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Everything posted by Pyrk

  1. How many Chaos Sorcerer Lords is good to have for listbuilding options in StD? 1? 2?
  2. Slaves to Darkness - expanded access to Marks of Chaos. Cultists are the obvious ones, but I'd like to see stuff like the Darkoath characters, Mindstealer Sphiranx, Formoroid Crusher, Ogroid Myrmidon etc.
  3. I split mine over two FW orders, I would assume it works the same for GW. You're basically just buying store credit.
  4. Slaughterpriest - any opinion on axe versus dualwielding?
  5. Any opinions on Scions of the Flame in generic and Idolators StD?
  6. To be fair, Be'lakor had to summon these chaos storms and pulp the realmgates, It takes some investment to do it, and it seems limited to Chamon so far.
  7. I've been looking at it, but I've heard poor things about Chaos Chariots? It seems you have to upgrade one to get the Cultist benefits.
  8. Alrighty, thanks. I'll probably work on Beasts for now and look at Iron Golems later. Hopefully the Cultists will get buffed when Slaves gets its time in 3.0.
  9. Hey all, I'm starting a StD army and Ravagers appeals to me. I'm not too keen on Marauders because the sculpts look a little dated to my eye, so I'm starting with SC and Cultists. I've picked up some Untamed Beasts since they sound decent. I'm partly a rule-of-cool player, so I don't need a relentlessly optimized army, but I am interested in opinions about other Cultists.
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