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Posts posted by Sorrow

  1. 5 hours ago, Enoby said:

    I hope so, assuming this large shard of Slaanesh is about as powerful as Nagash/Archaon/Teclis etc, they're all gods who have models. Slaanesh himself shouldn't (he's too powerful to really encapsulate in rules) but the Newborn is more like an ultra greater daemon from what I can tell.

    That said, it may still be above the scale of the other models.

    I truly hope we do eventually get the Newborn. Perhaps in AOS 3? The Newborn could be a major plot mover. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I agree with CeleFAZE (I think they said this - I'm replying on the other page!) that Glutos was meant to be in the background of that picture and I'm sure they'll have a better one of just him. If I were to guess, I'd say this artwork will be on the inside folds of the book. 

    You're right that they look more like dinosaurs in this art, but I really like that look to them as well. I think it gives them a predatory look that the normal seekers just don't have. 

    As for lore, I do agree that it feels like we're not getting as much attention as expected for the escape of Slaanesh, and the high possibility that AoS 3 will be Destruction themed. However, I have a feeling that the Newborn is just another (large) step to Slaanesh's freedom and we're not at that narrative event yet. It's a shame we're being dragged into another VS Nagash (which feels more impersonal than aelves) like everyone else, but ah well, it will likely mean a greater lore presence later. 

    I think Chaos as a whole suffers from a lack of protagonists in Black Library content. Khorne has had some PoV books (two I think) but they're tiny in number compared to where they're an antagonist. Unfortunately writers struggle to write Chaos (or get told not to) so books are usually from an Order perspective. I'd love to have a book on one of our named characters to flesh them out more.

    Glutos in that short story seemed interesting - especially as he spoke, everyone (bar Sigvald) looked down  as if they were scared. Maybe his entourage often become his entrèes if they get in his way.

    One thing I did notice was that the lady was called a priestess - does this mean prayers?

    Enoby, you are a gem of this forum.

    I think that priestess is the one holding a incense on right part of palanquin. Possibly.

    I can not wait to get my hands on new battletome. 


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  3. 1 minute ago, Popisdead said:

    Yeah Ghosteater.   If I had a spare beastlord I would paint him up albino.  I don't recall him being lion headed, was he?  

    The Denied is a Josh Reynolds short audio drama about a slaanesh named character whom he brought back to kill.  

    hmm i cannot find the others, sorry.  In a meeting and gleaning my iBooks which after I remove the downloads are a bit harder to find.  Or maybe I bought them through my computer and copied the ebook file over.

    If memory serves, he was indeed a albino lion headed Beastman. Quite a philosophical one, too.

    • Like 1
  4. @Lucentia

    You were right, the person on the right part of Glutos palanquin does indeed hold some form of incense.


    Regarding new story,  both Sigvald and Glutos are told to work together towards same goal. Thinking back on Hateful Stasis story,  the goals align.


    Geld-Prince. Lord of Gluttony. Enough. Your squabbles avail the Dark Prince not. Make for the howling lands, where the glimmering spear mirrors past and future. There will the banquet be laid out.

    Either Excelsis or Shysh.

    • Like 1
  5. 19 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    I hope so.  I read a Josh Reynolds Slaanesh novel where the Beastlord was exceptionally touched by Slaanesh and had some guide and tutelage from a Chaos Lord.  There was also a good Sylvaneth vs Slaanesh short story from maybe a year ago.  BL mostly screws up announcements.  If there is a short story with a good antagonist from an army I play they only detail the protagonists.  I've emailed them several times saying "I would have bought this book had you given us a clue about both factions involved since I'm a fan of both" and like the monolithic ignorance of giant corporations they've ignored that and continued to plod along clueless.   

    Name of those short stories? So I can check if I have read them or not.

    That Beastlord maybe albino lion headed Ghosteater?

  6. I said before that I am in love with literally entire release.  I adore the new models.

    My concern is perhaps a bit foolish, but for example that artpiece showing palanquin model is done in art style where details are not emphasized.  We are Hedonites, devil is in the details. Thus I hope we get a better artpiece of palanquin model as whole.

    I love the new Exalted Steeds, would just love to see that purple seahorse model in art. Once again, perhaps this is a stupid trivia to wish.

    That being said, no new BL books dedicated to Slaanesh? Those are bad news.

    One of my favorite WHFB books is Sigvald by Darius Hinks. A beautiful exploration of various aspects of Slaanesh. I was hoping we get a novel dedicated solely to Hedonites, but alas I guess not.

    • Like 1
  7. I have a mixed feelings on new art and lore.

    Symbaresh and Painbringers look utterly amazing artwork.

    I am truly hoping we get more artwork of Glutos model, for that one art piece, due to its artistic style, leave the entire palanquin model devoid of numerous details that actual palanquin model has.  If that is going to be the sole art piece for Glutos and palanquin model, that is a disappointment.

    The art showing Exalted Steeds is good, though the Exalted Steeds come across as velociraptors, not the beautiful purple seahorses.  OSemk1qXSacq7hNi.png.2476cfca9dbbf71ca3fe66d07c66fdc7.png

    Sigvald art is okay, I suppose. Model looks better.

    Lore is rather strange, since I was hoping that big lore part of AOS 3 was going to be Slaanesh/Newborn, and Sigvald taking the fight to Nagash like Teclis is not particularly promising.

    ALSO, my fellow Hedonites, not a single book dedicated to our faction has been announced. That is a great disappointment to me. Short stories of Slaaneshi around the Realms have been amazing but short and always end up with Hedonites loosing.

    I am tagging the following users since I would really love to hear their opinion on my thoughts in this post.

