building is screwed. It is called Marshcrawla, which ties it to Kruleboyz' habitat and the aesthetic of all the weapons, chains and little details on the model also clearly(!) matches the Kruleboyz'. I'm very certain that this must be an oversight and will be corrected soon.
  20. The Kunnin' crew looks good, but to me they are somewhat lacking colour. The scareshields really add a lot to the faction's aesthetic. But I guess these guys are more strongly associated with the Snatchas (or whatever they were called) and wear all black. A bit boring, but I guess it fits the Ulgu setting.
  21. Though I very much dig the aesthetic, your observation of a somewhat superficial and stereotypical impression is sadly very well put. But maybe Cathay just needs its own stories to develop more character. Without all the underlying stories and events the Imperium e.g. would also just be an early modern/late medieval Habsburg's Germany rip-off, just as Kislev would just be a Russia/Poland with ice magic.
  22. On the topic of River Temple: as much as I love pachyderms, from what little mention there was of the River Temple in the Lunineth tome, they were supposed to be fast and nimble and flowy, so actually rather close to the Wind Temple. And that doesn't seem to fit elephants or hippopotamusi. Mountain cows are calm and stoic and foxes are nimble, so those were quite fitting. Cathay. Oh my god, is there a word for a China-version of a weeb? Because that's kind of me... So needless to say: GW, please make awesome Cathay models and take my money!
  23. Well, that makes Skullbugz even less interesting than before.
  24. Really? You seem to have a very solid core with 20 Wardens and 20 Sentinels. Are Eltharion and the Lord Regent your only heroes? What about a Cathallar, Teclis or the twins? And what are you playing against?
  25. Just don't run into the Archmage because the Aelven god of magic will reward your shenanigans with one arrogantly raised eyebrow and an ice-cold auto unbind.
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