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Everything posted by ian0delond

  1. They are not going to top the Mouth of Mork with wolf cavalry, so don't expect them for a final tease hyping the battletome. If they do exist, the new wave is the best theory for their release at this point.
  2. My reaction was, "wait no twin tails? But they had those double tails on the doodle!" But they are fine.
  3. Chaos Daemons are still left untouched in Underworld I believe. The Umbraneth can be a nice "surprise" one.
  4. And with a work in progress things can always change, be discarded. What if they showed something that doesn't make the cut in 2024 ? People will be disapointed, even angry about the most minor details. And they always keep the best reveal for the end.
  5. It's not even a democratic right, simply of ownership. They want ownership of the content they created so someone can't just claim it and stop making a profit. But then come the realization they don't have ownership because that someone else is actually the owner of the content theirs is based on, and they can remove so the original content can still make a profit.
  6. Now that GW is making official paid video I get why they want to make clear they only support what they make. I still have to see GW actually enforcing that by removing contents. They were more than tolerant recently with fan animations, they even gave some a seal of approval to geature those on their on subscription service. It is much more likely it will just be them clearly not wanting legal accounability on fan films they don't approve.
  7. For Indomitus, they projected the initial run to last until Christmast. Being immediatly sold out was them really thinking a box this expensive will only be an impulse buy for a very small portion of their customers. The Made to Order was really because they failed to make the product available as long as they projected. Dominion may be had an overly adjusted number of copy.
  8. ? Aren't the chorf from 2011 ? Or you mean the rules intead of starting a line? Or something completly different ? I am confused. Lot of things being told in parallel. i can't follow if it is not explicit
  9. They squatted the entire fantasy battle. We can go fractal and mention armies and specific units of what left and what stayed, what has been placeholder, but fundamentally aos isn't a different version of whfb. Aos isn't meant to support battle. The idea of decades of miniatures collection being playable is great. But at the same time no one promised you that blister of metal dwarves you bought in 92 will be supported for games 30 years later by the same corporate entity.
  10. Well it is better for the environment to get a book than all the ****** required to use a digital version.
  11. We don't have data to say it have sell poorly. We just know it hasn't ran out of stock a week before its release date. We don't know how much box has been made, how much as been sold so far and for how long the box is meant to stay on the shelves. Speculating why it has low sell is ridiculous at this point. It could as well be the first time simply didn't underestimate the demand for a box in years.
  12. Stormcast and kruleboys focus is a given. I want to see some Warcry, it had no major releases since Catacombs.
  13. I am probably going to pay for one month at some point. Probably not a year. The pricing is not as bad as I feared from GW. As a bundle the offer if regularly updated is probably good value. Kinda useless to speculate and whine about the app itself quality before it is released. Including Aos and 40k subscription should have been announced day one. Actually going to be the feature why people subscribe without immediately resigning. The free models are a nice touch. They are a good reason to get a subscription day one even so it is the time when there is going to the less content for your money. I don't care about assassins and Orruk, but maybe in a future year there is going to be a model that will make me want to subscribe yearly. No need to talk about the animation. I think the painting tutorials are a nice bonus honestly. Louise knows how to make a model pop. Games Workshop is already the standard for the painting tutorial format, they can make something much clearer than one guy with a fixed camera losing focus every 30 seconds. It was long due they make contents for not complete beginners. And there is not that much "advanced" tutorial without "and now take your airbrush". Never subscribed to Duncan Patreon, because I am not that interested in painting tutorials, but it is a nice part of a bundle. The vault is also fun. No need to go digging in dubious websites to find a scanned pdf from an outdated edition. The event part is kinda useless to me, I've never been to something bigger to a store anniversary to buy a model. Loremaster is meh. Their podcasts about why you should buy a faction are never good. But that's probably the cheap and easy ad content to produce so they just do it.
  14. I doubt any stormcast model will be "squatted". But new and less clunky Judicator and Liberators kits, sure. They don't need the rework space marines needed because the units were made when special weapons could be bought in blisters, so the new kit could have coherent weapons options accros the squad without wasting space on the sprues (like you need 3 box of a plastic devastator kit to have the same weapon on all but hellblasters and eradicators are simply all plasma and melta). What I wish is them making a stormhost with its own options. The obvious variety of what you can do is the fun part of space marines. I never really feel like Stormhosts can be "you guys" (the best they ever did was the Anvils of Heldenhammer WD piece).
  15. As usual for AoS, not a lot of options. For the archers, 10 poses, little options (a couple of extra heads), a few small accessories, the only real choice is building one as the squad leader or as a regular. Still 10 poses is relatively high and some paint tweak should gives the illusion of variety and hide most of the duplicate on a gaming table. For real variety you have to hack things, warcry has things that blend well with the hedonites but $$$ and time consuming.
  16. I have no grief for Kragnos being Destruction. But the new warscrolls of the "Chaotic Beasts" from Warcry not having the "Beasts of Chaos" keyword? how can they missed that? Why can't I have a fabulous Sphiranx? A Chaos Gargant is fine but not a Raptoryx or a Ogroid Myrmidon? I don't care if Slaves to Darkness can be an ally. I have been asking myself that for years now.
  17. The bundle is relatively cheap considering GW pricing for individual HQ characters and EtB (GW being overpriced in general is something else). Anyway if they do like for 9th ed of 40k with Elite/Veteran/Recruit sizes, I'd just get the smallest one with a rulebook and sell the extra minis. I will live not having the the Angel Stormcast.
  18. Yeah sure because merging Moonclan, Spiderfang and Troggoth into Gloomspite Gitz was a death sentence for them too.
  19. They just did, Lauka Vai and the Vengorian Lord 😉
  20. really? Being LoN 2.0 they are going to be one of the armies with the most warscrolls in the game.
  21. Blades of Khorne and Skaven also didn't got anything. And Hedonites, but you know, they had a full Battletome.
  22. feels very likely to me now. No "one more thing" teaser at the end of today's preview looks like they still have more AoS to show this week.
  23. They could have painted him green. On the other hand gargants and ogors aren't green either.
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