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Everything posted by DoctorPerils

  1. They did that with dexcessa and synessa a couple of months after their battletome in aos2, itself a couple months after the HoS vs DoK boxset where the only new model was a foot hero, so I really wouldn't put it past them
  2. Do we know if any of the cities have new colour schemes (iirc the greywater fastness is supposed to have been updated?)
  3. Oh I fully believe your guys are going to look awesome Just the sort of haphazard appearance works for the theme GW is wanting to put forward for them - just as the excess of detail wouldn't work for a "cleaner" faction like Lumineth.
  4. Absolutely disagree, the detailing is all part of this factions character imo
  5. Very much like the tattered weathered look you gave the coats, and super nice job on the rusted axes 🤙
  6. Yeah with the Chaos Dwarves idea it was really completely out of the box - like, seraphon are referred to as order daemons now, I was wondering if Hashut could become some kind of god of destruction daemons. I'll be perfectly happy if they come out and are still chaos
  7. So Here's an out of the box thought: what if chaos dwarves/oathbreakers were placed in grand alliance destruction rather than chaos? While one of their old themes was tyranny (which is more aligned with chaos and death), most of their other themes aren't really chaos centric IIRC. Something along these lines would allow both for further expanding Destruction, and for a greater ease of allying hobgoblins and wolf riders between them and kruleboyz/gsg
  8. Oh man, yeah, a box of the new wildercorps trackers and kruleboyz beastcatchers competing to kill or catch a set of monsters would be awesome and make perfect thematic sense !
  9. Considering their mention of large tracks in the context of their use in warcry, I can totally see the new season starter being these guys versus Troggoths or Ogors - in which case I might just have to pick it up
  10. For sure, but it read to me like Brodd was talking about the faction tie-in between Dawnbringers and 4th edition, like how Kragnos was a tie in between Broken Realms and the 3rd edition starter
  11. Sorry to burst your bubble but it seems more likely that Skaven are going to get that treatment, as the 4th ed starter seems more likely to have a chaos faction in it. But then, this is mostly baseless supposition
  12. For those that haven't been alive as long as the current skaven range... what is this guy?
  13. Weren't skaven part of the starterbox for this season? Not that that means it can't be them as Khorne had two teams in the first season
  14. While this is probably wishful thinking on my part, this pot with smoke seems to fit more with the Arabian nights aesthetic of hedonites, potential with some kind of ~~daemon~~ "genie" summoner? You say this jokingly, but I'd be all over this! 🥰
  15. They seriously chose to change their formula to avoid Slaanesh and give us extra stormcast rather than Destruction?! Very disappointing imo, I was feeling really excited to buy my first warcry boxset... What's the point of putting a season of warcry in Ghur and not giving destruction a warband?! Edit 1: Apparently I may have overreacted too fast... Edit 2: Nope, hopes dashed again...
  16. I really like the look of the temptation dice, seems nice and fun, and rather than cutting out your opponents choices, it creates new ones for both players. I imagine it'll take a couple of games to learn when best to use them though. Anyone know where to find a good slaaneshi depravity point counter?
  17. The second half of 2020 had hardly anything for 40k apart from some Primaris and necron kits (most of which had already been released with the starter box in June), so all hope isn't lost for AoS next year
  18. It does have a sort of pop culture scimitar shape which could fit with hedonites. In any case, very pretty sword
  19. I was going to say something for the Ironweld Arsenals, as book*s* make me think of human factions more than anything else, but that Kharadron trigger mechanism definitely looks pretty close (* As opposed to a mighty great tome for the book of grudges)
  20. Yeah, they were listed just next to all the other warcry warbands, why would they not be? Unless @Nezzhilhhas some extra info to give us
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