    @Enoby @CeleFAZE@Overread@Popisdead@SorryLizard@Klamm

    • Confused 1
  8. Quote

    When Warhammer’s not live, and you’re waiting for all the new Space Marines, Necrons, and Warhammer Underworlds goodies you pre-ordered this weekend to arrive,* Warhammer Community will have loads of articles for you to enjoy, including a White Dwarf preview, a speedy new community painting contest, a dive into the lore of the Hedonites of Slaanesh, and the very first entry in a new regular series.


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  9. 23 hours ago, Overread said:

    One thing that is shocking is that over the last 30 years slaanesh hasn't had any new demon monsters; despite the rich lore and infinite possibilities they are still running around with the same core that they've had for years. The mortals are being fleshed out a lot this time around and the leaders are fleshed out - I really hope at some point GW could put their creative heads together and come up with some new "monsters" and demons for the army. Perhaps something with wings and flight or something totally warped and crazy. Something to join the fiend as a demon that isn't humanoid. 

    Something that isn't a re-release of old designs or a reinvention of a current model. Something new and fresh and exciting to pair with the exciting new stuff we've had thus far. 


    I have been in WHFB/40K for almost 18 years. Chaos player first and foremost. Managed to gather pretty much every Chaos lore book out there.  It is very clear that Slaanesh has never been GW favorite god, so to speak. Nurgle and Tzeentch have a coherent philosophy and I would even use word theology for them. Khorne is relatively straightforward. Of all Chaos gods, Slaanesh is the only one of infinite possibilities, which is quite paradoxical given how Slaanesh has been treated in WHFB/40K/AOS.  That is to say, Slaanesh has been the neglected one since day one. Over the years, I read and saw explorations of Slaanesh by various fans and while most were below average, some were excellent. That is the thing with Slaanesh, a good dosage of creativity is required to truly make Slaanesh shine.

    I did not pull that perfume/fragrance idea out of nothing. Years ago, I read a blog where one woman was writing a incredible lore for existing but also completely new daemons and mortals, with accompanying artwork for each hero, unit and monster. In her own words, she took a concept, in this case, the olfactory sense, and explored it in context of Slaanesh. I curse myself for not saving her lore and art, for she deleted he r blog and I was never able to find it again.

    But to give a example that all of you can read right now.  A Slaaneshi Kurnoth: http://hgpowell.blogspot.com/2014/05/the-woods-of-bloody-thorns-slaaneshs.html


    • Like 2
  10. 23 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Personally, I'm really hoping for a fiend-based battalion. Something that can allow you to specialise your army into them. I'm not sure what exactly, but a bonus big enough that they stand up as core.

    Tbh, I'm hoping for a lot of battalions in our army; the Lumineth tome had a nice focus on each troop type, and it'd be great if we had something similar. I really like battalions, it's just a shame our last book's were so generic that we just took them for a drop reduction (don't get me wrong, they were good, but they didn't really offer much for their abilities - their strength came from how generic they were).

    Fiends need to be reworked properly. I am truly hoping that GW has not forgotten about them in upcoming battletome.

    I love their models and I would truly be disappointed to once again have no actual use for them in army.

  11. 1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

    I suspect the whip guy will provide a buff solely for the mutants pulling the chariot in this case, in the form of a movement bonus or damage output (or both!)  The bodyguard/warrior will obviously be adding some melee attacks, the incense bearer I'd guess would be a debuff aura of some sort? The chef/attendant probably increases Glutos's own abilities in some fashion.

    What is quite curious is that the current diorama style heroes both have in-universe justification for bringing back dead models (Katakros via necromancy, St Catherine via miracles) whereas Slaanesh doesn't generally do that sort of thing but we do have access to a fair amount of healing, so I wonder if that will factor into the scroll design at all.

    All around good prediction, I hope.

    Question though, I see you mention the incense bearer, but is that not  the platter bearer with food on the right part of palanquin? 

  12. 53 minutes ago, Overread said:

    You are correct, remember within the world of Age of Sigmar there are living trees in the Sylvaneth. So it is possible that, with the right preparation, a glutton lord of Slaanesh might well sample the delicacies. He might have the bark of dryads ground up into  a fine powder to season his food. 



    Bark can also be the sound a dog makes when they go "woof woof". 

    I know, The Garden of Mortal Delights does play on that idea. A Slaaneshi Lord using Sylvaneth to cultivate plants for food.

    Nevertheless, I do have a question and I was hoping people with more experience could answer. As I said above "I do wonder how rules for him will work out. Those two mutants (ogors?) with purple crab claws look like they could potentically be melee monsters of Glutos. That Painbringer guy on the left will be a melee combatant. That leaves that guy with whip, the guy holding a platter with food on the right, halfling? and Glutos himself".

    Do you reckon all models on palanquin will have rules or just some?


  13. 1 hour ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

    And man as someone who plays Emperors children I really hope we get a codex within the next year or two. Me and the local world eaters player have been stuck trapped in a bad generalist codex for years now.

    Same situation here.

    I am truly hoping we get a rich codex and amazing looking models. The Slaaneshi units in AoS prove that GW can do proper Slaaneshi models.

  14. 1 hour ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

    The more I look at Glutos the more I think he'll work like Katakros. He starts off as a melee monster but becomes a better spellcaster as his retinue dies and he becomes less distracted. Maybe he gets a buff to spellcasting or the chance to cast an extra spell if a unit died near him as he samples their flesh/marrow/bark to discern the taste.

    Bark? Excuse me since English is not my first language but is not bark wood?

    I do wonder how rules for him will work out. Those two mutants (ogors?) with purple crab claws look like they could potentically be melee monsters of Glutos. That Painbringer guy on the left will be a melee combatant. That leaves that guy with whip, the guy holding a platter with food on the right, halfling? and Glutos himself.


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